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Everything posted by Steve1991

  1. Judging by the way you/your friends are dressed in the pictures, that fish likes that bay all year round!
  2. Tossing a perch coloured spinnerbait for bass on a Haliburton lake and a 31'' musky surprised me. Next year on the same lake I caught the musky in my pic. Hoping my luck continues this year!!
  3. Welcome. I don't post much but it's a great board to be a part of and learn a few things. I have a 12' Jon with a 4hp on the back that weighs 50 pounds or so. Like dave524 said, a 9.9 might be a little much. My 4hp gets me to about 14km/h with a loaded boat (2 people, tackle and gas).
  4. Those things are gnarly! Good on ya.
  5. My 3.3hp, 2-stroke will get about 11km on 1L of fuel at WOT.
  6. Welcome aboard!
  7. Sorry for your loss Matt
  8. Ah what the heck. I posted an intro several months back but it doesn't hurt to do another. I'm Steve. 23. Favourite species to target in the summer are muskie, walleye and bass; and in the winter it's all about the lakers for me. Most fishing is done in the Haliburton/Kawarthas area. I've been on this site for 7-8 months now I think, and the amount of help/knowledge I've gained is invaluable. Much of my spare time is devoted to either fishing or (somewhat) fishing related. Whether it's making my own spinnerbaits or fixing up old tinnys, I can't get enough of it. Currently, I am doing a complete overhaul on a 1959 3hp Gale Buccaneer and have an old 1948 Johnson Seahorse 2.5hp in the backshed waiting to be cleaned up and running again. Fishing this summer for me has been a little slow as I haven't been able to get out much, but I have a 6 day long weekend coming up thanks to some owed vacation time that'll hopefully turn things around. Great thread - nice to see some intro's from the newbies and vets of this forum. Steve.
  9. I absolutely love reading your reports. Amazing report and pics! Thanks for sharing .
  10. PM Sent.
  11. Interesting article in the Haliburton Echo this morning. Looks like this officially puts the Armatec proposal to rest. http://www.newspapers-online.com/haliburton/?p=4305
  12. Thanks Guys, The carb is clean as a whistle. Spotless. Unfortunately, same story with the plug coming out wet and smelling like fuel. I've ordered the carb repair kit to see where it takes me, and I'll keep you all posted. For now - it's a waiting game until the UPS man comes a knockin. Much appreciated.
  13. Thanks Art. I will clean it again (x3) and keep fiddling with the float level to see where that takes me. I appreciate the tips. Steve.
  14. Awesome report, sweet fish!
  15. I didn't order a new kit - thought i'd give it a try prior to spending the money but that's a good point. I may order one tomorrow and try again. The jet seemed to be good but its worth spending the money on the kit given the cost of a new, small outboard. Much appreciated, thanks.
  16. Thanks. Depending on my success there may be another one on there '"as is" haha.
  17. Looks like some great times with the Pops. Beauty bass.
  18. Youre right. Plug is new with correct gap. However after 10-15 attempts at starting, the plug is wet and fouled. Once I clean and dry and insert, the engine turns over for 3-5 seconds she dies on me. It is definitely getting flooded out, which is what led me to fiddling with the jet needle, seat and float valve.
  19. Yup to all. I've looked in most haha that's why I''m stumped.
  20. I recently inherited a 1997 Johnson 3.3hp (model hj3roeud) outboard that hasn't been running for a while. I have it turning over now but within 3-5 seconds it dies. It sounds like it is getting too much fuel..I've played with the seat valve/float to no avail. I have spark, fresh fuel and the correct ratio in it. Any tips, spec sheets, etc. would be appreciated. Hoping to use it to putz around some small back lakes this spring. Thanks, Steve.
  21. http://www.web2.mnr.gov.on.ca/fish_online/fishing/fishingExplorer_en.html Here's a resource I find quite helpful. Steve.
  22. Thanks all. Appreciate the tips. Looking forward to sharing in the "knowledge and/or bull" lol. Steve.
  23. Thanks.
  24. Hey All, I've been hanging around here for about a month or so and I'm just trying to introduce myself. The name's Steve. I do most of my fishing up in the Haliburton area for trout, and do my best to get out for some bass, musky, pike as well. There's lots of knowledge on this page, and I am glad to be apart of it. Thanks, Steve.
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