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About Cando

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  • Location
    Canal Lake
  • Interests
    Fishing, hockey and most other sports and photography

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  1. I read Red Fisher's book and it was quite entertaining. My uncle worked for Mercury motors and he would have to keep getting new motors for him because he would damage them on sholes. They eventually had to tell Red that he needs to stop damaging the motors or they would have to pull their sponsorship or something like that.
  2. My dad died of an abdominal aneurysm in 2020. He didn't have any warning. I just remember all the good times we had together to help me get through the loss.
  3. If you are into Muskie fishing, fish around Ant Island and the north shoreline in South Bay. There is also good bass fishing on the west side of Grand Island. My dad caught a 45 inch Muskie where south bay starts but that was over 30 years ago.
  4. I think they should be given a bill. Other emergencies are billed to the person. I was hit by a drunk driver that left me paralyzed from the waste down. I had to pay a bill to be air lifted even though I did nothing wrong.
  5. What a sicko. Glad that you did what you did not only for your property and cam, but for this guy pray on young defensive kids. You're were right when you said you had to limit what you say here. We don't need guys like this having the case thrown out and his guy walking the streets.
  6. I'm glad all ended well and you are safe!!!
  7. This is the same thing that happens with cell phone. That was the 1st time I herd of them telling people not to leave them on the charger when they are full charge. I was lucky that my Galaxy 8 never caught fire. I left it plugged in whenever it was not in use, which was most of the time. The only thing that happened was the battery expanded to the point that I had to use tape to hold it together.
  8. This happened in the Great Ontario Salmon Derby quite a few years ago. Sadly the people had the case thrown out of court. It was when the Toronto Sun use to run the derby.
  9. Nice fish!!! In case you don't know it, you sound like a poet. Thanks for the humorous post, it made me choke on my toast. ©¿©
  10. Not a good response from a so called businessman. I hope no one books with him when he does decide to open. I would have said well then I won't be spending money here.
  11. The lockdown may have changed the ice fishing season when it comes to the hut rental businesses. I found this: https://floydhalesfishhuts.com/
  12. Hmmm I guess the link I clicked on above sent me to the dark depth of the net or I just kept reading far past your fall muskie report lol I'd like to forget them too. They mangled my good wire made worm harnesses lol.
  13. Nice story and amazing fish. The story about the eels brought back memories of catching them in The Bay of Quinte. Though suckers put up a good fight but hard to unhook while trying to prevent them from wrapping around your arm lol
  14. Cando


    Wow nice catch. This is the 1st year I never caught a fish since I can remember, but, I only got out 2 days for a total of 4 hours. Hopefully 2021 will be more productive. I don't plan on missing opening walleye season again this year.
  15. Nice work Brian My late father use to tie flies. He had a vase full of peacock feathers that he used on some of his work.
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