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Everything posted by banger

  1. 1971 Audi 100LS. nice car.I was 16. now I'm 38.
  2. Seafoam is a GREAT product.WHen it was stored for the winter did get winterrized? The best way to ungum your carb is to take it off.And break in down.You'll mostlikey find powder at the bottom.They are a very simple carb and easy to take apart if your handy. What year is the motor? Newer models have safety stuff that will detect probs and not let you run it full open. Is is shooting out water for cooling? I had a motor that had a impeller on it's way out.And the Merc would not run full out. Start with plugs.And don't trust the gap outta the box.Find out what the gap is and set it. Is your ball/pump staying hard,with preasure. On a 2 stroke motor the best thing to start with is the easy stuff.Spark,fuel,& fuel preasure. And old gas is a NO NO, unless it's been treated with staybile.
  3. I did'nt know you could lip a Pike. LOL What do you mean about the ramp.What did they drill you on??? can you add details.plz
  4. NIce Skie. I've gotta get dwon to LSC.
  5. x2
  6. x2
  7. Tiller all the way. MUCH more room. Windshields are for wimps. I did have a Pike SS with the W/SH ....I have grown since. lol Shawn.
  8. nice slab. I never had any luck on that Lake, the 1st and only time I was there. Nice. Shawn.
  9. not mine but a buddies. Andrew, you da man.
  10. I did'nt know what Lake it was till the last minute. LOL Lake ONT! the fishing was great! ( for the amount of time spent on the water) I was near and around Picton/Bellvile. I did'nt take the pop up.It's not ready for a road trip yet. We ruff'd er.
  11. I went out for the long weekend, stayed in a 1 season pup tent.When we could get out on the Lake ( high winds, and waves over the side of the little boat) we did very well.For the 3 hours of real time on the water.We landed over 40 fish.We were looking for big Pike.Casting big buck tail inline spinners, and big stick baits.We only got 50 % Pike.The Bass were on the bite.We tried bigger buck tails, and faster, but the Bass were in the same places we were hitting some good Pike.We did'nt want to mess the Bass up.But we were using BIG pike baits, and olny landing 50% Pike.I guess there is'nt much you can do. Here are some of the pic's.We tried to take lots of pic's.But when the bite turned on.It was hard to pick up the cam all the time.More of less, 20 Pike this size.And 20 Bass around the same size.And I should'nt have to say this.But... of course all the Bass we put back as gentle as possible.We moved all over the Lake.And hit some good Pike.Problem was the Bass when in the same places.Not much we could do. The weather SUCKED!!! but I had a great weekend.I dressed for the weather and tuff'd it out!!!The nite time sleeping was cold and windy.But hey...This is Canada. I'm glad I went.Any day is a great day to go fishing.Good weather or bad.They are all good.
  12. Sounds like a good idea about the demudifier it can't hurt.But most underpadding is really! think ( more for sound proffing than anything) and the humidfier might not go throught the think padding.I'd hate to see you have h2o under that mat, and watch your truck rust out FAST. ANd about waiting to change/check your fluids. If it was summer, I'd say "maybe"? wait a bit...but having h20 in your diff's or t-case in the winter will do some major damage. I would'nt wait to long IMO. it sure can't hurt. take care, us jeep guys have to stick together. Shawn. PS, my old Cherokee with no carpet/mats. just for fun.
  13. Ok, 1st of all.I'm glad your ok & nothing really happen so badly. 2sd you might have sucked up all the water on the top of the mats.But I will bet there is still h2o under the mats.I've been 4x4ing Jeeps for many years now.And after jumping in swamps & mud holes you soon figure out.That carpet has no place to be found in a Jeep.lol ( I ripped mine outta my Cherokee ) I would lift up you carpets in your truck ( by the doors are the easy ones to get at) you'll be shocked to see how much water is under that carpet.It will stink sooner or later. 3rd change your diff fluids frt & rear.You most likely have h20 in your diif's.And I would check/change your t-case oil as well.Your diff vent lines are not long enuff to stay outta h20. oh yeah crap happens. take care. Shawn.
  14. I was on Nip Fri,Sat & Sun last week. I did VERY well! I picked up 5 walleye under the slot, and 4 over the slot.2 Herin ( <spelling?) 20 some odd jumbo perch, 2 white fish. But took a loss on the poker table in the hut. I had a great time 18" to24 " of ice ( give or take) we fished in 18 feet of h20. Shawn.
  15. Next time that happens, I would recommend TNT LOL That sucks. But thats why they call it fish'in.And not catching.
  16. It's my dream in life to fish that Lake one day. And one day I will. Get one for me. Shawn.
  17. I Lived in the Hammer most of my life, then moved to Mississauga for the last 9 years or so. Now I own a house on the Stoney Creek M.T. it's good to be home in some ways...
  18. That tends to give me heart failure.
  19. But is'nt it great getting more than one shot at a fish... God I love Pike!!!
  20. X2
  21. Now that Im older and fish alone most of the time, I wont hit the rivers for salmon because there is just too many people snagging the fish. X10 this is why I don't fish anymore in the rivers. I just drives me NUTS!! and I would end up losing my cool.
  22. Well... We went to Brant park.It's a very! huge park ( around 480 acres) I will return, and we are thinking of getting a seasons pass, this would incl. all GRand river partk ( 11 in total) I never even got my line wet, but I spent some much needed time with my Family.And i let my 11 year old girl drive my new TJ ( six speed) She did great, this was her 1st time behind the wheel. Without being on my lap ( she's getting to big for that) I've had her in my work truck many times on my lap ( I'm a AZ truck driver) she has even backed up my trailer in the yard ( while on my lap) It's a memory she'll NEVER! forget.It reminds me of that song, by Allan Jackson " when Daddy let me drive" Thanks for the tip fatherof3. Shawn.
  23. Thanks guys. I think, I'll check out a spot on the Grand, In Brantford. This was VERY helpful.And I thank you all. Shawn.
  24. Hello everyone, I'am looking for a good local park to take the Wife & kid for an over night trip.I have a small pop up trailer.And Live in Stoney Creek/ Hamilton M.T. I was thinking of Valens, but I'd like to do some fishing as well.And I've never really had much luck @ Valens. I'm open to suggestions, from you all.Where would you go? Maybe a small trailer park on the Grand River would be nice.I've been meaning to hit the Grand for some Smallies.I'm willing to travel, up to one hour.But I'd rather not travel much more.( I drive truck for a living, and hate driving now.lol) I'm gonna leave Sat, bright and early...( around noon.LOL) Thanks. Shawn.
  25. I'd say what ever somebody is willing to pay for it. But if you were to put it, on the back of a 12 foot boat, in the right time of year.You'd get $1200 ish. just as a motor, around $200.oo to $400.oo.
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