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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Uh-huh!If you're anything like me, you feel like 118 when those muscles start tightening up... after the 3rd rum from the fountain of youth, you feel like you're back to 23!
  2. Aren't you gettin' kinda OLD for that "hell raisin'" kinda stuff Don???... and you can't catch fish if you don't have a line or 2 in the water! I rode a snowmobile for the first time a few years ago, they're a blast!!! Glad we don't have them down here, might cut into my fishin' time!
  3. Now those are Lake Trout!!! Not those skinny, wormy, wimpy little things we're used to seeing on the board here! Whats up with that??? Y'all need to feed the southern Ontario Lakers more beans and taters!
  4. Ya gotta love the little yeller "Nancy" fish!
  5. Great report and pics Hoser/Frog!!! Ryans fish looks heavier than any of yours, I'd say he got the BFOTD! Ya gotta love the Pike, scrappy little Boogers no matter what size! Live minnerz rule!!! Pic #20 is the real you!!! That skunk is going to get home sick real quick, he'll be back to see you in a timely manner!
  6. Dusk, night, and dawn for the low light feeders like wall-ice, Crappie and Burbot. Daylight hours for Perch, Pike, Whitefish, and Lakers. Time of day is less important with the more snow cover there is. Barometric pressure is still a factor.
  7. I know the title says revisited... but how many times??? Just buy something already!!! It doesn't matter how many you look at or how long you take, you'll always wish you bought something else.
  8. We just made it look like that so the Snowbirds would feel more at home on their way down to Florida.
  9. Very nice fish!!! Looks like the bottom one had a terrible hemorrhoid.
  10. Welcome! That Brookies is a fat nasty HOG!! If you'll join Photobucket, you'll find life to be much simpler when it comes to posting pics. No resizing and you can post a much bigger pic.
  11. You got that feces right!
  12. If you're that unfamiliar with the water, I'd start out by going with an outfitter... especially on a river system with current.
  13. Be sure to strap a 2x4 to your butt!
  14. If you'll go ahead and fire up those 11 packs, you'll be back down to 185 in no time!
  15. You've really got to ask yourself... is it really worth riskin' my life over a few little Nancy yeller fish?
  16. Could somebody please post a pic of one of these? My imagination may be running wild, but I'm thinkin' mount a couple ski's on the bottom and you could leave the snow machines in your powder on a brisk day!!!
  17. Hockey down here in the deep Soiuth is an expletive for feces. For example, we might say "Aw! That's the biggest bunch of Horse Hockey I've ever heard!", and plumbers are referred to as "Hockey-ologists"... but the most frequent reference to the word you would probably hear down here would go something like "I've got to go to the Hockey-House and take a big ol' Whopper an' then wipe my Aplumma".
  18. Gettin pizzy because of a closed season is just plain ignorant! Closed seasons make fishin so mmuch better!!!... I'm glad we don't have closed freshwater fishin seasons!
  19. I loathe and despise you for hanging on to this report for so long. Babies will be whithin a 1/2 mile radius of where you put them down 4 hours earlier! The further away from you the baby is, the less the dirty diaper will bother you!!! It was mediocre report with semi-attractive fish, it also looks like you've really let your self esteem escape you. Maybe if you can find the time in the next eon (inbetween fishin' trips and child rearing interludes) to post another report I may be more considerate. ... until then...
  20. Good to have you back "double O"!
  21. Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!!!... pass me the lighter!
  22. That is a huge pig, but camera angle has a lot to do with it looking larger than it really is. If the boy was standing upright in front of the pig instead of leaning against it from behind... it wouldn't look quite as big. That pig was shot about 20 mi. from where I live. btw... if you think that pig is big, you oughtta see some of our corn-fed Rednecks!!!
  23. Yup! Gonna be +22 on Tuesday!!!... oops!... that's here... not up there, my bad!
  24. Do this page: http://www.nhlbisupport.com/bmi/ Then read this one: http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/public/hea...ose_wt/risk.htm Care for some fries with that cookie?
  25. ... but it aint nothin' new... and that's the saddest part.
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