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Everything posted by NewHips

  1. Epic report as usual.........thank you for sharing the very essence of being that far North.........Great job
  2. Nice looking spoons.........I'll be fishing Taltson this fall, full report when I get back.
  3. Thanks for sharing........
  4. Great video, showed my Grandkids it also.........Thanks
  5. One week of pike fishing on the Taltson River....Great Slave Lake plus an additional 3 days for Lake Trout just 20 air miles from Yellowknife NWT on Hearne Lake.Hopefully I'll have some good trip reports.
  6. See what happens when you buy a new snowmobile.................................
  7. x2 on the moth balls....I always put them in the boat when I store it for the winter. Had a mother and 4 babies get in one year, what a mess. Four gallons of bleach later, finally aired out after power washing it a bunch of times.
  8. That's a highlight reel for anyone !!!!!!! Those are some beauties
  9. Life seemed much simpler ,,,,,,,
  10. Looking to add a couple days to my trip........Anybody ever been there? Primarily looking for Lakers on Great Slave Lake or vicinity. Thanks
  11. Done....good luck
  12. Great video..........Simon, did you use Cineform for the slow motion ?
  13. Thanks for the report..........wishing I could be there
  14. I was with my Uncle in Canada, we were into some big perch (1.5 lb) I think we stopped at about 40. We always take sausage and crackers to eat in the boat, I cut off the dried end of the sausage and tossed it overboard. About that time the perch moved off.......no more bites. One last drift and wham..........a nice pike about 6lbs, we took him back with the 40 perch and started cleaning them......low and behold if that Pike didn't have that sausage in his stomach. I hope my Uncle wasn't pulling a fast one on me !!!!!!!! I never did ask him before he passed away a few years ago.
  15. Great story.......................hope I never run into Him
  16. Used the frogs.............Pike love em.................
  17. On our last day on Lac Seul, my partner decides we are going to ambush the other 2 boats as they come back to the houseboat. So we cut up the remaining potatoes into 1x1 inch squares. He then grabs the leftover Nacho Cheese we had in a gallon tub. Ok here they come............we start pegging the dipped potatoes at them as were chasing them in the small bay were we were parked. They head to the houseboat for there own ammo.........we hightail out of there around a nearby island. We dressed up in full rain gear and rubber boots, and used the floatation pillows for shields, we were ready !!!!!! This went on for about a half hour or so before everyone ran out of ammo. 3 boats chasing each other around in circles.......what fun (but a little messy).
  18. Enjoyed the slope style and downhill The short track speed skating is pretty intense as well, amazing how they pass each other in tight quarters.
  19. Hope there (out) when I'm up there this September. I just have to find a way to stay up that late!!!!!!! Thanks for posting
  20. Those are some dandy's................I got 2,on Lac Seul a few years ago (about that size) they fight like crazy. Thanks for the report.
  21. What makes Her tick..........
  22. It kinda gives you the creeps
  23. I'm sure a few of you out there are tiring from this cold winter. For those who like to ticker in the workshop, try building one of these!!!!!!!!!! http://www.chonday.com/Videos/the-writer-automaton Stay warm..................................
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