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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Are you using this line on Spinning or Baitcasting equipment Cliff? I can be extra special tricky spooling Fluro onto Spinning equipment, I've got a great little line spooling station called a "Line Tamer" it really does away with the line twist you may be encountering. I personall LOVE the Berkley "Vanish" line!!!... but there are a lot of people that hate it. I don't know what color water you fish (clarity), but the clearer it is the more you need Flurocarbon!!! The Coosa River chain of lakes I always fish turns very clear in the summer months, especially if we don't get much rain. I'll spank anybody's butt that is fishin' in the boat with me that isn't using fluro... 2:1, 3:1, 4:1... it's not a pretty sight and provides me with many hours of "bragging rights" stories! I'm also a big Fluro fan for deep sea fishing, at 40 miles offshore... the water is crystal clear and at 200 mft. deep, red circle hooks and Fluro leader rules!!! ... but that's prolly just me.
  2. We call that the "King Midas" touch in reverse (everything he touched turned to she-yit instead of gold)... and why do you think this house was up for sale eh?
  3. Man!!! How many times have I heard that statement come from a womans lips?
  4. I like to target Fish!... preferably the live kind!
  5. Day'um... I wouldn't slam an outhouse door that hard!!!
  6. What're you talkin' about Art? I almost caught a couple fish last year at the G2G, doesn't that count for something? I'm kinda like George Thourogood... I Drink AND Fish ALONE!!!
  7. Sounds like he was sandbaggin' ya Mike! 6/6 and then 0/0???... but you can always catch as many fish as ya want, and they can be as big and as small as ya want when you forget to bring the camera! No sense messing up a fantastic fishing trip with photographic proof eh? I've also heard that Wall-ice don't like that many weeds, and prefer a sand/gravel bottom instead... maybe he forgot what y'alls targeted species was and took you to his Pike spot instead? Great report and pics!!!... next time leave the camera in the Jeep if ya wanna catch fish.
  8. Plastic is NOT!!! However, the Berkley Gulp and Food Source line of soft baits is bio-degradeble. Gulp is the most famous, plastic baits are injurious to the wildlife that eat them, they cannot digest them and the lodge in the digestive tract and cause illness. http://www.fslures.com/product-info/problem-with-plastic.php
  9. Maybe Misfish's Avatar was takin' a bath in Scugog?
  10. mini van!!!
  11. That's right!!! Just push it on thru, I don't trust the "yanking out" method... it could do alot more damage than good. Lot'sa cussin helps...
  12. ...
  13. Next time try a real live "garden hackle"!
  14. I agree with the other mature fisherman here... who the hell you callin' old time boy??? Those lures aren't that old... or maybe they are and I've just lost track of time, but I remember every one of them and have a few myself. You need to preserve those lures Johnny, they may not be really that old right now... but will be when you get to be my age (I'm 23). I wish i'd had the foresight to save some lures when I was a youngun, and to have even purchased some antiques back then. Thanks for posting this!
  15. Great report, Great pics, and Great lookin' family!!!
  16. Cub Scout... 'til I got kicked out...
  17. You Da Man T.J.!!!
  18. ...
  19. We want FISH AND PICTURES!!! Everybody knows that if you're gonna be a C&R kinda guy, you gotta take the pics... otherwise you're just another "Story Teller".
  20. ...
  21. Well I get a TAN while I'm doing it!!! ... and if I fished for a living... I'd never go to bed!
  22. Them Sturgeons must really hate the wimmin folks!!!
  23. ...
  24. ...
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