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Everything posted by chickenhawk

  1. i know man....class sucks....but hey i live in waterloo....so if you get your gear down there and pitch for gas we'll go hit some tribs....lemme know.... Hawk
  2. love the slime of a big jackfish.....reminds me of how fun they are.....and how much they stink all the same.......lol
  3. lol love the fresh slime dripping off that big jack!
  4. Don't do it Kemper....that's what got me in trouble last year....too much steel! lol
  5. lol w/e when i get my pics the report is gonna be HEY GCD LOOK AT ALL THESE LIES!
  6. lol wow! just put on a show! great day on the river.... Hawk
  7. i don't know what your problem is....sorry i cannot afford a camera and didn't put my cell phone in my waders when i changed in the dark....i got lots of pictures of me guiding this summer....they are on someone else's camera which is a film camera and until the rest of that film is used the pics are not available......doesen't mean im lying GCD come on man....give a guy a chance....im not as well off as you might be....i have to make due with what i got....ill try harder to take a picture next time and risk killing a fish if it means i have to run to the car....meh no problem fish can just sit there on the bank gasping for air.....hmmmm Hawk
  8. yeah it was about the size of the one your holding there....cool stuff! Hawk
  9. lol got mine in bowmanville in the slow water jus past the s bends....
  10. Went out east yesterday and had about 5-10 minutes of action all day....didn't hook any boots all day but I did catch a laker....first one ever on Lake O tribs....anyways thought that was pretty cool...and my buddy got 2 browns all fish within minutes of each other. Anyone ever catch a laker in the Lake O tribs? does it happen much or is this very rare? anyways let me know it would be really interesting to find out.....unfortunately no pics as my cell phone was in the car and i did not want to risk killing a fish to run to the car just so i could take a picture of it....anyways just letting you guys know.... Hawk
  11. i made a report like yours the other day and all i got was nothing like the fishing is there right now! NOTHING.....any day now though they are gonna start moving around....
  12. sweet! good to hear! congrats on finishing ur rod! Hawk
  13. nice way to end the year with a big jackfish!
  14. man these posts are just getting me so anxious! any day now those huron tribs are gonna start fillin up! Hawk
  15. Shimano all the way dude!
  16. couple nice lookin skis!
  17. Thanks guys! It's gotta pick up REAL soon....don't care about the salmon but the bows should already be moving up into the rivers from what I remember we used to be nailing bows towards the end of september. Anyways thanx for helping me out guys. Hawk
  18. good to hear there are some big muskies kickin around....one day maybe it will be common to fish for em in LPB.....miss the bay...thanx for the report! Hawk
  19. Just found out my buddy lives about 5 minutes from a quiet stretch on the Bayfield.....just wondering if anyones been and if the steel have started moving in these rivers....lemme know thanx Hawk
  20. nice catch!
  21. Just truely amazing! one day i will get to experience what you did! but for now can only dream and read your reports! thanks very much for this report! Hawk
  22. Great report! I am addicted to fishing up there now.....our air base is in Minaki....may have heard of River Air....thanks for posting makes me wish i was still working...brings back memories! Hawk
  23. had an incident like your girlfriends where some wild dogs were trying to attack my dog....needless to say those dogs aren't wild anymore...
  24. lol i thought that is what TIPS is for is so that they can charge the people who pull stunts like that.....rather than "look into it"....geez
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