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steelhead hunter

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Everything posted by steelhead hunter

  1. you can get some big smallies and walleye fishing the narrows in bon echo just off the rock piles they come in there just before dark to feed on the bait fish try using black and silver and blue and silver rattlin raps they just love them good luck
  2. just woundering if anyone is getting any cats around saugeen I was thinking on going up there this weekend if anything is happening pm if you perfer thanks
  3. congrats dave what a chance of a life time just remember if you get a strike DON'T set the hook you might snag someone in the ass
  4. try van and truck world I don't know if there is one in vaughn but there is one at 401 and dixie
  5. try hitting bronte I was there last weekend and got fish but you will have to work for them they are spooked big time
  6. unfrotunatley people are not jumping to conclusions they confessed to killing that poor inoccent child and took MCclintic up in the chopper to show them were the body is hopefully they throw her out of the chopper at about 20000 feet after my heart goes out to all of Torie's family and freinds
  7. don't waste your time I was suppost to fish the tourney tomorrow and if they postpone that then it is WAY to bad to fish
  8. hitting the ganny on opener combat fishing at it's finest good luck
  9. first off I would just like to thank fish masters for getting us set up for cats but we had no luck at all I was just wondering when is the best time to fish for cats I'm just getting into fishing for them and would like some advice like time of year and time of day anything will help thank in advance
  10. thanks I'll try that next time
  11. why do my photo's keep doing this I got it from photobucket and made them thumbnails?
  12. got out at 1:00pm thursday afternoon for the day not the best time to go steelheading but take what you can get when you can got the first one on the first drift and it ended to be a good afternoon after all went 6 for 10 on the day
  13. thanks tibbs appreciate it man
  14. I was thinking on trying for some steelie this week up around oshawa and was woundering how far up the rivers you can fish I looked in the regs and can't find many rivers with an open season I don't want specific spots just how far up can you fish on rivers like ohsawa creek for example if you don't want to post it feel free to pm
  15. first off a #6hook with a pinky is was to big try around a #10 drop your leader to around 5lbs and then keep walking that strech of river isn't that productive above the breakers the fish just shoot right through there better luck on your next trip
  16. the orange that you see is just backing so you don't need as much mono on the reel I use the hight vis line just so bumb can see it and reduce the amount of times they cast over my line some times it works other times they aim
  17. they usualy are snug around the body and tight in the legs as for the foot are you sure it's the right shoe size check the bottom of the boot to find out good luck
  18. I alway kept my minnows on the porch all winter long all I did was put them in an aqarium with an oxygen pump so it would not freez worked great
  19. come on kemper there is alot of steel near guelph you just have to know where to go
  20. #4's in white, white/pink, pink, black, purple, pink/purple have been my best so far just started using them this year
  21. as of friday the credit was chocolate milk and unfishable or I would have been there
  22. pink worms work great and as for the steelhead jigs WOW!! just awsome
  23. the camera on the nextar fogs up realy quick and is useless get a Tom Tom had one for 2 years with no problems
  24. I wan't to see someone try lipping the dragon or the tiger fish
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