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Everything posted by marine5068

  1. Me too...had them stop and ask me some fishing questions on Scugog, Pigeon, Sturgeon and out here on Moira Lake. They should adopt how the US gets a lot of their info directly from anglers with a tag and gps tracking systems that you can buy at Walmart in the US. You tag your fish and take down info then enter it in the included software program later and then send it in to Fish and Wildlife.. That would be the way to do it nowadays and it would be cool to see where you fish travels in the lake and our Ministry of Nat.Res would get a heap of info about fish, water, habitat, etc.
  2. Ya...I do like Joe Bucher too
  3. I think Lew said it best I did like In-Fisherman and always liked Bill Dance for entertainment. MuskyHunter is pretty good I'd rather be out on the water than watching someone else fish.
  4. I know I'm a few years late replying to this toipic....lol When recharging batteries, different batteries qnd chargers are not all created equal. Best site to understand these nuances is to go to the Optima battery site. There they tell how to properly charge AGM batteries and better yet, how to maintain them for a long, damage-free lifespan. Also some tricks for bringing batteries back to life.
  5. I'd probably hard-boil mine and take them in some brine or pickle juice.
  6. It's been raining here almost all day and had rain yesterday too. Had regular rain here most of all May actually. I always check on my local fire department's website and also on my community website for current fire related information before burning or setting off fireworks.
  7. Lew's right. They are great baits to get unwilling chasing Muskies or some of the larger Muskies to bite. We Muskie hunters always have plenty of different glide baits in our boxes. Try different retrieves starting with fast and then move down to slower. Good luck.
  8. Nice one. We have HUGE Gars here in the rivers near me and on Moira Lake. I saw one swirl at my Muskie bait once that was at least 50" long. I only saw the back section and thought that it was a giant Northern Pike at first. I know all the spots where they breed nearby and you can see a hundred of them a day staking out their own open spots in weeds there. Pretty neat looking fish. Look a bit like dinosaurs to me.
  9. Nice catch guys. Spinner baits are one of the best. For 30 yrs. I've always had lots in the tackle box. I'm taking a Pike day on Friday this week. Tight Lines!
  10. I think it's about time that the US start staying out of our business. It seems I'm saying this more and more these days. They have totally messed up their country and have all the people in a hypnotic, fear-mongering state down there. Leave us alone and stay out of our politics. Some VERY disturbing things about their politics(corruption), messed up medical system and REALLY messed up finances there. We're smart Canucks to have no part in what they say or try to tell us what's good for us. That's my two cents.
  11. Yes, with any three-year fishing license, the tag is on the back and printed right into the card.
  12. Try the humane(live) traps. They work amazing, are reusable and the little guys can keep their lives. After all they are just looking for warmth and food like most animals. No need to kill everything we humans touch is there? I put a small piece of stale bread or cracker in them with some peanut butter or soft cheese smeared into it. Set the live trap with the opening pushed up against the wall and in line with it. Mice like to follow along walls and will be enticed by the dark hole of the trap and smell of something good inside. Check it twice a day or more. After a successful capture and release, wash everything with mild dish soap and a few drops of bleach and wash your hands a couple times after handling them, the traps and bait and after cleaning their droppings. Of course you need to find where they are getting in and block it. Ours got in the dryer vent screen(chewed through the plastic grate) and then through the plastic discharge tube. I replaced the plastic dryer vent hood with a metal one that closed properly and also replaced the flimsy plastic tube with a thick aluminum one. No more mice.
  13. No bans here. Lifted at the beginning of April.
  14. Great Muskie spots all over the area up there. My third biggest fish(Muskie) came from the mouth of Nogies Creek. Wonder how this will affect the conservation fishing of those Muskie in the future. Probably be less quality fish. Less bait(food) = less trophy fish (apex predators)
  15. That's a great set-up for sure Lew. Pricey, but what can you say, it's a Calcutta and a St.Croix. I also use mainly Shimano Compres and love them. From what I understand and from my famous Muskie buddy's (Stacy @ Pro Tackle) demo of those split-handle rods for figure-eightin', is that they make them like that with that big ball knob on the end so you can point it into the water with one hand forward grip and put the palm of your back hand on the end to make it easier to roll the tip around for less fatigue when performing those big circles and figure eights. I've never done it that way myself, but Jimmy Saric makes it look easy.
