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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Well being a former fighter.... (bet alot of you didnt know that) in what alot would call MMA.... but not the MMA of today... Mainly boxing and BJJ.. I took a serious blow to one of my orbital bones... infact I broke it... I still show signs of it today almost ten years later due to broken blood vessels under the skin etc.... Let me tell you first hand an Eye injury is no joke... get it checked and get it looked after. I have also had a scratched Cornea on three separate occasions and lemmie tell yah they are no picnic either!! Get to the doc and get yourself checked out!!! PS... for those of you interested...Jeff Joslin (local hamilton fighter, my old trainer) fights in the UFC on December 13th on SpikeTv Good Luck! Ger.
  2. I can sum up my response in one word....WOW!!! Awesome report w/ awesome fish Thanks for sharing Gerritt
  3. Nemo I know that hat because my brother in law works for Bell.... and when I asked him for one he said he was not able get me one.... It seems Ma Bell has tightened her purse-strings lol... But it is DEFINATLY a Bell Canada winter Toque and have an extremely good chance to be a BCE employee. Gerritt.
  4. Nemo, the one in the orange survival suit.... notice the BCE Hat? Gerritt.
  5. Sooo when we playing air hockey!!!! I am the king of the world on the white stuff! Gerritt.
  6. yeah yeah yeah Happy Birthday.... Sooooo how many spanks did you guys receive from the liabilities anyways?? I am gonna have to change / fake my birthday on OFC... Having your Birthday on Christmas Sucks!!!... the only few people on the board are usually Lew, Terry and Roy lol Have a good one guys! Gerritt.
  7. WOW that was quick!! holy smokes... Gerritt.
  8. Dude nice Fish!!! and nice photoshopping as well!! Thats Fantastically Sweet! Gerritt.
  9. Ahhhh dont worry about it.... like water off a ducks back... Look at it this way now we are both Posers... Takes a man with a few coconuts to do what you just did... good on yah. Gerritt.
  10. With the amount of biz we bring them.... ask if they will offer us 2-4-1 regardless of what day we decide to make it... I am sure they will be more then willing as this is hardly our first time there... myself personally Thursday would be best Boxing day is gonna be difficult for most.. see as how there are two sides to most families and alot like myself split it up one day one side the next day the other side... Just my 0.02 Gerritt.
  11. Just found this!!! http://www.princessauto.com/_osn.cfm?CTRY=...;T1=DOOR%20BELL cant beat Princess Auto and they are CDN!! only 12 bux Gerritt.
  12. Here is a couple I dug up... http://www.eztone.com/battery-operated-chimes.htm http://www.nutonesales.com/chime.html http://www.globalsources.com/manufacturers...Bell-Chime.html http://www1.shopping.com/xPO-Lamson_Lamson...ll~r-1~CLT-INTR http://electrical.hardwarestore.com/15-57-...ell-605488.aspx The last one seems to be the cheapest Gerritt.
  13. Benthook if you like keiths... (I love it) try Maclays.... it is a buck a beer and made by Sleemans.... I switched from Keiths to maclays.. it is a great India Ale... try it you wont be dissapointed!! Ger.
  14. I am placing my Hard earned cash on BC... the Lions have spanked Montreal in the past two meetings this year... Anyways I predict BC 31-14 Gerritt.
  15. WOW thats bigger then his personal BEST!!! Gerritt PS... I'm a poser
  16. welcome back nice to hear about your adventure and your personal best!!! Ohhh and nice to know your fishergirl72's man!!! Like we didnt know... LOL only seen it about 30 times this week.... fishindevil this and fishindevil that.... Geez.... my wife dont even care what I had for dinner last night! I am surprised I dont know when you are going to the bathroom! LOL... <--- All in good fun. Anyways man glad to hear of your success and am looking forward to the pics cause fishergirl72 said so.. LOL congrats! Gerritt.
  17. and to think I just spent over 40 bux for some venison... 2 steaks and about 7 sausages... Grrrrr.... bambi sure is expensive!!! Gerritt.
  18. Dude thanks for the report!!! wicked! How was the weather up there? I see you were camping? were you useing roe or artificial? Cool! Gerritt.
  19. nice pup!!! wow we have all just been given a view of where all the magic happens as well LOL Good on yah he's a looker Gerritt.
  20. To be honest I prefer Pride to the UFC... I consider UFC more in line with a circus or wrestling event I mean yes I like to watch the fights but the drama is overwhelming.. Where in Pride there is alot less posturing and Bull and the fighters have alot more respect..... now if only Pride would get rid of that crazy chick that announces the fighters... I just wanna give her a rear-naked choke.. K1is also a good view... anyman that can fight... and if he wins fight again and again in one night has my respect. ok I will get off my soapbox now. Gerritt.
  21. Pidge, if indeed it winds up in Montreal I will personally pick you up, and the chicken wings are on me!!!....Ohhh wait cant do that... you'd put me in the poor house!! But yes if it is in Quebec... consider us there!!! Gerritt.
  22. Yup GSP was in fine form... it was nice to see that GSP shut the trap of Hughes up with authority!! I doubt Hughes will talk anymore trash about St.Pierre on Ultimate Fighter Looks like the rematch will be here in Canada just up the 401 infact I might see if I can get a few tickets Gerritt.
  23. Joey's taking pics??? UHOH!!! (inside joke) LOL !!! Joey I luv yah!!!! anyways Thanks for the update glad to see the boys are having a goodtime!! if it wasnt for my basement reno I might have been able to make it myself! Thanks again! Gerritt.
  24. Fishindevil , Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil , Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil , Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil , Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil , Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil , Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil , Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil , Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil, Fishindevil ..... Seems all I hear is fishindevil , I dont have enough time.... anyways i am glad to hear that Fishndevil is doing well down east ... Any reports from the rest of the guys??? I am sure someone has heard something... cant wait to see the reports.... Gerritt
  25. it was a great game!!! wow!... I was bleeding blue... too bad it didnt go in their favor... I think it could have easily went either way.. Ahhh well... And Yes RIP Bo. Gerritt.
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