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Everything posted by Jds63

  1. I enjoy both very much .... however softwater fishing has the edge because i can get the family to come out ... i also purchased a small boat which now really opens up a lot of choices where to fish
  2. fantastic work i really like that style
  3. cool to see we have a few guys with this unit still havn't used mine but will this weekend ....
  4. Just thought i would pass on this info: if you purchased a Humminbird ice 45 flasher between September 1 09 and December 31 09 you can mail in for a free carrying bag through Humminbird. Here is the link: http://store.humminbird.com/products/26936...4b00885e63b2d52 Looks like I won't get mine until after the ice season (8 -10 weeks for delivery) is done but it'll be nice to have one anyways for next year
  5. I would like to meet up with you all as well .... either date is good I'll be walking it as well ... would love to try for some whities or lakers thanks
  6. that is just downright sic i could fish a lifetime and never catch beauties like that cheers
  7. good stuff .... nice variety
  8. hey guys thanks for the info ..... i have only fished close to bottom ... usually fish in 55 - 75 ft of water .... (mostly Temagami and Haliburton) ..... can you walk out to that depth of water on Simcoe or do you need a sled ? this year since I will have a flasher maybe I will see more of the water column which might help .... my friends that caught lakers last year caught them right on bottom as we were fishing for whitefish as well hope to try all the suggestions and will give the tubes a chance to prove that they work for big lakers
  9. Over the last several years trying to outwit Lakers in the winter (with limited success) i have taken a few... mostly using just a jig and minnow. Last winter I caught a laker using the williams whitefish spoon. Most of the fish I end up catching are whitefish . I have watched a lot of videos where guys are catching lots of lakers using a white tube, i tried it several times last winter but with no success. This year I have armed myself with a flasher as well so I am hoping this will help. What I was wondering is ... have any of you guys had luck with white tubes or is there a trick that they are using like some kind of special scent. Also what is your preffered lure or bait for winter lakers.
  10. wow ... to put Gustavsson (the Monster) in the same quote as Brodeur and Luongo ... can't say I agree with that ... he needs to earn and prove he is a #1 with a lot more games under his belt I am not a GM and getting paid 2 million a year like Burke but it doesn't take a genius to see that these stats are taking a long shot (which by the way the leafs organization do a lot) the salary cap does limit what they can do , so what choice do they have ? Gustavsson will not be there number 1 ... I think he is just a temporary solution until they can unload Toskala and go shopping again here are those stas if you care to look: http://mapleleafs.nhl.com/club/player.htm?id=8475361
  11. thanks for posting that .... i love ice fishing for lakers .... best ice fishing video I have ever seen ..... hands down ...
  12. until the leafs get a true #1 goalie we are going see this up and down performance all season
  13. Hey Simon .... its candy for the eyes this morning as I have my coffee and read the posts ... thanks
  14. i'm just chompin at the bit waiting for some ice close by, and you guys are already pulling in beauties like that.... awesome
  15. whenever you listen to all the hockey pundits .... they have always said that you build a championship team staring from the goalie up ......(ie. Pittsburgh, Detroit, New Jersey, Montreal) why is this concept so foreign for the Leafs organization !!!!!! .... it really pisses me off .... they just don't seem to get it Ferguson obviously didn't .... lets hope that Burke gets down to business when Toskala leaves .... the richest team in the NHL can't get there act together ? Leaf fans deserve better than this crap year after year ... sorry for the rant ... but after watching that pathetic display last night I have had enough go Leafs go .... maybe ?
  16. nice pics Simon .... looks pretty cold up there hope by Jan 1 we have a decent freeze up down here in balmy southern Ontario
  17. awesome, Cliff ... you have inspired my son who is a budding guitarist thanks
  18. started 6 years ago .... can't wait for every ice up .... you are going tobe hooked (no pun intended) rods ... tackle .... trips to northern Ontario .... flasher ...... portable hut ..... sled ? .... when will it ever stop ....
  19. thanks for the report Simon always look forward to your videos
  20. looking forward to getting up to Haliburton as soon as season opens, (brookies and lakers) check out some of the stocked lakes, does anyone else ice fish in the haliburton area if so has anyone ice fished in the Haliburton Forest ? http://www.halcom.ca/haliburton.php
  21. sharing stories and drinks with good friends debates on which scotch/beer is better (the drinking is only when we are staying at the cottage.. no driving) debates on which cigar is better trash talking each other's lures and methods listening to the ice crack and hope evrything is ok
  22. Ummm.. his girlfriend after 25 years of marriage ....... maybe he has a girlfriend up there and didn't tell me
  23. My buddy sent me a picture he took this morning at his cottage, the patio table is 1 night of snow, he said he cleared the rest of the deck last night when he arrived at 2:00 am and left the patio table untouched he is stuck up there until snow plows come through , luck guy .... wood stove, beer and hockey night in Canada, what else do ya need
  24. absolutely incredible !!!!! ....... fantastic pics
  25. if you do get the hbird ice flasher, Ben mentioned earlier to me not use the support cable it seems to screw up the transducer reading hbird only supplies it due to copyright infringments with vex's I believe, .... Thanks Ben
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