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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Dang... and there are no more carp in Coote's.... whatcha gonna do? LOL G
  2. I will be on the ice as well... would have been nice to see you again Lew. I would have even boughten you a Coke. G
  3. you're one odd little naked fella.... G
  4. Vodka, Spicy Calmato, A tall glass.. Take the glass and dip it in Lime juice or water (Just the rim) Put some celery salt on a small plate... Wriggle the rim of the now wet glass in the Celery salt. add ice, Add Vodka Add Clamato and a bit of tabasco if you like.. I also like a bit of worchestershire sauce in mine. Add a celery spike and your done! Enjoy. G
  5. sounds like a plan but they don not open till 10!!!!! :(
  6. Well I was in BPS picking up some odds n ends for my upcoming ice adventure.. While I was there I noticed that they had Frabil Ice Rod Combos on clearance for 14.99 (Reg 24.99) it also includes the tip spring and a small pack of jigs... Not a bad little combo They also had all of their Baddboys on clearance as well, there were a ton of other clearance deals on their ice fishing products... so if your looking for a deal now's the time to stock up for next year! G
  7. I watched his original lecture based on this subject... Quite moving and comical. While the reprise version on Oprah is special... it does not hold a candle to the original lecture. <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object> Gerritt.
  8. you should'a been here yesterday. or early to bed earlier to rise, fish like hell and make up lies G
  9. Yes, as far as I know there is nothing added to animal. Their feed is natural grasses etc.. I am unsure if antibiotics are used however I highly doubt it unless the animal is ill.. All I know is my son has no issues with it and average animal from him has a hanging weight of 500-700lbs. I pay 2.00 a lb on the hanging weight. The butcher then gets .40 a pound and a 70.00 kill fee. I cant go wrong with the end product (better then anything I can buy) and the price suits my budget. I have another animal coming in the spring (End of May) All animals are government inspected and stamped. The butcher does a great job too. G. PS.. I may have a 1/4 left to sell......
  10. Heat Trace is absolutely safe to use Cliff and will prevent ice dams. it is not the same stuff that is used around water pipes. G
  11. I purchase all my beef directly from the farmer. I order a animal and usually keep 1/4 - 1/2 for myself. I have done this for years as did my family. Always from the same farmer. I have yet to have a bad animal. His animals are free range for the most part and are not pumped full of the crap that you normally see in the grocery stores (Did you know the grocery stores add chemicals to the meat to make it look red and fresh? they do).. Once the animal is about 1-2 months away from slaughter the animal is fed corn. I believe this makes all the difference. I have yet to have a tough steak or roast. I know it is good as my son can eat it with no allergy concerns... I cant feed him chicken and it is not because he is allergic to chicken he is allergic to the chemicals the commercial farmers inject into them. It is good for my family and the family of the farmer. As we cut out the middle man (The Packer) I pay the farmer 2.00 per pound and the butcher gets .40 cents a pound. A packer would pay a farmer nowhere near to 2.00 a pound. I support the farmer that supports my family with a quality product. He has people as far away as toronto coming to purchase his animals they are that good. I would be hard pressed to even buy decent extra lean Ground Beef @ 2.40 a pound in the grocery store. So I save money and the farmer gets to put food on his table and support his. Win Win. G
  12. Gerritt

    Rant NF

    While I made a post on this subject expressing my opinion, I think publicly attacking Roy is/was uncalled for.... as for charity... I know all too well the level to which OFC'rs give... it is unbelievable to say the least... I know it as do Shelly and Cliff etc etc etc... To sit there and publicly attack Roy is wrong in my opinion... as I know first hand he has helped so many here. He did not need too, but he did what he could for what he though was right. for those of you attacking him shame on you. G.
  13. Charlied, what does he do? what are his skill sets? surely someone here could lend him a hand if we know his capabilities.. I know I am looking for a labourer @ the moment... but the job is in Toronto... perhaps someone closer is looking for the same.. it may not be marvellous work.. but it is work. more info! Gerritt.
  14. scared the white right outta me! saw a huge white flash.... I thought maybe a transformer blew or something... then realized I still had power... and heard the rumble.. G.
  15. Here is the knife I carry I have the SL Pro2 it is an awesome little knife and has serve me well. http://www.toollogic.com/index-outdoor.htm
  16. Gerritt

    Rant NF

    I am all for the girl scout cookies... or the entertainment books (that fund school libraries so they tell me) but if the parents/kids want to play rep hockey.... then you better have the means to pay for it! I also like the kids standing outside selling chocolate covered almonds to help keep them off the street with an ID card and everything! LOL.... Uhmmm well are you not on the street now trying to sell me a friggen candy bar!?! They tend to lift the crotch of their pants off the pavement at that point so they can waddle to the next sucker... Boxers hanging out, crotch to their knees, sporting 200.00 Nikes... give me a break. G.
  17. princess auto.... 6.5hp Honda engine (Power fist) 130.00 G
  18. Congrats Bernie! I hope are arms are not too sore for all the walters were gonna bring through the hole! G
  19. Gerritt


    GB fisher..... you do not want Nfusion... willing to do federal time? go ahead..... IKS is/will be the downfall for Nfusion. You made a smart choice. G
  20. Gerritt


    LOL! STB = Set top box.. His sat receiver. G.
  21. Gerritt


    Terry, we need to talk about your STB... G
  22. Gerritt


    PS.... full EMU in a couple days G.
  23. Gerritt


    Nope... I would not touch Nfusion if it was given to me... My pansat is down.. so I paid for it. Gerritt.
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