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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. Sorry just dont beleive its a coaster. Nice fish but once temps drop on the river downward migration can occur and I beleive that much more likely a fish that has dropped down from up stream than a fish that has come up from lake ontario. There are plenty of fish that size up in the forks area.
  2. LOL I drive back and forth all day from Kitchener to the airport and back. Traffic never bothers me but it can certainly irritate my clients.
  3. Kids and fishing are the absolute best combo(Beer and Fire being a close second)
  4. Yes its a writtin rule and if you know were to look the Nith gets a good run of steel and drop back opportunities exist in the spring.
  5. There a way more important things to spend our tax dollars on than a fish cam.
  6. It has to do with the amount of deep water forage. Salmon preferred temperature range limits their movement in the water column. All the nice phyto and zoo plankton (which baitfish love) is in water that is to warm for the salmon.
  7. My advice would be to not ask for investment advice on a fishing board or better yet dont follow any investment advice you get on a fishing board
  8. I look so forward to your reports. Thanks Moosebunk once again for taking us along with you. I loves the forts we made when I was a kid. Im kinda sad that my son and his friends never really had that experience living in the city as they do.
  9. I dont know where you got that info but its not true. Skamania are 100% rainbow trout. Other than that your information is pretty solid. Skamania first started showing up in the Saugeen in the early 90's and these fish were strays from Michigans prolific stockings. I beleive the Syndenham Sportsman started collecting eggs from them at Denny's and raising them for both the Saugeen and Syndenham fisheries but returns were abyssmal so the effort was stopped.
  10. 1 Ottawa River 2 St Clair 3 French 4 Byng Inlet 5 Mcgregor Bay(seems like only 50's exist here but you need to go for a week) All of these are excellent trophy musky waters. But you need to spend time learning them and fish them for long periods of consecutive days to have your best shot at landing a 50
  11. Cant have enough brook trout reports here. Thanks!!
  12. My buddy guided in the Queen Charlottes one year and he had that happen to him several times.
  13. Unfortunately I wouldn't personally know, my PB is still a paltry 46 incher
  14. Well its been a great year of fishing for my buddy John. In June I managed to get him onto his PB stream brook trout Then two weeks ago while on Sparrow he gets his PB largemouth This weekend he was able to get up to the Sudbury chapter of Musky's Canada outing while I had to stay at home in the K=Dub. He gets his PB musky. Out of a 4-5 ft weed flat on the West Arm. She came on a Chartruese Bucktail with a silver blade and measured in at a glorious 49.5" x 23". I hope to still get in the 50 inch club before he does. Now its my turn Johnnyboy.
  15. Thanks for the report. Falling out of the boat isnt stupid I maintain as one who has done exactly that, so your not alone.
  16. Im pretty sure trout closes on the last day of September not the last Saturday unless those days coincide. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/Le ... 63615.html
  17. When I die I want to come back as you. That was an awesome report.
  18. No they dont get that far up the Grand. Some might get through the Paris Dam as it has a hole in it but the only river in the area that gets some steel is the Nith. Nice smallie fishing in the Speed. Hanlon Creek upstream of HWY 6 along Kortwright RD has Brookies.
  19. No he's not streambed includes up to the high water mark. Thats a federal law.(DFO)
  20. Fresh Water. They seem to get released into ponds and lakes every year but they are tropical and they cant survive our winters. The biggest risk as with all aquarium fish is disease
  21. I have done netting for spring musky using Fyke nets( They have a wing which starts on shore and leads to a box) in Honey Harbour, Byng Inlet,Moon River and Magregor Bay. So yes they do use nets to collect fish. Electro fishing is more efffective in a stream or river although Ive also electrofished the mouth of the Humber River with a boat unit.
  22. Wow, that sucks. Hope the rest of your week goes better.
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