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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. Historically the upper Thames watershed probably did have trout mush the same way the main Grand River did. As for rivers in general its not the actual soil in the bottom and banks of the river its the surrounding soils. The upper mad and noisy rivers are prime examples of swamp brook trout streams. Also once you get into the Canadian shield the rules for BT streams change. Deep pools able to keep cool temps as well as forest cover cooling the rivers with the odd spring here and there from sand deposits on the banks. Regardless all brook trout streams must have some sort of groundwater upwelling or else the brook trout would not procreate. Fontinalus is their name because it is their prefered boudior.
  2. That invisible fence is soils. To much clay around Stratford you need gravel and sand to have trout streams or limestone. Ive found many a good trout stream by simply consulting soil maps. Yes there is a trout stream(marginal water) around Wellesley.
  3. Sorry whoever said meenonites have no impact on the enviroment are absolutely out to lunch they are the worst offenders of land use practices. Manure piles leaking right into water ways destruction of wetlands/riperian zones. Livestock access to entire stretches of waterways that result in erosion of the banks. They have virtually destroyed the Conostoga River watershed with their land use practices.
  4. Beautiful fish. Brookies in the mountains sounds like heaven
  5. Totally deck it out like a bass boat. build a casting platform up front with a foot control electric and 9.9 on the back. Great boats for small water. A lot of my early musky fishing was done from a jon. Used it in the Kawarthas and also on Moira and Stocco.
  6. Ive heard rumours but have seen no proof
  7. Excellent post Im sure most fathers would agree that one on one time with your offspring is the best of life experiences. I know for me they are some of my fondest memories.
  8. Thats very reasonable. I think next time Im going to fish my way up to Labrador. There was an awful lot of good looking water above Manicougin
  9. Hey Solo whats a Quebec non res license running this year.
  10. Biscotasing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biscotasing,_Ontario
  11. This report is always a highlight of the spring.
  12. Thanks for that I live for scientific data.
  13. HMMM I dont like the sounds of that. I guess they must have let the other two go. Im pretty sure Maquon is special regs two fish only one under 18" one over.Great Lakes both Mij and Maq
  14. Ah yes and theres the old quiz by the people who compile the fish in Ap book. Whenever Im asked where im catching and I always answer North Tea. Johnnyb you want some starter info just PM me about what your looking for and how much work you want to do.
  15. The best lakes in the park are not stocked. So dont pay any attention to the list. You want to catch fish. PORTAGE!!!!!!!!
  16. Ive caught some decent trout in that stretch. It helps to be there during a hatch when the fish are giving their location away allowing you to stalk them. Biggest resident brown Ive ever seen came from a pool behind the venner factory. 11 pounds.
  17. Always the most fun went to Labrador on the spur of the moment once one of my best trips ever.
  18. Well heres my delayed report on my long weekend excursion. Ended up with the long weekend off unexpectededly. Trying to decide at the last minute what to do. Algonguin? Temagami ? Stay around home? Find new water? My buddy John and I opted for the latter. Which direction to take-well the only one that interests me is NORTH!!! We pack up the Yukon and leave 4am on Friday morning. Lets go as far as we can first then work our way back. Tunage and Timmies and its off to Timmins. Weather was warm but when we got up into the general area we were going to start in there was still tons of snow. We were here to fish new water but did fish this lake which didnt produce for us this day but had produces lots of fish the other time we visited it. This lake is unique because it in the middle of an old forest fire burn. The lack of shore cover really hurt the fishing because of the bright sun Friday. We had fished this lake before however so it was time to move on to new water. We had come up specifically to canoe and fish a river in the area. But the warmer weather was melting all the bush snow and rivers were up 4-5 ft over bank full. Still we managed to canoe a section of the river but caught nothing. Conditions were less than ideal. As water temp was still below 50 degrees(48) We loved what we saw though and will be back in the future during prime blackfly season to catch the big brookies we know exist here. Still some monster snowbanks on the shore of the river. End of day one new bodies of water fished 3 / fish produced zero. Slept in the back of the Yukon after beer and fire. Woke up and decided to head a little south to the Temagami area just for the better veiws. Weather was good temp wise but the winds were starting to pick up. We have an excellent map of this region that we obtained years ago showing all thwe lakes and what fish they hold. We hit 5 lakes Sat and the first one produced the most. First fish of the 09 season for me. A spunky 12" on a PM and chunk of dew. Caught a couple more like this every drift down the west shore of the lake. The fish were holding at the break just off of tree cover. Wind was really picking up and canoe control was getting difficult so we decide that we will troll to the south end of the lake a little deeper with both of us paddling. It resulted in a nice 18" right away for me. My buddy did catch fish but his was the only camera working so his pictures were difficult to take but here is one Got one more beauty male about 15 or 16 inches and then moved on to some new lakes. Par for the coarse the winds became super strong and the temp plummeted killing the fishing but we did find a lot more lakes that we want to spend some time on. So we parked the truck in the middle of nowhere turned on the stereo and got rip roaring on Keiths. The plan was to fish a lake off of lake Temagami on Sunday but the winds made the lake uncanoeable. Plus we didnt wake up till noon after our over indulgence of the previous evening. We hate long weekend traffic so we headed home to beat it. Wasnt the most productive trip in terms of fish but it set up a bunch of future trips. And gave us an idea of when we should be hitting some of our fav BT rivers(couple of weeks). Hope you enjoyed. PS also ran into this guy a couple of times Ive got video footage on my cell phone just have to find the box so I can get the USB cable and program to download it
  19. Nothing wrong with that way better to err on the side of caution. To many times people think its the parent who was seen taking the child and therefore didnt stop them. If it was me I wouldnt mind the hassle of the questioning etc. It would make me feel safer that the village was raising our children.
  20. Its a terrible thing and now shes(the accused) leading them to a bunch of different locations in wellington county. I hope to god that doesnt mean what I think it means.
  21. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG ITS getting closer and closer
  22. Locally A&M Wood Specialties in Cambridge. Its not cheap you have to buy full sheets. They are in the phone book give them a call.
  23. My favourite are EGB # 1 and# 2 in the trout parr finish. But I also like trolling Panther Martins tipped with dewage(see my upcoming long weekend report). Also cant beleive theres no love for ole Len Thompson he still gets a wash every now and then from me in both the five of diamonds and frog patterns.
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