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Everything posted by creditmaster

  1. What about artificails?
  2. Thanks guys!!
  3. Ok. What would u reccomend I use?
  4. Hey guys. Going to be in the general area of the Trent River in Hastings and was wondering what's in the river this time of year and what I should use for them as I have never fished that River or area . I will not have acces to a boat. Just shore fishing spots. Any help would be appreciated Thanks guys Tight lines
  5. Hey guys so here's the story. My dad drives a 18 wheeler and sometimes I go on trips with him. This time we picked up this load of FULLY ELECTRIC ice augers pretty sick Just thought I'd share this shipment valued at 30 big ones
  6. Rubbermaid has a garage garden tool corner rack that fits all my rods 18 + its like$20
  7. i know right? so anoyying
  8. whatever be their mindset that is just my opinion
  9. be like buy me a beer and were good lol
  10. lol probably but although the liberals can barely take care of us right now its still good to se that he cares . don't forget the 2 billion he gave for world climate change
  11. the bigger ones do spawn and stay in the river especially here on the credit i see dead 1 footers all the time
  12. Not a political expert in any way but Trudeau isn't doing to bad of job for ex bringing 25000 Syrian refugees
  13. i just give my girlfriend a hundred and i get a 'thanks babe
  14. try a dropshot style with worms or corn . It produces on the river at least
  15. A shelter is no good. It might buy you a week. Stay in the bush and enjoy whats left of life if war comes. At least most of us outdoorsman will buy some time but if anything goes nuclear it wont matter. Harsh to say but id rather emp attacks happen, cause i know well be fine. May the creator bless the city folk with no experience Amen ?????
  16. That is a PIG good job buddy
  17. please dont cause if they do cabelas will become as crap as bass pro
  18. perfect . thank you for the help the river i fish(starts with a c) is a smaller river so i think hardware is the way to go.any colour prefrences?
  19. In alll my time fishing a Shimano has never let me down
  20. Hi guys.So I've been steel heading for about 4 years now but not much in the fall and i was wondering how the steelhead would behave in extremely mild weather that we have had for the last few months as usually it is 0 degrees as i have not had much success on some of the west GTA rivers with this mild weather. Any advice would be helpful Thanks Imran
  21. find the blue spot inside and behind the gills then puncture this spot the let the fish bleed out then cut of the head and then gut it and scrape the back vein clean DONE
  22. goldbrick shad rap
  23. the swing
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