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About Greencoachdog

  • Birthday 03/15/1984

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  • Location
    Hog Swaller Alabama
  • Interests
    Fishin', Fishin', and more Fishin'... OH!... and anything that has to do with Fishin'.. like... catchin' fish!

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Fishing God

Fishing God (9/10)



  1. Where ya been GCD? miss your comments, hope all is well!

  2. Roy what the heck is up. I miss your posts.

  3. Don't feel bad Uncle Arttie, we're s'posed to snow all day here in 'Bama tomorrow. Earlier in the week they were calling for 1-3 inches.... but they haven't said anything lately. The ground is going to be good and frozen with an over night low of 27*F, so what ever falls is going to stick. I blame Canada for this! ... y'all keep that dad-burned cold air to yourselves now, ya heah? Y'all is messing up my spring Speckled Perch fishin'!!!
  4. The headlight is for dry land... not the ice, watch the vid Paul!
  5. ... for you it's one over 12" and not to exceed 13" and 2 under 12"... have a good feast "meat hunter"!!!
  6. Evidently they thought ice was there... ... yanno what thought did don'cha?... and that's what happens to all snowmobilers that go through the ice... they thought it was safe.
  7. Snowmobiling on ice in the dark is one of the most stupid things you can do! Those people are damn lucky to be alive!!!
  8. Monsieur Jacques, I' de beau jour ; le ll vous attende la fois prochaine !
  9. Dang! I hate that for y'all Jacques! Maybe next time go with a hut operator to have some place out of the wind?
  10. I think there's going to be a Pike looking real cool just after ice out!
  11. .. either they're writing reports... or were visited by Pepe LePew.
  12. Yup!... we raised them up and trained them to hate (fed them poutine until they were sick of it) and attack Canada, then we showed them which way north was and set them free! ... and if y'all give us any crap at all. we're turning of the electric barrier and you will be doomed! Now, if you were a little better informed you would know that the carp escaped the farms when the Missippi river flooded over it's banks and into the farms... kinda like a natural disaster thing. That'll be MISTER GCD to you... and I may be your worst nightmare!
  13. I'm sure there will be! ... right after y'all pay us retroactive restitution for letting the Sea Lamprey in through the St. Lawrence Seaway! ... and the Goby. ... and the Zebra Mussel.
  14. Art has a Huge blower!!! I'm sure of that too!!! Where have I heard that before?
  15. Yeah, it's not like the U.S. doesn't care or hasn't tried to stop them... the great lakes are our waters too!!! ... and speaking of insulting, I felt insulted just reading the title to this thread! Maybe y'all should put up your own barriers on the Canadian side?... would any of the bashers like to chip a few $ for that?
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