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Everything posted by creditmaster

  1. ur looking for a older truck but take a look at the 2015 GMC canyon........... BEAST truck
  2. hahahahha good one
  3. thats a killer salmon ............ but nothing compares to fly fishing for salmon in newfoundland!!!!!
  4. thanks guys i geuse its back to cabelas for some braid.? hows my reel and rod combo ?daiwa acculite rod and shimano sonora for a reel? with 20 lbs mono ? will this suffise for coho and small chinnok?
  5. no prob
  6. anywhere that cuts keys should do it
  7. hey guys im wondering if I should trade my mono for furocarbon on my centerpin for steelhead? what atre the adwantages ? and also what line do u recommend for fly fishing for steelhead?
  8. ok thanks and in fall of spring?
  9. hey guys just wondering if anyone knows if steelhead wll eat live leeches and how should I fish them? thanks
  10. sucker............................ I want his gear
  11. Any one want to come to my place in brampton. I'm on the credit river for some steel heading????
  12. Hey guys I'm Imran I live on the credit river in brampton if any one wants to join. Me for some steelhead fly fishing in the spring pm me I live in a private area so not many people fish that part of the river also looking to buy a cheap bait cast
  13. i live on the credit river and fish for steelhead if anyone wants to join me pm me

    1. icedude


      Sure Post again late September





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