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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. Old Moosebunk and the Sea. Great report, be thankful that they dont keep billfish anymore, I got a sailfish 25 years ago and decided to get it mounted. Hugely expensive and nowhere to put it eventually ended up giving it away.
  2. Thanks Jon its great to see the fish use the ladder.
  3. How about living in a neighbourhood where there was enough kids to field two baseball teams for some pick up baseball? I too remember party lines and going to my grandmas and hand milking the cows and then carrying milk cans to the cooler and loading them on trucks in the morning.
  4. Port Rawson isnt far heck ive done it in a canoe with my son when he was only 8. Its a pretty protected route from the prevailing winds. Site 215 is a very large campsite it use to be two but they combined it into one.If your beaching your boat be sure to tie it off or pull it up very far onto the shore. One thanksgiving weekend we had prolonged very strong winds from the west and it stacked the water in the bay a good foot higher than normal. We got up in the morning and started accusing each other of not pulling the boat up far enough the night before. It was still beached but was totally in the water.
  5. Getting up to change the TV, one telephone in the house, only 12 channels on the TV. Being allowed to go on all day excursions downtown with only your friends for supervision when you were grade six or all day floats down the river in your Canadian Tire blow up dinghy with no adult supervision at the same age.
  6. Myfavourite site is #215 in Port Rawson Bay. Great site for swimming and the entire Bay is good for pike and bass as well as having some good musky spots. The only con being that it is an overnighting bay and can be very crowded with large boats moored for the evening. Last time we camped there we had a five lined skink calling 215 home. Pretty cool it is ontario's only lizard and its rare
  7. Les goes out into the wild on his own but his crew is right nearby and check up on him all the time.(see labrador show) He has seven days because any more than that and hed starve to death. Both shows are for entertainment and Ive no doubt both wouldnt be able to survive for a month in the wilderness but ive learned way more from MVW than Survivorman. Did you see Bear use his shoelaces to climb trees?
  8. Man vs Wild >>>> Survivorman. Bear gets it done Les can build a shelter and thats about it.
  9. Im pretty sur the river I fish flows into that one its call ""If I told you Id have to kill you"
  10. Im sorry to hear about your and his families loss. Sounds like he was a good guy to have around.
  11. People who gripe about expensive fishing licences here should got to the UK and try to fish.
  12. Just a largemouth that as soon as I lowered the camera swam up to it and checked it out. Actually being able to see whitefish pick up the chunks of minnows that I had cut up and chummed my hole with. Thats about it.
  13. Was in the back yard once moving the tin shed. It was sitting on big patio stones and I moved them as well. A blue jay was attracted to all the bugs underneath the stones and kept flitting around picking them off. All of a sudden theres a blur of brown. A red tail just swooped in and picked the blue jay outta mid air not five feet from me. Scared the crap outta me but it was so cool.
  14. Liken it!!!! Man I gotta get back into shape so I can do that again. Use to have a hoot in the Haliburton Wildlife preserve.
  15. Ive been outfishing my buddy for years and he's kicked my butt the last few times out. It a pleasant change for him and Im glad to see him happy, he's a good guy and he deserves it.
  16. Take the south bay exit off of the 400. Park on the side of the road when you come to the bay. You'll see the huts.
  17. I like to lightly chum the area then single egg it.
  18. I was probably at my best bud Stew's house laughing so hard root beer would squirt out our noses playing with our christmas gifts which would have been Big Jim was way cool.
  19. Was doing this the other day on south bay for crappie. You could see your minnow on the screen down 18ft in 28 fow. A few pixels bar would seperate from the bottom and move upwards towards the minnow, pick up your rod wait fish pixels merge with minnow pixels you feel the tap, set the hook, crappie on ice. Its all in knnowing how to set up your LCD for ice fishing. My graph also has a flasher but I never use it I understand the graph picture better.
  20. Very nice report good to see you out fishing with kids. Its so rewarding for both adult and child. Yes that is a long eared sunfish.
  21. Got out for some Ice fishing this morning on South Bay. 5 inches of ice lots of slush and snow. Pretty Messy!!! I only had one hit but my buddy who was using the fish finder in his hole caught 13 in the three hours we were out. Largest was maybe 10".
  22. Couple of my favourites http://hypem.com/track/444704 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltiY-BqvOIU
  23. Been there ,done that, permenantly banned from the museum!!!
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