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PUMP KNOWS last won the day on September 15 2020

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  1. Would you happen to know the brand of the braid? I remember seeing them last year but I passed. I just stick with power pro. They can be found on sale for 30% off and even 50%. I bought a huge lot of lures last weekend and these are the ones I’ve kept for my stash. The mepps spoon is pretty sweet. I have the Firetiger version and the action is pretty sweet. this was my first time seeing these treys. I’m gonna use them for storage and use my Plano boxes when I’m out fishing
  2. Just a heads up to you tackle junkies who are looking for cheap tackle treys to store your lures and tackle. Dollarama is selling these new tackle treys for $4. They’re similar to the Plano 3700 and the latches on these are very solid. I recently picked up a bunch of used lures and just had them organized.
  3. Sweet! What are you I’m using for the bottom bait? Have you noticed more interests on the blood worm fly? I recently just added the Raven worm in red to my arsenal. I thought of using that to a drop shot for skittish fish
  4. Peg one of your corners to the ice so it stays anchored. You’ll have a easier time popping out the walls. Hope that helps 👍
  5. I’m itchin to go ice fishin. Prepping my ice stuff now. Hoping for some whities, lakers and burbot 🤞
  6. Nice to see old posts like this again. All the best 👍
  7. Sweet tie 👍
  8. So sick....gonna pick some up. I just bought myself a vice but don’t have any materials and tools for it yet.
  9. Thank you!
  10. Does anyone know which brand made this lure and what was the name of the model? Original Storm? I bought this lure when I was a kid and I always wanted to get my hands on a few more. If anyone has this lure in this colour and would like to sell or trade lures, please send me a dm. I think I was about 10 yrs old when my dad took me to port credit and he was able to catch 3 salmon with this lure. It was the most action we ever had when I was kid. I was hoping to frame the original lure with a pic of our catches. I think it would be cool if I could catch a salmon with it as well.
  11. Looks deadly 👍 Are the wire wraps from dollarama? If so do you have a pic of the package?
  12. Here's a clip of the tube in use. Check at 1:04 mark
  13. Sorry Golf tube protectors. I think they’re made for a golf bag? They fit my ice rods perfect but some ice rods won’t fit. Just make sure the biggest guides on your ice rod is smaller then the diameter of the tube. I think I paid $2 a tube from Canadiantire a few years ago
  14. That looks like tangles waiting to happen. I started using golf club protectors over my ice rods to prevent lines from getting tangled with my other rods. I don’t have to worry about my hooks coming off the hook keeper and messing up my fishing.
  15. Beauty catches as always
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