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Everything posted by Sugarpacket

  1. wants to go fish for some kitties stupid NS!!!

  2. dont forget the sulfer smell from lighting the match after
  3. That was freaking HILARIOUS!!!
  4. that was great!
  5. What a catch! great job he'll be begging you to be taking him out after a day like that!
  6. awwww shes getting sooo big! just think in a few years you'll have to bait catchers for yourself never need to use the bait vending machine again!!!
  7. Holy smokes what a catch i can't even manage to catch a decent sized one and he pulls out monsters! I wonder if he could give me some tips...
  8. i hope they get it!
  9. the rowing club took out a point that stopped the current because it was in their way, which caused silt to build up making the lake no longer deep enough so they first planed to dredge it but if they did that the dam wouldnt have held and they couldnt find the owner so they had closed it off from fishing hoping the owners would come out of the wood work but last i had heard they hadnt.
  10. thanks brifishrgy my ex just told me i knew it was supposed to happen before i moved out here i just didnt think it was actually gona happen. Its a shame how much distruction can happen from a stupid rowing club
  11. I cant win its as bad as the hidding pea game lol
  12. Hey all I just found out that silver lake in port dover was drained! anyone got the info? Im heart broken about the news!
  13. I hate to say it but you should get a hold of Rich hes got to be the catfish god but I found the best bait we used besides cut up suckers was really old stinky cut up beef, I'm talking stinky like verge of killing your noes stinky rotting. For tackle using a heavier test with a long rod and heavy reel (bait runners are good if you got one) an egg sinker and swivel with a circle hook. For time of day we always had our best luck at dusk till the wee hours of morning. I've only fished for them in Dunnville a hand full of times and caught more sheepheads than cats but i think that was just my bad luck since I have seen others come out with some rather large kitties. anyways thats all the tips i can give you good luck and be sure to post your results! I'm stuck out here in NS which is a cat free zone so I would love to see how you guys do this year! GOOD LUCK
  14. wow thats a cool pic!! Ive never seen them so small before they still scare me tho
  15. great report always feels nice to get that skunk out of your hair!
  16. well dont cast over there line and if you see bbr run... lol jokes
  17. what a beaut!
  18. Its true if you think of it man is the most invasive species of all and we are the cause of most problems but nature as a way of adjusting. For example gobbies I never thought anything ate thoes things but when Rich, Splenda and I were out a few weeks ago Splenda had one on his line and a largemouth was on it like a fat kid on a smartie not saying that they are any help to the waters they invade but nature has adapted to them. Zebra mussels and pike on the othere hand mother earth hasn't tackled that one quit yet but eventually it all seems to equal out. oh and on garry2rs its not just city folk that litter almost everyone does it and it does suck but its great that your making some cash off of it
  19. now now rich we saw one carp out there or was that on the way there? oh yeah i remember that was just a picture of urban holding a carp! lol it was good times maybe we can get him to show us next time or bring the "map" with us.
  20. hey bbr maybe you should show them the difference between a garden pond and a lake! lol jk thats a sweet gold fish you should have put it in a tank for splenda!
  21. first of all let me just say thanks for the laughs second of all you should all know rich would be the one saying basiclly what GCD said put in his own words on here in a report lol jk.
  22. Last night an old friend of mine called me up and asked if I wanted to dip a line in the water and talk about old times. Of course like every good friend I agreed so we headed out to a local spot he picked. We were there for not even five minutes and he said he wanted to go somewhere else so he could set his hook into something besides sticks. We left and went to a spot I suggested. After 10 mins i hooked into a small sheephead (theres no pics since I have no camera and I'm actually typing this on my phone) and he starts to get antsy about 5 mins later i hook in to a tiny channel cat and hes like well its getting late should probably head home. !!! i had asked him oh a dozen times if he wants me to rig up his line with something differrent he was tossing a 6inch plastic minnow on a snell hook attached to a bobber. Before anyone says anything the guy never gets out fishing not sure if he really knows how and so being a spot i know pretty well I was offering advice and he said he didnt carif he caught fish he was just glad to get out... I could tell he didn't like i was catching fish and he wasnt but refused to take my help! I'm not sure why I wasn't pushing just trying to offer some advice! so if anyone out there can give me an opinion on what went wrong it would be appretiated!
  23. hey whats wrong with being surrounded by teenage girls? i remember at that age my dad got me hooked on fishing! lol who knows maybe you can do the same the one girl did hold her own fish! wtg goodluck for the rest of your trip
  24. Thats a nice smallie good to hear you threw it back with bass opener still on the way. It seems to me bass are always on your line when the season hasn't opened.
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