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Everything posted by banger

  1. From a member of the 40" club. congrats. Hope the jerk, gets some bottom end trouble for his boner move
  2. I'm having trouble finding these kinda pork frogs.These are around 6 to 8" long green & white. I'd be willing to travel a bit.Just can't find them local as of yet. Not even sure if they still make them.I've been useing the same pork baits for some time now. They are GREAT for big pike, with a weedless hook.
  3. LOL!!! The "Farmer" name was given to me from the "fishingfeind" I worked for a trucking company named, Framer Cartage. And wore cover-all shorts all the time. Fishingfeind worked for a company the I picked up for.Every day, on the loud speaker." dock man to the office, Framer's here" I figured if I posted... Framer's 1st report. He'd see it. thanks, for hoo'in he up with the site Fishingfeind. I've been using the name Banger, for some time now.Another nick name given to me.( don't ask!!lol) Funny as hell.
  4. thanks. It won't be my last report.
  5. YES! I still have yer Gulp worms. ( 2 packs) And yes we should hook up soon. for Lake sore arm, or the Berg.
  6. I'm sorry, Your RIght. Have'nt had my coffee yet. This was & is an old school trick for checking this prob, on late model vehicles. Just like jumping the old man's Mustang with a long scewdriver. Never mind.
  7. While your Car is running, unhook your Battery cable ( positive+) if it still runs with the power calble off.Most likely your alternator is still good. The alternator "should " be able to keep the car running without the Battery hooked up.( for a short time). IS the Battery the same one, when the car was new??? If so... you got some long life outta it. And It's time to get a new one.
  8. LOL. ok... I know they not HUGE! lol. but the are ok. And the average Bass size for this Pond. I've scaled 5#'s outta this pond, in the past.
  9. The best lure to use for any Lake, is what's naturally eaten by the game fish in the lake. Some lakes with rock bottoms.Tube jigs/crayfish platics work great on..And you could toss all kinds of crank baits and get nothing.Other lakes with deep water,might have shad for bait fish.In these Lakes, crank baits in certain times of year, can be great!. It really depends on the bottom of the lake.The depth of the Lake.Water clairity & color.Veg/cover grown on the bottom.All this info, will tell you what the Game fish are eating. I could'nt really tell you what to use.That's is hot, right now.Keep your eyes open,while in the boat. And pick your lure based on the info. Match the hatch.
  10. Maybe they have cheap taste then. LOL cause it was the lizard that comes in the Wally mart kit. ( I think it's the 125pc.Rattlesnake kit, for around 15 bucks) I wa planning on picking up some big ass lizards, from another brand. Cause I'am alomost out of Lizards now.
  11. Thanks. Just for size compairing. I'm 5' 11" 220lbs. So far from small. They look kinda small next to my buda belly. Wish I had taped & weigh'd them. I tend to be close or under on my guesstimating. The pic of this one. kinda shows it's bulge. ( only 5 Bass, but lots of pic;s with releases & diff views)
  12. That was his 1st Musky!!! NICE! must be nice. Good for him. Now he'll be hard pressed to top that. Did he have a tape measure???
  13. Thanks for the welcome. Just anothe pic. He's a fatty. Bad view.He's trying to smack my face with his tail at that moment. The sun was killer, I look as red as a lobster. Gonna have to go into the saftey kit, for some aid.
  14. X2 My buddy has a stocked Bass pond in his back yard. He pratices all C&R and files down all barbs. But after awhile, they do know the bait that make them have sore lips & whip-lash. After tossing out soft plastics for a couple of weeks.They just won;t! hit it again.Then we'd change to inline spinners, and get them every cast.And then after a bit of C&R with the spinner, we'd have to change up to YADA YADA. They learn & retain info. Bass are smarter then they look.
  15. Nice Bass. Gotta luv those bucket mouths.
  16. thanks for the welcome. I wanted my friend who hooked me onto this site, to see this report. But I guess, I'll have to wait untill Tuesday for his reply. WHATCHATHINK??? Andrew.
  17. more pic's.
  18. Went out to the pond today, and hooked into my fish.Started @ 5:15 am on the water, and by 7am had landed 6 not to bad Pike.All around the 28 inch mark.( not worth of a pic, so I did'nt take the time to snap any shots of the Pike. As the day heated up and the sun started to cook us.I changed my set up from the old jonhson silver minon with a big green grub.To the big lizard.This is when the Bass, started to turn on.They were not hitting the soft plastic.But rather just sucking it in, and sitting with it.The only way to tell I had something on was to just set the hook when it felt weird or felt like nothing.And that kinda bite was the way it was for the day.Just a suck & sit with it, kinda bite.But I did pretty good, and only missed 3 or 4 bass.And had 5 clean cut off's from some toothy criters. Here's some pic;s of the Bass I nailed.All were released, they are still ready for me next time I go. Total for the day. Banger. 6 pike around 28 to 29 inches. ( no pic's for hammerhandles) And 5 NICE! Bass. I did not tape measure any of the Bass, and I don't have a scale any more. I would have to guesstimate them at around 3 to 4 pound for the average. Here's my shot's. Sorry for the blurry pic's my Cam sucks. Enjoy.
  19. The Crappies caught that day were on 1/2 once spinner baits. ( hard to belive I know) I only go for Bass & Pike as well.But I've always known that the Crappies were there.And in #'s we just never really ever tried to fish for them. My friend hooked me up with this site ( thanks Andrew).And your post on the 'Berg" lol and I had to post up something. Don't you ever get worried, of posting up the name up such a small lake, and worry it'll get hammered by everybody. It would'nt take much to fish that lake out.I practice catch & release 99% of the time.So no worries from me. The day I was there I got a nice Bass, ( I had to keep it, it took the hook/spinner bait deep.And was bleeding bad) Here's a pic. A same to keep. but it would not have lived. IMO.
  20. I have enjoyed MANY days of good fish'in on the "Berg" ( it kills me you call it that too And I will confirm, that there is "some" good ones still left in the lake.I was there last Friday, and had noticed right away the drop in the water.Fishing was tuff, but still did ok.Caught some pike, Bass, and 2 nice Crappies.Here is a Pic of the bigger one.13" is a nice Crappy.We did not have a scale to weight it with.I had to keep the Crappies.I don't eat fish, and throw 99% of all fish caught back.but the wife has never tried Crappy.And she loves fish.I keep the 1% for her taste buds. She loved it.
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