  16. Nice fish and a GREAT lake to fish on. Although I am a bit biased seeing as I live a stone-throw from Moira and have fished it for Musky, Bass and Pike for years now. Stacey is a good fellow for sure. He's always got that smiley face on and has lots of experience fishing Musky on many of our local waters here. I see him on the water and at the ramps a lot and who can miss that big boat with "PRO_TACKLE" on it. His shop seems to be doing well too. Good luck out there on the water. ~Stan (Madoc)
  17. I live ten minutes from Stoco and 30 seconds from Moira and fish them about three to four times weekly. Fish Muskie only so I know the spots, etc. If you need advice on Stoco, Moira or nearby. pm or e-mail me. ~Stan (Madoc) <'/////////><
  18. I've been camping, hiking and fishing Algonquin park for over 30 years now. I seen some changes and some improvements mainly to the drive-in camping areas and the roads. Not much else in the way of advertising it though. Like previously stated, the Parks Canada group all Provincial Parks together thus eliminating competition with each other. If you are set on Algonquin then perhaps you could go a different route with the thesis. I have noticed that the wildlife and fauna of Algonquin is unique. Red wolves in fact are not found in more than two other places in North America. No other place on this planet is like Algonquin Park. It's one of Canada's first Provincial Parks and has a long and interesting history or native peoples and newer human companions. The sad part of us humans being delegated to "protect" it is that we just don't do a good job. We still have fishing and logging limits that are WAY too high inside and around the park. In my personal opinion, we need to make the park a "NEW" marketing plan. Only catch & Release fishing, No logging and "Tread Lightly" trails with guides and educators teaching visitors to respect the life inside the park and adapt to it instead of bending it towards our own ways. This would mean that our Gov't will need to be serious about conservation for once and for all. We need to teach our children that this is the only way to go in the future. After all, in a fishing scenario for instance, If one fish is caught and killed, then it's gone and the next visitor cannot catch it again. But if that fish is released to fight another day, then many can enjoy the thrill of catching the same fish. That's why it's called "fishing" and not "keeping or killing". This must be a learning experience and the respect that goes along with it will be taken seriously by all. If you need any more input or information on Algonquin Park please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]. I have many interesting stories and tips and know a lot of past history and peoples and can point you in the right direction for finding info. about the Park., etc. as well. Good luck with the project. Stan Banfield ~Architectural Engineering ~Mechanical Engineering ~Certified Welder Madoc, Ontario [email protected]
  19. I watched the Canadian Cops show once last year on TV and the OPP were catching everyone in canoes that came around a bend on The Grand River near London Ontario. They took ALL the alcohol, including the unopened ones and dumped it on the ground. One woman started to argue with a cop and say that they were unopened and why would they be pricks like that. That's when the female officer told her that she could also strip search her if she thought she was under the influence of other substances. It was fun to see actually. The guys were WAY more level headed then the mouthy girls. You girls need to smarten up when you're out drunk in public. Too mouthy sometimes. They all got warnings on public drunkenness but also large fines for open liquor in public. That's the law.
  20. Three good points made about this topic. Like "IRISH" said, a rogue(correct spelling) wave can kill you if it sinks you. A hull breach can also do that if you have inadequate flotation. Plus the resale value will be compromised if you go to sell and the buyer is educated on this fact. Hope the new flotation let's you sleep at night now. ~Marine
  21. What BURTLESS said. Polypropylene underwear are by far the best. Don't have to spend $100 for a set either. Buy a two piece set and you'll be glad you did. This way you can wear just the top or just the bottoms if you need them only. Makes them more versatile that way. Look for Misty Mountain ones or another similar good make. Mine were about $30 for the bottoms and $25 for the top. The best for cold weather under-gear by far.
  22. Better late than never... Answer to original question... No hydrographic Government maps exist of Crowe lake. Only lakes along the Navigable waters of the Trent system; the Welland system;the Rideau system and Great lakes systems are Federally charted. You'll have to use other maps such as stated above. "Backroads" or "Adventurefishingmaps" are the only two available here for lakes off of the stated systems. If anyone needs to know more about about HYDROGRAPHIC maps please feel free to ask me... I'm an expert on them and know all info on how to read them; where one can find them; whats lakes are available and where to purchase them. Good luck to all in your fishing adventures and remember to catch and release. Stan Banfield rolleyes.gif Madoc, Ontario <'///////><
  23. All maps of underwater structure are called Hydrographic and all above water-line maps are called Topographic. I also believe that only the Trent System and the Welland System are Federally charted(as well as the Great Lakes of course). But I've asked the Federal map publisher about this and expect a return e-mail shortly. Other than that, you can find useful hydrographic maps at Adventure Fishing Maps. They are not as accurate as the real Mcoys, but most are good enough to head you out onto the lake in the right direction. Here's a link to their map ordering page... http://www.adventurefishingmaps.on.ca/hca1.htm Good luck to all in your fishing adventures and remember to catch and release. Stan Banfield Madoc, Ontario <'///////><
  24. I live near you, kinda. Live in Madoc but work in and all around Belleville, Trenton, Nappanee, Kingston and sometimes Picton. But I hate to say it, I don't do much ice fishing anymore. Mainly just catch and release Musky now. Some bass fishing and trout streams. I would do like some guys mentioned and hit or call the local guides or baitshops in the area. They ALWAYS know whats what with ice, spots, and progress of other fishermen. Good Luck and be safe out there... PS: If you like it out on the ice, I do have some nice ice fishing tackle and tools for sale. I have a couple of Normark manual ice augers(8" & 10" diameter) for sale right now. They are premium models and in great shape too. Tell me if you're interested. ~Stan [email protected]
  25. I would just glue a new tip-top guide on that you can buy at Wally Mart....ha,ha... back there again. The hard part will be cutting off the existing tip-top guide, ouch! At least you didn't pick up the rod from the tip as my buddy did last year with his rod in northern Algonquin Park. Sad to say he only brought one rod with him too, and I HATE lending my expensive rods...LOL.
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