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Everything posted by outdoorguy61

  1. "A River Never Sleeps"- Roderick Haig Brown I got the chance to stay in his home on the banks of the Campbell R. a couple of years ago and found it enchanting. Should anyone be in that area on Vancouver Island, I would highly recommend it. It is like stepping back in time and is now a bed and breakfast and holds some conservation events. outdoorguy61
  2. I pathetically declined, despite a life long passion for the outdoors. A high school buddy talked me out of it, by emphasizing that there would be no girls, bugs and no rollerskating......lol. I took the bait and regretted it. outdoorguy61
  3. Our family purchased a home and soon thereafter had a few leaks appear. Numerous experts came up with an array of expensive options, with a scan of a pipe using some kind of fancy camera producing what has been (10 years later) seemingly the answer..... a root had basically broken a discharge pipe, not allowing adequate drainage. I had it repleaced and we have not had this problem since. The cost was about $1,400 about 9 years ago and took 1-2 days to complete if my memory is correct. outdoorguy61
  4. I would try and compare apples to apples and make up a simple chart outlining: material pole material ease of setup design I would stay away from anything remotely light weight in material and would most certainly want a seat or two set up in a manner that seems easy in a snow storm. I am around gear a heck of a lot moe than most people could imagine and am now to the point that I like to forget the name and focus on what makes it good.... or bad. I glanced at some of the links and suggest that a simple, functional design built with tough materials is the way to go. Some I have seen people buy become an excersice in frustration in adverse conditions. Just some quick thoughts. outdoorguy61
  5. That is a very good deal. If I did not already have one (Salus), I would look to buy one myself. outdoorguy61
  6. I note that Kingston is listed but no date accompanys it. I would like to go to this, if it occurs when I am home at Christmas. I looked at the attachment, but did not see anything there relating to this. outdoorguy61
  7. An interesting but mildly suspect read. Apologies for being the naysayer, but these sound like hatchery fish. I would like to see or know about this under wild conditions, which might very well might duplicate the findings thus far. Either way....it was still an enoyable read. Thanks for posting. outdoorguy61
  8. It sounds like you had a nice trip. Just downstream from me from the looks of it. outdoorguy61
  9. Artic grayling Arctic Char Landlocked salmon would be interesting * I believe that I will be able to catch at least one of these this year. outdoorguy61
  10. Okay....I will be devils advocate. Just providing a spin, given that there are many variables, depending upon area fished, etc. On the Skeena R., a small group use 8 ft.med/heavy action rods to toss maribou jigs (pink) for salmon, using say 20-25 pd test. Casting rods with large baitcasting reels. I used to really enjoy fishing small creeks using say 2-4 pd test with a small spinning reel. On some smaller lakes, 8 ft flyrods with 4 weight line are popular, and growing. Just tossing out some abstract ideas. The first gentleman that replyed seemed pretty well on the recommended mark, assuming you are fishing the Great Lakes. My own are focused and likley not relevant, except for avids that really want to learn some new stuff. outdoorguy61
  11. When I am away with work and have some free time and a neat place to potentially see, I like to ask for a tour. I would have enjoyed seeing the bass and any other unique prototypes (the quirkier the better.)Leatherman while in Portland Oregon was a neat one, as is Scott Plastics (Scotty downriggers) in Victoria. outdoorguy61
  12. I think I drove by their place in Eufala Alabama before (that is where I was and believe this is the same company). I am always curious and would have enjoyed a tour. outdoorguy61
  13. I woud have given my partner the rod too. outdoorguy61
  14. That is an amazing brook trout. I am astounded. outdoorguy61
  15. I generally get to icefish more than anything else for walleye on the Bay, and find them to be logs. They can be heavy and little else under these conditions in my own experience. I look forward to spending at least a week fishing for them at Christmas, and will hopefully catch a hog....despite targetting smaller fish in the 2-4 pd category....that I find fight far superior when one compares. Just some tidbits. outdoorguy61
  16. It is in todays Vancouver Sun. Westcoast Section if I recall correctly. outdoorguy61
  17. I would try it. It seems more popular in the US. outdoorguy61
  18. This picture is beginning to emerge on the FishBC board. It is said to have been caught by a visiting angler from Denmark. Hopefully more information will surface (pardon the pun)...lol. outdoorguy61
  19. Ed Pazkowski caught a 168 pd. specimen in the 1980's in Georgian Bay. A 217 pd was taken in a commercial net near Adolphustown in 1952 and a 180 pd in the 1990's near Picton. There are sturgeon in the Trent R. (mostly lower section). Just some tidbits. I have not seen the particular picture before on this thread and am wondering if this might in fact be older, as I run into most fishing related BC fishing items on a regular basis....since I work here. There was a large specimen taken in a group shot that was packaged as being from a variety of locations.....lots of stuff gets repackaged on the net. Either way, a nice fish. This is not meant in any disrespect to moosebunk. outdoorguy61
  20. Depending upon where you are, there are a number of places that sell canoe caddys. In Missisauga, there is a canoe store on the QE, fairly close to Europe Bound (I would also not be surprised if they had them). In Peterborough, try Paluski Boats; New Liskeard the canoe company; Algonquin Park- Swift Canoe; Frontenac Park- Frontenac Outfitters. I used one a number of years ago (30 pds +) and we actually took in a canoe 14 miles into Fortress Lk/BC (large brookies). It was not too bad, other than a few uphill slogs. outdoorguy61
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