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Everything posted by akaShag

  1. Not very long, they get eaten! 😉 But the real answer to that is, it depends on what it is. Smoked salami, weeks for sure. Jerky, possibly months. Smoked salmon, I suggest less than a week. And as others have said, there is no rescue for freezer-burned meat. Mind you, I have had this happen with a larger cut, and been able to trim off the bad parts and still salvage most or some of the meat. But a badly freezer-burned piece, especially something thin, is dog food or compost. Doug
  2. This is weird...........my screen shows no replies for two weeks, but I know there were a whole bunch. Three nights ago, I tried doing a venison hind shank in the slow cooker, turned out excellent. Then because the juice for that one was kind of sweet, I thought I would make a sweet and savoury venison pot pie with the left-over juice and shank meat. In fact I made four, and they were also very toothsome. Today's project was a canner load of side bacon. I bought commercial bacon (Costco), cooked it almost done in the oven, then pressure canned it. Somewhere in the last 165 pages is my step-by-step "how to" for this. But it is VERY handy to have a jar or two of bacon on hand. Pop the lid and fifteen seconds in the microwave and you have hot bacon for whatever pleases you. Doug
  3. Perfect, thanks! I also have a vac sealer, so I could do the same as you do with yours. Doug
  4. I have been meaning to ask, do you FREEZE the smoked bread crumbs, or just leave them in the pantry? I plan to do some for a family member that does not have a lot of freezer space. Doug
  5. I'm not sure exactly why, but that bottom one reminds me of a gal I used to know...............😲
  6. That's mighty kind of you, and thanks! I am not the fit young man I once was, but I can still do pretty much anything I want to. I hunted the full two weeks of rifle season for deer, and will be hunting the smokepole season this coming week. But a lot of the stuff I used to do is really a young person's game. Like wading in ice cold water up above your family jewels, on a slippery bottom and with a strong current, for example.............same thing for wading out in a swamp to recover downed ducks and geese. I hope you had a good shoot this morning! Doug (aka Shag)
  7. Rush played at my high school twice in the 70s...............and "some people" may have been drinking beer during the dances....................😲 Is that the same thing? 😉
  8. Once upon a time when I was a working stiff and did not have a lot of time off, fall meant steelheading, bow-hunting and duck hunting. You can't really do all three, at least not in any reasonable way. First to go was duck hunting, then steelheading. I had a really good run of fall steelheading, but could still do that in the spring, so I did. And I had a heck of a run with the bow, probably forty deer or so. Maybe more, I lost track........ Now I am a retired old fart, and can do whatever I want. And I hardly do ANY of those things any more!!! So enjoy it while you are fairly young and vigorous! Doug
  9. I suggest your FIRST step is learning how to run a boat safely. For sure there will be a chapter of the Canadian Power and Sail Squadron somewhere near you: https://www.cps-ecp.ca/about/ Once you can trailer your boat from your house to the launch safely, and then launch, operate, and recover your boat safely, then I suggest is the time to look into the fishing part. And it's not rocket science. Of course, the REALLY successful anglers do have a tonne of knowledge, experience, etc, not to mention gear, but to get started (in my own experience anyways) you don't have to own the best of anything, just some gear that works for you. I am going to send you a pm, and you can respond if you are interested. Doug
  10. Just a couple days ago I said to a buddy that after the muzzle loader season (this coming week) I am looking forward to the hard water. "ME TOO!!!!!" says he.
  11. So you do this in the fridge? When I make candied salmon, I just let it air dry for an hour, on the smoker racks, before I smoke it. Doug
  12. Brian, you know you can hang them in the smoker from the get-go, right? They drip on the tinfoil, and you don't need to clean your crisper............... Doug
  13. That's a long ways from K-town! I withdraw my ask. But thanks, bud! Doug
  14. OK, so it's a lost cause not a worthy one. But what's in a name, eh??? 😉
  15. tagged for interest. Like 2024.................
  16. Thanks. He and I "know" each other, so I reckon he will be in touch if he still has something to donate to a worthy cause. 😉
  17. The Memorial Tree at our hunt camp, where we have our 11 November ceremony every year. The bottles are "dead soldiers" and each poppy has a name on it. The beer can was a commemorative Legion brew, and the cap was from a departed buddy who was a submariner.
  18. I think you look pretty civilized.............
  19. I surely do miss that...................😢 Doug
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