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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. ok I am in for Thursday and Saturday... see you guys soon! PS I was just at Bill's Bait n' Tackle and the reports he is getting from people fishing there is the bite is on. Gerritt.
  2. I could probably go on Thursday as well to do a bit of prefishing. any idea on a time boys? Gerritt.
  3. Justin, it is a small 1 man home made job. Doug thanks for the reply... who neeeds to dress warm when I have a bud like you that always seems to have Appo juice Gerritt.
  4. Cliff, Thats sucks!! may his crotch get rot and his hair set alight Hopefully they will see him for what he is and come begging you to return. Gerritt.
  5. Sweet!!!! how was the bustrip?? good numbers of fish caught?? thanks guys I appreciate your support and will try and be more mindful Gerritt.
  6. Sing it from the rooftops!!! I got my mac just for that reason it is seamless compared to PC based apps. iDVD imovie HD.... NIiiiiiiiiiiice! Ps VOB files are DVD encoded files. and are located in your Video_TS folder... so long as you have all of them you can use DVD Decrypter. Gerritt.
  7. ok so back to my original question.... for 59 bux is it a good deal? or should I return it for the mr.buddy for 99 bux and drive to Vaughn? anywhere in the hamilton area these things can be had? I will be useing SMALL hut... should be enough to keep the edge off no? Gerritt.
  8. sounds good Fang, I will be in a Blue homemade hut, and will be sure to have my OFC touqe on. Gerritt..
  9. congrats! are they members here? I dont recall the names. Gerritt.
  10. I was thinking on Saturday?? I promised my 6 y/o nephew I would get him out. what do you guys think? Gerritt.
  11. Well I just noticed at Canadian Tire they were on for 59.00 there were only a couple left so I grabbed one.. it is a 3,000 btu unit, but in my haste i did very little research on them... so are they any good? and for 59.00 is it worth it? Gerritt.
  12. Ok time for me to "man-up" here... I have been knob-end for the past few months, alot of personal stuff happening that I wont bore you with and which I think has gotten the better of me. I have been critical of things I really should'nt have been critical about and I am sure I have been a thorn in the side of more then a couple people here. Cabin fever has definatly set in.. I will do my best to think before I post and if I feel a little hot under the collar I plan on taking a stroll outside or something instead of venting on a Internet Fishing Forum. Over the years I have made a great number of friends through OFC and we have been though some rough times over the years, I think back to the out-pouring of help I was on the recieving end of a couple years ago and you fine folks deserve alot more, then me acting like a idiot. So..... I just wanted to apologize to anyone I may have offended over the last little while. Gerritt.
  13. xrap it is open 8am to Dusk. Gerritt.
  14. xrap you in?? possibly sometime next weekend? Gerritt.
  15. "Approximately 9000 carp were also removed from the upper weir area to assist in establishing vegetation, controlling sedimentation and balancing the fish population towards more sports fish (1997). Monitoring of the fish populations was also necessary to determine the success and best top sport fish. To ensure the stocked fish can establish a healthy population, a moratorium has been placed on pike, large and smallmouth bass since 1997, where catch and release is only permitted on these species." I would assume there would still be some? Gerritt.
  16. I do believe there is although I have never caught one. I just got off the phone with them (Conservation Authority) and was told on average 5.5" of good solid black ice. Crappie are being caught and alot of slabs have been taken. he also informed me it is still only 3.50 per day per person. You can fish from 8am - Dusk. portable huts are allowed. however you can rent one, but it is suggested you reserve one as they are limited. Gerritt.
  17. Binbrook Reservoir Open for Ice Fishing January 26th, 11:17 AM Just and FYI you can now icefish Binbrook... Pike, Bass and pickeral are Catch and Release.. Crappie are Catch and Keep as they are trying to thin out the crappie numbers. for more info click below. http://www.glanbrookconservation.on.ca/binbrook.html Anyone interested in an outing? Gerritt
  18. I might be in too depending on more finalized details as well. Gerritt.
  19. Rick, There is a waterproof enclosure specifically made for this purpose. You can use any single DIN car stereo with it. I will dig up the link and post if for you. Here it is http://www.rocktheboataudio.com/cart.cgi?a...yword=enclosure Gerritt.
  20. Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice!!! Thanks for the report! Gerritt.
  21. Clampet aint that dinner for gramma and jethro? Gerritt.
  22. I say we let him clarify himself before we place the dagger in his back and start twisting. Gerritt.
  23. Clampet, YO has faired well there from what I am able to gather and has taken a few of these tourney wins. Gerritt.
  24. One of my favorite all time British comedies has to be Couplelings I have been looking for the entire series on DVD but to know avail... perhaps you have a line on it Nauti?
  25. Express168, Garmin makes a nice unit. But in that price range I would also consider A Magellan GPS unit, they are more accurate 3 to 5 meters (10 - 16 feet) and 14 channels when fog rolls in this would be helpful. The Garmin claims accuracy of 15 meters (49 feet) A considerable difference w/ a max of 12 channels Just something to consider. Here is a link for you too look over http://www.magellangps.com/products/produc...amp;prodID=1268 Gerritt.
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