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Everything posted by BassHunterOttawa

  1. As soon as Apple makes an iPhone that has a barometer in it (iPhone 6 is rumoured), I'll port it over.
  2. Ontario Out of Doors just reviewed this!! http://www.oodmag.com/guns-and-gear/fishing-barometer-app-tested-approved/ My 15 minutes have sort of arrived!
  3. Wee HOoo! Good day, i'd say. Glass and fish? NICE
  4. I hate weeds. I agree big time with spinnners. But I'd personally try a frog. If you know pike are there, having them hit top-water is worth the extra effort imo.
  5. Agreed. I was wading in 2 feet of water earlier this year - fishing lures like I do - and caught some old line. At the end of it, wedged between some rocks was a wacky rig. Until I came across this thread, I thought it was just from some nutter who hadn't a clue what he was doing. Turns out, I'm the one without a clue! What kind of results to the soft plastics get you? Are they really worth it? I'm a way bigger fan of lures/topwater if and when possible - otherwise I'll use live bait (ie worms).
  6. Shore fishing the Ottawa river and the Rideau in the Ottawa area - woot woot!
  7. What kind of phone is it? And how did you break it? A screenshot is just an image file, and if it's an Android or Blackberry, I know how you could recover the data (if the hd isn't pooched)
  8. Personally, I am a sport-fisherman and I really only fish for the fight, and then release afterwards. I know people who keep sunfish and rockbass, largemouth, anything they catch - I don't condemn them, but it's not my style. But I'll keep a walleye now and again, tasty as they are. As such, I have a big-time problem with commercial fishing on what should be lakes, rivers and streams that belong to anglers. Angling is becoming extremely popular, and on the Ottawa river on a nice day, no matter where you go on the shore, you'll see a line of people with rods out and buckets at their feet. I've watched as no one caught anything for an hour, and as soon as ONE tiny fish gets caught, they cheer the sunfish and drop it in the bucket. I know it's not outside regulations, but people come on, the fish I want to fight need to eat those pathetic little fish to get bigger. Even worse, slot limits should be about protecting fish populations, not making sure the fish is large enough to get caught in commercial nets. Someone posted this link, it's a petition against commercial fishing in Lake Nippissing. This seems like a good place for it: http://www.change.org/en-CA/petitions/city-of-north-bay-ban-nipissing-commercial-fishing-and-net-fishing?recruiter=129968610&utm_campaign=signature_receipt&utm_medium=email&utm_source=share_petition
  9. Ontario Out of Doors just reviewed this! http://www.oodmag.com/guns-and-gear/fishing-barometer-app-tested-approved/ If your Android phone has a barometric pressure sensor, you can use my Fishing Barometer application to measure your local pressure trend, and receive a notification during the best conditions! Features: Customizable notifications - Set the time you want to receive them, or turn them on and off. Quality of fishing conditions and current trend at-a-glance Define the trends your own way - set them to your own fishing conditions. Check it out: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.garret.fishingbarometer
  10. I was going to recommend the same thing: MEC has a great selection of quality dry bags. http://www.mec.ca/shop/watersports-dry-bags/50004+50619/
  11. Wooo! I'll be looking forward to trying it on my next trip to BC!
  12. Conservation is key to the future of angling in Ontario. Thanks for posting. I've shared it too
  13. There is a pile of good shore fishing in Ottawa. The rideau can suck unless you're around the locks south of Hunt Club - between there and Manotick has good fishing from the shore. Hogs back has water that is too deep or too fast, and there's no access to it via shore north to the Ottawa river. The Ottawa River is good - you can access it basically everywhere on the Ontario side - but from Parliament to Island park is a conservation/redevelopment area where fishing is not allowed. At Island Park is a bridge over Bate island, which has some good fishing if you can grab a spot, and the kyakers/canoers/rogue bird-feeders aren't around. West of Island Park, you can access the whole shore past Westboro Beach all the way to Andrew Hayden park. I believe there's a mariner on the way there too. East of Parliament, there are some islands too.. the name escapes me at the moment, I don't fish there, but they are Pelee island or something similar. To the south, there is the Jock River in the Barrhaven area that runs from the Rideau River in the East, to Richmond in the West and has access points at Woodroffe, Jockvale (skip this one), Greenbank (Half-moon bay), Cedarview (better for a canoe), a few back roads, and Eagleson. All types of fish - bass, pickeral, pike, musky (I've fished this river/creek a lot). I've never fished the canal, but there seem to always be people doing just that, from Dow's lake to parliament. Good luck! I hope it helps.
  14. You can have sms messages read to you, and write them by your voice... no excuse for texting and driving. It's a problem all over Ottawa too. Great youtube video, I shared it with my fb. Great way to show the concept
  15. That's pretty cool. Old-world style craftsmanship is night and day against mass-produced generics.
  16. I'd say that makes a difference, for sure. Doesn't matter as much since you don't know the guy, and you're just doing him a favour taking him and his kid out in the boat - to possibly be stolen from? That's pretty bold, too, to bring it along with him. There's a saying that if a friend borrows $50 from you, and you never see him again then it was probably worth it.
  17. Beautiful! That's the best way to having morning coffee for sure. Some nice fish like that makes excellent fishing - glad to see anglers catching fish!
  18. THat was absolutely brilliant. Best laugh i've had in a while, and one of the most logical fisihing guidelines. Looks like someone beat me to it. Good luck and let us know how it pans out!
  19. THAT was cool. Thanks for that.
  20. Brutal to hear... If lifelong friend, who is just short cash, you should decide if the friendship is worth more or less than $180... if he actually took it - companies always make more than one - did he know you were missing it? that's the other thing to ask. I'm a straight-up type of person so I would have flat out said "That's the rod and reel that went missing and I've been searching for" and the cards would be on the table at that point.
  21. Lol, great plan - Moon phase can be planned ahead, I'll look into that later today. BP has to be taken real-time because you can't predict that in advance for a weekend. Same with wind.
  22. I've been told the old adage that wind from the West, catches the Best, wind from the East catches the Least. More proof that fishing is always worth it Maybe the wind, barometer and moon phases all have an effect and sometimes one can overrule the others? It's interesting stuff
  23. No, the app doesn't run constantly. It runs a service in the background that runs for about a tenth of a second to read/record the pressure, and notify you if needed.
  24. I can't say I've ever heard anyone call a steady barometric pressure good fishing conditions - usually you want it to be moving, slowly or quickly, down or preferably up. Might depend on the fish you're after, but that's what I find with bass. You can follow along with the weather reports, they usually tell you what the general trend in the region is, from the local airport or whatnot. Also, they usually "standardize" pressure readings to sea-level so that we can get an idea of overall trends, making up for differences in altitude. That's why they always report ~101 kPa, give or take a few, even when raw data might be 80. I have to maybe watch the moon schedule more closely if the monster fish are being caught along it, that would be an interesting study. Honestly, part of the reason I made this was to get a notifcation whenever the conditions are prime - then I can tell me girlfriend "See? I MUST go fishing now!" ... it hasn't worked on my boss yet
  25. I'm a believer in the barometric pressure trends theory of fishing - at least for smallies. I'm a programmer by day, and made an app to measure the trends that I've been using all summer. I decided to share it, so it's on GooglePlay (Apple devices don't have barometers) for anyone interested. Needs an Android phone that has a Barometric Pressure Sensor in it. I have tried fishing by moon phases, wind speed and water temp, and barometric pressure for me seems to work pretty good. But I mostly fish smallmouth between Ottawa and Peterborough. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.garret.fishingbarometer
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