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Everything posted by akaShag

  1. Thanks buddy, I know that. But a three year old is not going to put up with that! 😉 As I said, any fish will be a bonus. Doug
  2. Thanks! I spoke with my son and granddaughter this evening, and we are planning to go there on Saturday. And if we catch a fish or two, that will be a bonus! 😁 Doug
  3. THANKS! With the knowledge that people still have access there, and a local source of intelligence (thanks to irishfield), we should be good to go. Doug
  4. Art, we have those here in the SUMMER time! And I can't wait for summer to pass so we can get cooler weather again! Doug
  5. a half hour later in Newfoundland..............
  6. Brian, you are working for ten cents an hour, you know that, right? GREAT looking flies, bud! Doug
  7. We have about 18 inches here. I was up at my camp raking the snow off the parts of the roof that I can reach, AFTER clearing the driveway at home. Yep, I'm gonna hurt tomorrow too! 🙄 Doug
  8. Well, if you insist on being obstreperous, WHAT PART OF SPLAKE DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND? Maybe if you can't tell a splake from a walleye, even with an identification of the fish in question, your not having "seen a distressed fish" tells you that you need to have your eyes checked. And for your further edification, the bait was not petrified. We also caught lake trout in Loughborough Lake with big heads and skinny bodies back ten or twelve years ago when the smelt population crashed, that had undigested bits of plastic baits in their stomachs and intestines, and APPARENTLY blocking their digestive tracts. I am not a fisheries biologist, I am an angler that takes note of unusual things when I catch and/or clean fish. BTW please note that I EAT fish, quite a bit in fact, and resent your inference that I or the other folks posting on here, are members of the extremist animal rights organization you name.
  9. Turn your INSTINK up a notch and look at post #3 on this thread.
  10. Yep. And yes you touched a nerve, as I recall............😲
  11. The auto correct fixed a fairly common abbreviation. But since you find offence at another word I used, I fixed it.
  12. These are the ones I have had for a couple years, but they do tend to fall off. And if you don't notice them go, they can be difficult to find again! TEN BUCKS is a heck of a deal on them! PS) I did not originally write "difficult" to find, but the auto-correct did not like my choice of words and substituted a stupid word ("jerk") for what I wrote. Don't we love technology...🙄
  13. I don't think MOST soft plastic baits break down very much at all.... But here is an interesting article that purports to have a bunch of scientific research: https://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/story/sports/outdoors/fishing/2018/06/14/fishing-lures-plastic-water-environment-littering-patrick-durkin/700695002/
  14. That is a Facebook link, and I am not a FB user, so I can't see it. But if it refers to soft plastics being stuck in the stomachs and intestines of fish, I reported on that about fifteen years ago, and have seen many other such posts. I used to throw away a plastic bait after it was no longer useable, like a grub with no tail, but ever since then I have kept them and disposed of them at home. Berkley GULP is biodegradable, and there may be other baits that similarly break down in water (or inside fish). If that is NOT what the article is about, perhaps you could summarize it here for those of us who are not FB folks. (Yes, really, some people are not on Facebook! 😉) Doug PS) Here is a picture from 1 Feb 2007 of a splake from Dog Lake with a plastic worm in it.
  15. So I'm trying to spend a bit of time with this little lady. And I am not asking for your secret spots, just whether access is still permitted there. Thanks, folks. Doug
  16. My son has proposed that I meet him half-way between Ottawa and Kingston to do a (SHORT!) ice fishing session with him and his three year old daughter, her being my older grand-daughter and of course the apple of her Grandpa's eye. 😉 I was thinking that Rideau Ferry would be about half-way. And I know that some years ago, one could access the ice via the Yacht Club on the northwest side of the big bridge, and folks would fish there for panfish. I was told that there was a fair number of shelters out there on any given weekend day in the winter. Is this access still permitted? If yes, how far from land must one go to set up? Perch, bluegills, doesn't matter what species for the youngster. Thanks for any advice you can offer, here in public or via pm. Doug
  17. So I was supposed to go ice fishing Thursday morning. Went outside, my steps and driveway were glare ice from freezing drizzle. But it looked like that was over, so off I went. About ten minutes away on the 401, and no the freezing drizzle had not stopped at all, I decided this was fairly retarded and turned around. BUT!!! I was counting on a feed of fresh perch for supper. I do have a couple bags of fillets in the freezer, but I freeze them in water, and no way they would be thawed by supper. So>>>>>>I picked out a small package, about a pound, of halibut from my BC trip. My favourite way to eat hali is to wrap chunks in bacon and cook it in the oven, but I thought I would try something different. So I sliced it into skinless trips, coated it with Fish Crisp, and pan-fried the strips. AWESOME. Very "meaty", two strips was enough for me for a meal. And yesterday for lunch they made a delicious sandwich, cold, with mayo and lettuce. My new go-go halibut recipe. And this time I did take pics! 😁
  18. Thanks for this. It had been a while since I looked at it. Yes indeed, it gives me the names of a number of lakes, some of which are known by me to contain whitefish. But I know of nobody who catches whities with anything like regularity on any of them. 😢 Kind of like hunting for unicorns around here.
  19. AWESOME! Wish there was a whitie spot closer to me here in Kingston. Or more accurately, a RELIABLE whitie spot. It's very much hit or miss kind of thing here, and more miss than hit. Doug
  20. In my memory, you were one of the "old hands" like Dave Yard when I arrived there. Evidently not..........
  21. you don't fish around Kingston...............😉
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