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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Robbed.... Congrats Joey!!! G
  2. I went by this..... http://www.springfishingandboatshow.com/Fe...kers/maina.html geeky guy with glasses holding a big muskie from the website... and this... The Master Angler Seminars brought to you by OUTDOOR CANADA MAGAZINE will be hosted by Gord Pyzer. he is the only speaker shown with glasses on... Maina that is... Argh I am sooo confused!! G but that is jon lajoie in your avatar too!!! too many geeks to pick from!!! LOL
  3. ARGH!!!!!!!! damn me for making my reply before my answer LOL G
  4. joeytier is correct! he is a Canadian icon!!! "I'm just an average everyday normal guy....) Jon Lajoie & Wil Wegman G
  5. "I'm just an average everyday normal guy...." ARRRRRGH! G
  6. dang it....!!! and I am actually going to it!!!! Grrrrr.... good job fellas!
  7. Emil... That is exactly the type of person you want! If I was not so busy I would help you out for a day or two and set you on your way... all it would cost you is a day fishing and supper Perhaps a few hours some weekend soon.... I can lend a helping hand While 10k will be tight... depending on the size of your basement it is doable.. especially if you know a few people willing to donate you a couple things.. your bathroom will be the major expense (depending on fixtures) and the biggest pain in the ass... So I am willing to donate a 600.00 white Pedestal sink that has less then a months use.. complete with fixtures! in polished stainless steel... it is from a bathroom reno I did last year.. I kid you not.. less then a months use.. but I could not throw it out!!!!.... so I hung onto it..... It is yours we can meet somewhere and you can grab it... I also had a $4000.00 jacuzzi tub and new Toto toilet from the same job... but they have been donated away to others some time ago. If the wife is ok with a pedestal sink.. it would be my honour to help out a fellow OFC'r G.
  8. Doug, Truer words could not be spoken. Icefisherman.. I would be glad to help you with any questions you may have in the future.. I might know a few things about building houses workwear is correct in telling you that a drop ceiling is more $$ then a finished drywall ceiling though.. Pete is a good guy... that is why I hired him! LOL... Anyways if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.. and include pictures if possible... and I dont give a flying rats behind what Mike Holmes says... I prefer Steel stud in a basement with a proper sill gasket... it will last forever!! Ohhh and whatever you do... do not purchase that 2x2 drylock crap @ 16,000,000.00 per/sqf... Delta Shield and plywood... save yourself more then half the cost for the exact same thing.. pin to the floor where needed... otherwise let it float. G
  9. Having trouble getting your Bell Canada customer service problems resolved? Here's the contact info for some high Bell Canada execs that will jumpstart your quest for executive customer service. Kevin Crull President - Residential Services (Expressvu satellite TV, Sympatico internet, and wireline phone) [email protected] ph: (416) 581-2923 fx: (416) 593-1338 Executive Assistant: Jacqueline Fowler (416)-581-2953 [email protected]
  10. Looks like an awesome time out!!!!! G
  11. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
  12. That vid has been around forever it seems LOL!! as to how they start the hole..... 4' extensions.. G
  13. Congrats!!!... today is day 4 for me.... and was probably my hardest test... Everyone at work smokes... and here I am munching on carrot sticks! LOL.... I am all the better for it though... hell I can have a few beers and to be honest I do not want one!!!.. Cold turkey.. I wished I would have found the motivation years ago!! not sure what clicked in my head... but something did! and thank god... I am not longer "trying" to quit... I am quitting! G
  14. LOL thanks guys!.... needless to say the Snowmobile has been getting a workout! hahahah! those that know me... know how heavy of a smoker I was... It was disgusting.. constantly having a smoke hanging from my lips... It has to work this time.. I cannot take it anymore LOL G
  15. Well today is day three since I last had a cigarette.... and I have to say it is not that difficult! Sure I have the odd craving... but it goes away in a few minutes.. the nicotine monster.... I am surprisingly calm and have found other things to do to occupy my time when I would normally be smoking.... this is the longest I have been smoke free in 15 years! I have this thing licked!!! it is amazing the amount of energy I have today... completely different! W00t! G
  16. send Headhunter a pm. He works with job placement in the IT industry. Perhaps he has some leads G
  17. Sweet deal! I will keep an eye out for it G
  18. Carpenter with GSC designation. I quit a great job as Project Manager for a High end home builder, so I could get back onto the tools... The office life is not for me LOL G.
  19. This will upset you..... CitiBank is a recipient of federal bailout funds.... that the taxpayers LOANED them.... why is it them that CitiBank can afford $400 million dollars for the naming rights for the New York Mets new stadium? I think the new stadium should be called "Screw the taxpayer field" G
  20. Given my line of work Glen, I will not be out of work for long... infact I quit my job a little over a month ago.. and had the luxury of taking a week off (my choosing)... as I have alot of contacts in the industry.. needless to say I was hired the same day I started to make a few calls... Union wage, without the union is nice.... I am not a proud person when it comes to earning my living.. if they want to pay 45.00 an hour to build a custom home or shovel crap.... there is no difference to me.. an hour is an hour... perhaps more people need to view their job as I do.. G
  21. I just watched this... it is only 13 minutes long... but it show exactly what can happen when companies make mistakes, or care less.... all we are are a number to them.... Something to think about... and pretty sad.. <embed src='http://www.cbs.com/thunder/swf/rcpHolderCbs.swf?partner=userembed&vert=News&autoPlayVid=false&releaseURL=http://release.theplatform.com/content.select?pid=w4QWnBFnIFw6sChGZTK2CYyHgj1wqHMX' name='cbsPlayer' allowFullScreen='true' allowScriptAccess='always' width='506' height='494' wmode='transparent' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' /> G
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