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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Spoke to Kevin a few moments ago, as I needed to change plans.. I plan on coming up Thursday Evening now and have asked for the site where the old Shed is.. (you know.. the one the dock hand used to sleep in lol by the outhouses) Anyways he informed me the fire ban is off... so it looks like we can see TJ firewalk after all! Ohhh and just so you know.. My girlfriend has informed me she is going to kick all our butts! She is claiming the trophy as her own.. ahhhh beginner ambition.. G
  2. I thought that me not having to shell our 50.00 was even better
  3. hand dig your hole being sure that you are below the frost line. Sorry but my last post assumed you were using horizontal vinyl siding.. anyways hand dig you're hole, place an inch or two of 3/4" clear stone at the bottom of the hole, insert your post. mark where the gas line is on the post and knotch it out, using a hand saw (or skill saw with depth set) and a good sharp chisel. place post back in place and use post set mix. Be sure the post is good and plumb. brace and let set. ask you're builder if he has any PT scraps of fence board... the reason for this is in case the post of off the house at the top of the post even if it is plumb. you will use this scrap as blocking between the house and post. drill and over sized hole (as you do not have 7" screws) and counter sink 3-1/2" screws into your post and blocking into your walls. Here is an example on my own house. I have decorative block foundation, and a gas line.. this kept everything plumb and sturdy. mind you this is not a gate.. not that it would matter if you did the same using you're 6x6... just be sure to countersink. G
  4. We can do that, cause I got two!
  5. add in the second tier rack.. the place setter (for indirect cooking) etc etc etc they certainly are an investment!
  6. The problem is with our current monetary system, production of currency is in itself an instrument of debt. As every dollar in circulation is owed to someone by someone. Add on interest and there will never be enough money in the system, to pay the principle and the accrued interest and without debt there would be no money. The moment Money is created at the request of the federal government, it is supplied to the government with interest attached.. as you can see our current monetary system is screwed. This is why the federal reserve in the USA has been scrapped so many times! (PS.. the federal reserve is about as federal as FedEx) they are a for profit bank.
  7. Here is last nights feast. Apple Wood Smoked. Chicken Breasts, stuffed with Gouda and Jalapenos Fennel Sausages from a local butcher Left overs tonight!
  8. Anyone know if Breakfast is still 5 bux? I know the camping price went up this year.. and I am trying to figure out how much cash I need on hand. Thanks! G
  9. While Harris pissed off alot of special interest groups, I am of the personal belief he made the hard decisions that needed to be made, That being said you have to respect a man willing to stand up for his convictions. At least Mike Harris had the balls to do something.
  10. Yup... a pittance to quell the sheep...
  11. and it would be impossible to miss!! even drunk! he makes a pretty big target! G
  12. Ray, http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=44441
  13. Looks like I will be selling it... Thank you. G
  14. I have a pellet gun pistol.. I have not used in awhile, since I have moved back into the city from the country I am wondering about the ramifications of shooting targets in my backyard.. Is there any law stating I can't? I am in Hamilton. Thanks! G.
  15. Mark out where the 2x4 is going (make sure for Plumb) on the siding. Cut the siding away on the marks, pick up some "J" channel (some call it wall mold) in the same colour as you're siding and "Cap" the cut-ends screw in your 2x4 and you are done. I would use 3" #12 screws to get a real good bite into the plywood as you probably have no blocking and PL. G
  16. I found this amusing and scary at the same time<br> <br> <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0a_FA_J6Sw&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0a_FA_J6Sw&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0a_FA_J6Sw&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
  17. Hooked, I saw that unit @ Chadwick and Hacks, it looked Nice! I just had issue with it using pellets.. Say I pick up some Cherry, Pecan, Apple or other great smoking wood.. I would not be able to use it because it uses pellets. I am using apple and cherry chunks right now.. it produces a great smoke.. and I agree... Burt can we be friends? especially around supper time? I am going to have to start taking more pictures of my food! G
  18. Burt you are evil! I love the BBQ pron as well! I spend alot of time here as well as OFC.. www.bbq-brethren.com <--- massive BBQ site G
  19. I have been in love with the BGE for awhile now! However.. the 1600.00 price tag nixed it. As the accessories kill yah! I also liked the GrillDome and the new Bubba Keg. The unit I have posted will strictly be used for smoking... As for the "cord" I am pretty sure it is the gasket. G
  20. BB, yes I would use this as a stand alone smoker, and not for everyday chow. and I have a very similar off-set BBQ like the one you showed... its just too small!!
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