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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Look at CCMT and Bly's reports and you'll know why!!! (Hugh Jass fish!!!)
  2. Yeah, a snaggers dream eh!
  3. Yeah, I think that one's about 7 or 8 yrs. old now.
  4. Developed in the late 1950's and still catching lots of fish today!!! Don't leave home without it!!!
  5. Thanks for posting that John!!! I've been watching for this post since Holdie posted his report, I hope he posts the rest of his pics now. Nevermind Holdies gruff exterior, underneath that Drill Instructor Sargent persona lies a little fluffy puppy! Looks like y'all had a great time and I wish I could get up there and have a chance to fish with both of y'all!!!
  6. This is our baby, she's about 3 yrs. old now. She was hit by a van at the tender age of 6 mo. and lost her left front leg, but it hasn't slowed her down much at all! She's Border Collie and half Australian Shepard, she's very protective of her mommy and daddy... and it would be illadvised for anyone to try to enter the house or her fenced backyard without me or Ol' Yeller present! Her name is Miss Bubba. .. any dog that eats mud isn't going to mind biting a strange people!!! ... and this is what she looks like all cleaned up!
  7. Including Mr. Wiggley... 1, fishing poles I have a boatload of!!!
  8. Been there done that... the replies were to far apart to keep me interested.
  9. Great report, pics, and a couple real nice fish there Holdie!!! Ya gotta love it when the fish start to bite as soon as you drop your line down!!! Looks like Spike has turned into a great little fisherdog! Looking forward to the rest of the report!
  10. The best way to know if you have a good boat or not is to either launch without the plug in or have a leak, if you notice water coming up thru the floor drain... your boat is less than desireable. If you fish all day and only notice you took on water when you trailer the boat and take or notice the plug is out because of the huge stream of water coming fron it... you've got a good boat! ... don't ask me how I know this... but I do have a good boat!!!
  11. You should be able to purchase an Attwood locally, they're good pumps... and is what came on my Tracker from the factory.
  12. You did good!!! What did you catch the bass on?... the frog lure as well?
  13. Buy new and think 454 c.i.d!!!
  14. Yup! Mine froze one winter and the same thing happened to me!... $25 for a new pump at Wal-Mart and the problem was solved!
  15. Excellent report, pics, and fish Joey!!! It killed my soul to have had to miss the trip up this year, but reports like this that take me there for a few minutes! Thanks for taking the time to put that report together!!!
  16. Typical! is this John F in his new Ranger???
  17. Very entertaining report!!! Is this recently?... I can't help but notice the heavy sweatshirts. I'ts 100,000,000*F down here in 'Bama!
  18. That sounds like fishing out of my Deep V. .. and I'm pretty sure that's what they make drift socks for.
  19. Thats right, I can't see spending all that money on expensive braid only to have a weak link at the end of the spool!
  20. Wow!!! SD and I almost agree on something!!! I prefer to spool my braid on solid, no backing... but I prefer to use the Arbor knot to fasten my line to the spool. http://www.animatedknots.com/arbor/index.php A common mistake I've seen and heard of people doing when spooling braided line is not packing it on to the spool tight enough. I use a damp dishcloth or wash rag to pinch the line between my thumb and forefinger with, with the same hand I hold my rod. Tighten your drag all the way dowm and start cranking, it should take a lot of effort to fill the spool. Packing the line on tightly like this will also keep the line from cutting into the spool when you snag or hook a big fish!
  21. The same here, except I prefer a big plastic Lizard rigged weightless and "skin" hooked. I also use the 30 lb test green spiderwire, because when you catch a big fish in the weeds you're usually going to have to haul in just as many weeds as fish... 5 pounds of fish and 5 lbs. of weeds!
  22. Don't miss "Mans Favorite Sport" if they show it!!!... a true fishing classic!!!
  23. It is a very good pic!!! Rob took a similar one last year as well... when everyone else is misbehaving around the campfire, Cliff and bly are out fishing and Rob is down at the docks wait for the "fleet" to come in!
  24. Yeah, that's pretty much "old hat"... when are we goin' to see Cliff inna skimpy bikini and holding a big fizh???
  25. An excellent fish LL!!! ... but I think you'll catch a bigger one in that ol' farm pond you fish in ... unless you're not going to fish anymore this year?
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