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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Burtess, thank you for the recipe and method it smells and tastes delicious! this is the first time cooking with pickles for me... I am using Bicks extra garlic, Brian, I hit up my local Walmart, and grabbed two top sirloin for 12.75, they were 50% off... I had no intentions of freezing them, so they fit the bill perfectly! I still need to make Jigs dinner.... perhaps you can share it with us?
  2. thank you for the inspiration! I am making this as we speak! I could not find eye of round however.... so I am using top sirloin roast G
  3. A rap song.... really? is this what makes a winner? He certainly no Eminem... I have to admit though... I would not care if the girl that took second, ate crackers in bed... G.
  4. I spent ALOT of time in Port Hope... infact a 5 minute walk from the area that caused all of this mess... albeit the walk was all down hill and it was steep!... my grandparents lived there for 30+ years! and have since moved further east to Brighton... my Oma could no longer handle the stairs... Port Hope is a nice quaint town with decent people living there... I remember walking past a factory that produced foam? for automotive purposes... and thinking to myself, what is with all the rubbish! Garbage all over their property, mostly foam discarded as a by-product.. We would see it on the beach, and my Oma and I made a game out of it to see who collect more... and then see who could throw it over their fence the farthest... as tough as my Oma is... I beat her all the time I liked Port hope, We would have Rusks, Horse meat (not gross folks) and Gouda slices for Lunch with tea... watching the Train go by from their elevated deck... Being so close for so many years... not one ill effect. The plant in question was literally at the bottom of the street from them... anyways I remember good times growing up, and spending partial summers there.. This in my opinion is something for the media to write about
  5. Read about it here! http://www.aolnews.com/weird-news/article/archaeologist-beer-sowed-the-seeds-of-civilization/19709587?test=latestnews Be sure to read the live science link in the article. Good stuff. G
  6. They have the best return policies of any retailer around. just keep the receipt.
  7. chemical sponge. They are made especially for this. hit up google to learn more I strongly suggest that you so NOT use any liquids or chemicals as you will be smearing the soot further... Here is an example of a chemical sponge... http://www.spongeco.com/shop/home.php I have been involved in deal with insurance repairs / restoration / rebuild for sometime now, the last thing you want to do is add liquid to soot, as it will drive it deeper into the pores of the brick. G
  8. Mark is a great guy, I had the pleasure of fishing with him and Karl, both good dudes. G
  9. we do not forgive, we do not forget, we are anonymous. remember, remember, the fifth of November. Happy 11/5 to you as well. G
  10. I stand corrected... I have Nipissing on the brain.
  11. if they are IN the slot.. Then you cannot keep them!
  12. After talking to my higher power... (Joe) I think we can accommodate you're "friends" so long as you play nice... (boondock Saints theme...) LOL
  13. Just found out tonight... We are allowed a night fire at PerfectVu, a group fire.. which is exactly what is needed.. G
  14. Welcome to our new Sponsor!! thank you for spending you're hard earned advertising dollars with OFC! It helps keep the site operating, and pays for the bills.. Yes website hosting costs real dollars...unlike what many here think... Nothing in life is a free ride... Let support and embrace our sponsors.. as they are the ones that allow you the end user, to have a FREE experience here on OFC. And well I am sure you would not like the alternative.... not that it would happen.....??? ;( If you like what our sponsors are selling buy if not... well just shush... they are after all paying for you're free ride... my 0.02cents worth, G
  15. I am sort of confused too! lol! I think that Geoff means to say is that we have upgraded to a 6 person cabin and there is a 4 person available @ perfectvu now that we have upgraded? Not really quite sure.... But if they have a cabin, and you have a boat. I am sure you can get all pie eyed too! Bwahahahahahahhahahahahahaa! G. Randy hopefully you can find a partner! G
  16. Perhaps the no night fire clause at Perfectvu is not so bad now..... once again Merlands has shown their stripes.... I cannot wait to hear about the docking/mouse turd fiasco! LOL, it will bring back memories! Ones I wish to forget however... G
  17. Sad to hear you could make it Lew! it has been awhile... Seems a bunch were willing to give them a second chance.... perhaps it is only the odd person that gets the gears???.. some did not believe us about our experiance.. perhaps more do now. Wish I could have shaken you're hand again... and whatever the issue is.. I hope it is not too serious! G
  18. And we have seen a couple of those!!!! But as always we cannot talk about it!
  19. we have to pay for Universal Health care some how!!!!!! leave a brother his solace.
  20. LOL! and that is why we are peas from the same pod! I will be you're roommate in said rubber room... saying have we had enough fun yet!
  21. I see a pristine white rubber room in you're future...
  22. My thoughts are with him and his family during this time.
  23. OFC is a great tool. Good to know you learned something today. that is the reason this site is SO important. Perhaps now you can affect change as well, by informing others. I hate to say this but had you of read the regs you SHOULD of known this.. As it is written plain as day. Wayne just saved you alot of $$ and possibly you`re vehicle, boat and tackle... if you were to be caught! Please grab a copy of the regs, read them and pass it on! we are all stewards of the resource, it is up to us to affect and effect change. have a great night and happy halloween! G.
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