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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Here's a little Traveler boat history for you: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arkansas_Traveler_(boat_line) Your boat was probably made at the Peterborough Ontario plant.
  2. Congratulations to you and the LLJ on a fine looking offspring!!! Now it's going to be 2 wimmins whippin' up on you in the fishing boat!!! Do they make floatation suits that small?
  3. You Pink Flamingos theory sounds just Devine Bushy! So what color is the flesh of the Salmon that the deep water Blue Zone boys catch in the summer?... are these not the same Salmon coming into the creeks now? Does anyone have a pic of a Blue Zone Salmon fillet or steak they'd like to post?
  4. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings son... come here and let Daddy put some ninny on it for you...
  5. These fish are predators, one of the best baits for them is a live 6-8" Bluegill (legal here) they're found on main river channels and river channel/creek channel junctions... I'm pretty sure they would sodomize a Salmon, and do even worse things to one of those overweight Rainbow Troot!!! I doubt seriously that you would be able to land one on one of your clothesline pulley/buggy whip combos!!!
  6. Don't want to "bad mouth" you Holdie, but I don't really consider a Ranger as a truck... kinda like a little car without a trunk lid! Their handling on dry land is less than desireable for me... rain, snow, and ice only compound the less than desireable factors!
  7. That is the second most intelligent thing you've ever said on this board!!! ... it was a 250 Superdirty eh!!!
  8. Define y'all!!!
  9. Run chicken run!!!... how can you call yourself a true Canadian if you run away from the ice fishing and huts???... isn't that a big part of being Canadian? ... hopefully you at least took a case of Maple Syrup with you!
  10. I'm kinda disappointed!... I thought Rocket the goat ate a puck or something.
  11. Humminbird all the way Dude!!!... made by Rednecks, for Rednecks!!! Personally for me Johnny Bass, the Garmin only offers a dual beam transducer... I would go with the Humminbird triple or quadruple beam unit and transducer, your "cone" will be much larger in shallow water... and if you fish in a waterway that doesn't have shipping lanes, I wouldn't go over 2400 watts on a unit... but that's just me eh!
  12. You can have my share of that Burt!... I don't support commercial fishing!!!
  13. So why is the astaxanthin not invisible in the fish flesh until cooked???... eeeeeewwww dude!!!.. I just realized that you're making up excuses for eating rotting salmonoid flesh too!!! *RETCH*
  14. My name is not Herve Villechaize or Roy, I stand 5'-9" in stocking feet! That's what I'm talking about richyb!!!
  15. uhhh, yeah... explain this: and this: Caught in Cold Lake Alberta on frozen anchovies.
  16. Early to bed, Early to rise, Fish like hell, and make up lies!!! That's the fishermans motto... I just thought I'd throw it out there.
  17. I know there are some red and orange shrimp in some places, but most of the freshwater and saltwater shrimp I've ever seen are translucent/clear when they're alive... they turn red, pink, or orange after they've died or have been cooked! ... and all the Lake Trout I've ever caught have been caught on baitfish, as a mater of fact... baitfish are just about all I've ever heard anyone catching lakers on! The diet theory doesn't hold any water with me... it sounds like an excuse people are making up to justify eating rotting fish... and to keep from hurling when they think about how much of it they have eaten!!!
  18. I didn't comment on the last thread, because they were all good suggestions... but since you brought it up again... You should actually have an assortment of crankbaits in your arsenal that cover that water column from the top to 25' down! The Rapala Deep Tail Dancer will put you where you want to be @ 25-27', you adjust the depth you troll it at by the amount of line you let out! I hope this helps!
  19. The Bullheads are far more fitting than you deserve!!!!... and that should be more than you're entitled to!!!
  20. How a manses brain works... or, how a man's briain works???.. please make it brain works!!!!!!... if you've passed the ninth grade!!!!
  21. Just remind yourself of that when your grandchildren come out with 4 eyes and tentacles instead of limbs!!!
  22. You should ditch the ski-doo as of yesteryear!!!...they don't run well when not on snow yanno!!!... 2 strokes sux azz!!!
  23. OMG!!!... I hadn't noticed it until now.. but look-it the butt-holes on these fish!!! ... have you been sodomizing these fish when they've been landed Rizz???... please say it ain't so!!!
  24. To keep it short I'll just say that these are river fish that fight current most of their life, and if you have crappy tackle they'll take it away from you!
  25. ... because it's almost dead and decomposing? *insert hurl emoticon here*
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