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cranks bait

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Everything posted by cranks bait

  1. Thanks. If it is outdoors, I have a 12 x 12 shelter I can bring that is easy to put up. Just let me know.
  2. Being the new kid on the block here, and probably the last one to show up. Where is the M&G? I'm guessing somewhere at Merland's?
  3. Try the Army Surplus stores as well. It's amazing the stuff they'll have that no one else will.
  4. Way to go. Congrats on his first deer. Really like the cabin.
  5. Thanks for sharing. Those are some nice fish. Not sure which is bigger though, the smallies or the smilies!!! Great to hear you got to intoduce a couple of new people to fishing.
  6. I just got back from 4 days of hunting up in Bancroft. The temps there were around minus 8 overnight. My boat was left in the water. No problem, it was frosty, but worked great. Even got double duty as an ice breaker on the lake in the mornings. You should be all right for Picton.
  7. Way to go on the new boat. I have blown the lights on my trailer a couple of times. for me it has always been a blown bulb.
  8. Note to self. Never put hands, feet, or other body parts near water again. Always use a net!!! Those were some pretty cool vids. Thanks for sharing.
  9. I hope they get hats soon. I truely believe this is why my Father-in-law hunts, for the hat. As that's all he talks about. We're going this weekend. It'll be my first time. I just hope it's not my hide he's gonna trade for the hat...
  10. Welcome!!! Can't wait to see some pics. So I'll help you as best I can, I do not do well with computers either. In your profile page. Select avitar settings. hit the brouse button and it will pick a pic right from your computer, no hosting needed. Once you pic what you want hit upload, that's it. Same with the pictures. Except that is right below where you post. Just make sure you follow the rules and resize your photos to the required specs.
  11. I'll be there hopefully around 5 on Saturday PM. I'll be stopping at the outfitters on the way, so if anyone needs anything, just let me know. As for a "classy" place to hang, you could always try the Royal. If it hasn't burnt down yet?
  12. Not anymore. Up until a couple of years ago, even a peanut butter and jam sandwich would have been worth more than my vehicle. Even my wifes bike is worth more than my boat.
  13. That thing is HUGE!!!! I thought you were walleye fishing, not whale fishing. Nice to see more and more fish appearing every time I read a BOQ report. Can't wait to me everyone on the 17th.
  14. Haven't figured out the quote part of this yet, but to answer your question Jigger. I had my boat in about 2 feet of water on the edge of a shoal that goes down 20 ft. I caught the pike in about 2-3 feet of water right up on shore. The bass I caught after letting it drop about 10 feet into the hole. These are average sized fish for me here. I've just never caught a pike with naked line before.
  15. Way to go, that is huge. So you gonna let us know what the magic to a fish like that is?
  16. I knew it would get people looking. I did it in jest. I was going after bass, as you can see the lure and cinko in the pic. I almost had a heart attack when I first saw it coming out of the water. I was fishing bass, what the heck is a pike doing on my line???
  17. Yesterday morning I got up nice and early to be able to take advantage of fishing with sunlight, As I only get Sundays to get out. Most of my fishing is after work in the dark. I have been skunked all week. Except for the one rock bass I caught. Sunday morning proved no different. A gorgeous morning, no wind, flat water. I was the only boat out there. Oh well, I got to enjoy the day. After being out for four hours and not even catching some salad, I decide to go to a spot that I frequented in the spring. I throw my line in the water, sit a bit. I feel a tap, I set the hook nothing. Stand perfectly still, leave the lure to sit, maybe it'll come back. BAMM!!! My rod is buckled over, drag is screaming. CRAP, CRAP, CRAP I caught bottom in a strong current. I start to reel in and then the line sarts going out at an amazing speed. I've got a smallie hooked. Drag must be too loose cause I'm getting spooled. Adjust the drag and reel in. After a bit I see " the monster" Oh crap I'm going to loose it. Get it to the boat, and it takes off again. Does this three or four times. My heart is pumping. I very carefully get it into the boat. With a sigh of releif and a hoollyy crraaapp!!! I get this fish in the boat and can't believe it didn't get off. A 32 inch 10 LBS pike, on a j hook with a cinko. I'm going for bass. No hardware on the line, what a rush. I then through a line in again and produce the fish I am after. A 3.8 lbs smallie. Only caught two fish all day, but they were nice to catch. What a way to enjoy a day off!!!
  18. Yes it is a cruel world. For me I find Saturdays get added to that list as well. Unfortunately I cannot call in sick. I do however get to stare out the window of our store and druel over the sunny light rippled water at one of my fishing spots all freakin' day long. Only to have the weather go to crap as soon as I get out.
  19. Nice pics Joey. Getting skunked at the cottage isn't all that bad. You were still at the cottage. I see the faces, they're kissing. It snowed here yesterday too, so your not alone.
  20. Mine got named by the relatives. It's called "Cranks Bait". You'll see the resemblance when you read my sig line. Getting decals for it next year, that is if I don't sell it first.
  21. Wow, am I glad I stayed here. Nice to see some fish in the boat, but the waves???? I was thinking about heading down, but they were forcasting 20 km winds so I stayed home to fish. Glad I did. We had high wind here, but almost flat water.
  22. My first and only boat so far. 1983 Lowe Bass boat for me. Purchased it in the spring of this year.
  23. I haven't fished your area so I cannot say for sure. I have experienced this joke of an experience. Fish jumping all over and not one bite. I was able to see that it was carp doing all the dancing. I have also experienced it with I think catfish. I wasn't close enough to tell for sure, but I was throwing a frog on the swamp and something hit it. I thought it was a frog at first because it stayed above the water, I then realized it was a fish with it's head out of the water.
  24. Wasn't really planning on going down on Saturday, as I have no place to crash. I am guessing this is when the G2G is? I saw some posts for it, but no info as to when or where. if someone had a piece of floor I could be convinced though. For sure you can have a spot on the boat. I don't have any downriggers or rod holders (except for the rear seat pedastal that I occasionnally use) so it would be old scewl holding the rod.
  25. Congratulations!!!
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