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Tom McCutcheon

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Everything posted by Tom McCutcheon

  1. When I first looked at the picture, I counted 16 walleye, and then realized it is two photos.......Fooled me good... Nice trip and they look to be about a 3 lb. average.
  2. You could try Wolseley Lodge, or Totem Point Lodge on Wolseley Bay (French River) I know both of these resorts sometimes have last minute openings. Totem Point is a little more rustic and Wolseley has a beach area.
  3. Now you've jinxed yourself.....LOL ..I would be changing it just for peace of mind
  4. The launch on Gilchrist Bay (Little's Marina?) is about mid way point of the lake. It isn't a bad launch and I think it is $10.00. I can't comment on other launches as I have never used those.
  5. Personally, I would go with the Princecraft... 1/ newer 2/ better fuel consumption 3/ better all around family/fishing boat
  6. Almost in the same position as you Cliff. We purchased here on Pigeon Lake in 2003 when I was still a young and strong 55 years old. It gets harder every day. I used to cut the whole area in a day including trimming around every tree and bush. Now I do it in shifts. Half the front water side yard one day, the other half the next. Road edge yard the day after that. I can see me making the same choice as you in about two or three years.
  7. I will PM his contact information. PM sent.
  8. There is a 24 volt 80 lb Minn Kota Maxxum for sale from a Muskies Canada Member. He is upgrading to 36 volts. He is asking $600.00 I can put you in touch with him if your interested.
  9. You were close....That all depends on how long you use the motor on Full Power. Generally speaking, 24 volts will give you twice the amount of run time as a 12 volt system if the same speed is maintained on both systems IE: 24 volt is doing 4 MPH and 12 volt is doing 4 MPH, and batteries are of equal size and capacity.
  10. For shaft length, take a measurement from the deck of the boat where the motor will be installed to the surface of the water. The motors are adjustable for height but you want the prop housing and prop to be at least a foot and a half below the water surface at a minimum. When it is rolling with waves or wake, the prop will come out of the water and you will lose propulsion. 24 volts will give you..., Tim Allan's....MORE POWER....AARRGGHH....AARRGGHH...AARRGGHH
  11. Go with the maximum amount of thrust you can afford, (minimum 60), you need to remember that a pontoon boat is like a huge sail when it comes to wind and current. You may also wish to discuss 12 volt or 24 volt and shaft length. As far as makes and models, both Motor Guide and Min Kota are the accepted standards and different models are available to meet your needs. Some will swear by one over the other, but that is what Forums like this are for....
  12. you will have better controll of the boat when mounted at the bow. Do you wish to use the hummingbird strictly while using the trolling motor? If so, you can mount the transducer to the prop housing with a large hose clamp. If not, then the best place is on the stern end of one of the pontoons.
  13. LOL....... YAY!!!!!!..LADA'S
  14. I'm not sure, but I believe the ones that leaked and sank were of newer vintage (post 2004) and all welded hulls? I haven't heard of any of the riveted tracker hulls having issues. ​Correct me if I'm wrong.
  15. You have received some really good information and accurate suggestions by others on this forum. I will add just one. Visit the Muskies Canada website and find the nearest chapter to you. You can go and sit in on any meetings you wish to with no obligation to join. Listen to the guys there and most of them will help you out. It WILL shorten your learning curve.
  16. Another 45 minutes to an hour past Parry Sound on 400 takes you to the French River...More Crown Land camping than you can shake a stick at....
  17. That prop is repairable. Over the years they have done several for me. I think the last time was somewhere around $100.00 City Wide Prop Repair 1867 Drew Rd. Mississauga 905-612-8046.
  18. I'm not familiar with the unit, but can you change the frequency from 200mghz, to 83, to 50? Or shallow to deep water setting?
  19. I was waiting to see how they would portray the hard slide to second base after the "Bean Ball" steak to the face..... and as mentioned, the fork flip was right on target.
  20. Gone from noisy boats to cleaning up Smokey's Toilet Tissues......LOL
  21. Corrosion on the wire connectors either at the battery end, switch connection or fixture connection. Just like on a trailer connection. No lights or intermittent lights is usually corrosion or a bad ground.
  22. Did they name it NBC?
  23. Yep....still available...It's not a bait runner though, but will handle a large carp or big pike.
  24. Is that the Jesse Lake in Quetico PP? Go to Google Maps and satellite view. Gives you a pretty good idea of what it looks like but no depth or structure.
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