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Billy - Curtiss

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Everything posted by Billy - Curtiss

  1. I can't seem to post pics from my iPod Touch.
  2. My brother was nice enough to take my girlfriend and I out in his boat yesterday on Lake Ontario. I've never been a big fan of trolling and have always had a preconceived notion that down-rigging is incredibly boring. I couldn't have been more wrong! We fished from about 5:30 AM until 1:30 PM and the action never stopped. My girlfriend caught her first fish ever. A 25 lb chinook with an attitude problem! Watching her battle this fish for the 15 minutes that it took to land it was worth the trip alone! My first was 18 lbs and my biggest, the biggest of the day, was 27 lbs. I can honestly say that fighting a 25 lb chinook is simply insane! Never before have I experienced such fresh water ferocity and aggression. We boated 15 in total and lost more than I could count. I look forward to doing it again!
  3. Cliff, I haven't played Fish Wrangler in years. Joey, that trip WAS a hoot! GCD and his buddy from Louisianna were hilarious!
  4. Thanks Roy, it's nice to be back! Where's Glen?!
  5. It's been a good long while since I have perused these forums. I have rekindled my passion for fishing. Playing music has eaten up most of my time but I'm stoked for spring piking in the metropolis. And north when I can escape! Hope to see some old friends. Cheers folks!
  6. Roy, I've been pickin' the banjar with renewed enthusiasm. Seems to be a pattern!
  7. I probably haven't been on this website in over a year. Once again, I let a girl distract me from my passion for fishing. Will I ever learn?! It's time to dust off my gear and hook into some monster northerns. Grant? Fidel? Where are you guys? Save me!
  8. Ha ha ha!! Glen, you crack me up! I have caught more than a few walleye on top water at night. Always with some imitation frog lure but not always late fall. I've pulled them out of about 3 feet of reedy water in early / mid summer as well. The rule of thumb here is, there really isn't one rule of thumb. Growing up fishing Lake Nosbonsing, my step dad insisted that the only way to catch walleye at night was jigging live minnows off the point. He still doesn't believe me when I tell him about my top water walleye conquests! The old fart!
  9. I just found this in my OFC inbox.... Hello My name is Mercy i saw your profile today at ofncommunity and becameintrested in you,i will also like to know you the more, and i want you to send anemail to my email address so i can give you my picture for you to know whom i am.Here is my email address ([email protected]) I believe we can move from here! I am waiting for your mail to my email address above. Mercy (Remeber the distance or colour does not matter but love matters alotin life.([email protected]). Weird.
  10. I'm heading up tomorrow for 4 days of fun filled adventure! My friend's family has a camp on this lake but he doesn't really fish. I know the lake holds bass and apparently lake trout. I'm wondering if anyone knows if the lake holds any other species?
  11. Orion. Man, Metallica used to be so rad. Used to be. I don't dig anything after And Justice For All.
  12. When I go into my account and it shows the recent attachments thingamabob, is there any way to delete them?
  13. I felt rather boondoggled myself! Sounds like y'all had a blast anyhow. Good on ya!
  14. This is a good thing. GCD needs an alternative to that ratty looking skunk hat that he so often sports!
  15. From my experience, pike are really sluggish this time of year. They tend to hug the bottom so you need to get your bait right down to the bottom and work it slowly. The Husky Jerk is a fine choice and should yield results with patience and persistence.
  16. Inches for the team? Did you catch them there bad boys in Ontario waters?! Nice work Glen. Glad to hear you and Lester had a good time together.
  17. Yeah dude. Ever fish Hunter Lake up past Moose Mountain?!
  18. I spent a considerable amount of time in Callander in my teens when I lived in Astorville. I would have to say that Sudbury is my favorite northern town. I've got great friends there and the fishing just outside of the city can be amazing.
  19. I'm happy with the moves that the Leafs made. Sure, Antropov and Moore are among the highest point getters on the team, but that's only because they have been afforded first line ice time. Neither of these two dudes are anywhere close to being first line quality. Likely not even second line on a team with any depth. Two second round draft picks are decent. It's worth remembering that Zetterburg was a 7th round draft pick. We'll have to see how Gerber pans out. It would be hard to be any more inconsistent than Toskala, in spite of his incredible performance last night on a torn groin. The biggest surprise for me is seeing Calgary pick up Jokinen. They are already serious Cup contenders. This only adds considerable fire power to their arsenal.
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