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Everything posted by creditmaster

  1. Hey guys I'm just starting to get serious about bass fishing and have purchased a new bait casting rod setup and spooled it with braid,but the problem I'm having is every time i cast it birds nests on me. My thumb is on the spool but i think the spool is too loose am i doing anything wrong? Thanks
  2. The best is COVERD BRIGE PARK IN KILALOE ON great walleye pike and bass it's on a river wich connects to a lake it's cheap and it's run by a extremely nice European family they have yurts cabins and campsites
  3. A shopping bag under the lid
  4. A shopping bag under the lid
  5. lol sorry look up on you tube modern day sportsman sorry!!
  6. also follow me on instagram @STEELHEADIMRAN
  7. Hey everybody just started up a you tube channel called modern day sportsman , it is all about evreything fishing hunting and the great outdoors tutorials,othewater videos,reviews and demos pleaselike comment and subscribe im not in it for the money im just trying to give back to the community theat helped me get into the sport itself here is the link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC082sEfbuGrby6Y-BzeSU3A THANK YOU
  8. lol i woudint eat that if someone paid me to
  9. hey guys in reply to the "waste of good" cars thread i was wondering has anyone ever found a bunch of tackle or other fishing stuff in an old garage or barn? because i remember when my gramps passed at 97 yrs old he left in his will an old shed in Newfoundland where he lived to me and my three brothers he said we could have anything we want and donate the rest i found a GIANT box of old Williams spoons mepps spinners and a load of flies and also a old fly rod and reel i cant believe he never told his fishing crazy grandson about this!!!
  10. what a shame people need to stop hoarding and killing beautiful cars
  11. i went to my fav spot on the river yesterday i walked for 2 hours only to realize i left ALL my flies at home............ i was 1 pissed of dude
  12. ok i want to catch a tarpon on the fly
  13. aggh THIS is the stupid duck that lands on the credit river where i fish and scares the fish
  14. hey caster i i live on the credit river and ice fish but the key is TO ALLWAYS CHECK THE THICKNESS OF ICE AND MAKE SURE the place you want to fish when unfrozen is about walking speed and also always have a spotter on shore with a rope attached to you beacause IF YOU GO THRU THE ICE YOU AINT COMING OUT
  15. thanks float amd fly i already have a reputablei and a website belive it or not my moms a graphic desiner so she made it for me........... how dose 2 dollars sound for a blue fox bell body # 3-#1 size spinner in gold bronze or silver sound?
  16. i would bring a telescopic rod medium to heavy a spinning reel with 20 lbs test braid or mono and basic terminal tackle hooks leaders and sinkers this was my setup in dominican i put a float with some live shrimp from the locals and casted out from the beach and WHAM nice grouper
  17. thanks evreyone for the advice and suppor.t i will get into the online business and i will post when it is open hope you all will support thanks
  18. wow us young uns have somthing to learn ................... i never thought of that great idea cause i get my stuff derectly from the china producer at next to nothing i can just sell online ???????!!!!!! thanks landry
  19. i tahnk you for your concern and respect evryone in this board but if i dont try i wont learn now will i?
  20. thanks for your support man i WILL succede
  21. ok first of i took a course in a private school on business and i am over the top at school . and second i have m-1a zoning so it is pefectly legal for me to run it and i will be hiring employees so i can goo to school and turn a profit.........................how do you think i pay for my fishing gear LOL
  22. i see...................... ok thenks
  23. lol i agree no plas to have kids ......................only a wife but i live on the credit so i can walk out on my balcony and throw a line for some steel
  24. yeah but by prices would be up to 35 percent cheaper than any other place and t would be the only one in the area AND right on the credit with acces to the river
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