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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Hel* I'll buy you for 10% TJ. Lets see thats what 2 litres Canadian right??? Art
  2. throw the stick out farther till the Labrador gets wet. Of course you get to smell warming wet dog in the truck till he dries off. PS Don't trust this advise it comes from to far south to mean anything. Art
  3. Funny it was that Rock and roll that ruined my Wife. She was fine with Opera...... Glad you are fixed Art
  4. Congrates girl.....last time I was on film it was at the local police station but thats another story. Have fun with it and try to get a copy for the Southern Contingincy to see. Art
  5. I am proud of what you have done with the hard work and the sweat of your brow. I am proud of Charmaine and your family for toughing it out at your side. I am most proud that thru the tough times you did not become bitter and still had time to call me a friend. I am happy that you achieved the goals that you have set and wish you well in reaching all other..... but I am pretty sure that is not needed you have done what most cant in style . Art
  6. Awwwww no more Alabama Smile glen??? Art
  7. I bought the cp pro first and found it to much to handle. I bought a lama to learn on but should have bought the CX it is more stable than the Lama. I also have a few cheap electricplanes to crash in the pasture also. The Helo's are alot of fun ona nice windless evening after work Joe and I will fly over the grass to keep the crash damage down to a mininum. On some of the not so nice days we will back out the trucks in Joes big new garage and fly inside. The biggist advantage to the hrlos is you can fly it in the back yard if you have just alittle room to play in. Art
  8. I am glad to see that you found a way to get the 4 wheeler that you want and save a few bucks too. Its kind of funny too some items from the USA are cheaper to buy before I come up North and some items are cheaper to get AFTER I get up North. I have also found that depending on were you live in the USA the prices can fluxuate from state to state. Go figure I guess it proves that getting all of the information on an item before you buy pays off in the long run. Art
  9. Hey Gerrit the term is "airbrushing" and is quite common on most of the photos you see in the magazines and other printed media. It is used when skin blemishes appear or even when the light hits a feature wrong and exagerates a shadow or colorment. I have cured a ton of red eye and lightened and darkened photos to make them closer to real life and what a beautiful item or scene can look like. Happy Holidays Art
  10. I have the Aprilaire total loss system with a separate forced air fan on the supply side. It is easy to install and does a good job of keeping the house moist. If you go to a total loss system make sure that you have a dependable way to get rid of the water. If you do have to use a pump don't forget to wire it into the overflow protection circuit that will turn off the humidifyer if the pump fails. Art
  11. how do you get the deer to stretch out on the board before you chew on his tail???? Joe
  12. Good deal Bud glad to hear the update. Seems like a good Christmas present to get your buddy back for the holidays. Art
  13. We called it a Watch Cap in the Military and their is even a special way to store it . You lay it flat on its side and then roll it from the top to the open edge. Then when you get to the bottom you flip oneside of the band over it length wise and you should have a hat that will stay rolled up till you need it. Sigh.... that about 200 brain cells wasted on remembering that knowledge from 1980. Its a shame that I cant pick and chose what I forget. Art
  14. The tilt feature is for trimming the motor 22 degrees positive and -3 degrees negative angle while you are under load and running on plane. The rest of it is used to raise the motor out of the water or high enough to clear the bottom off of plane. The above numbers are from my Mercury 40 Hp jet drive so check the manual for yours to see if they are the same. Art
  15. see I told you all he would "bounce" back. Glad to see you are workin around the house and getting stronger as the days go by Chuck. All of the best wishes for the Season everyone. Art
  16. Ergo that logic then Roy is short for short right? and Art is abrieviation for poor comedian. Art
  17. Funny thing I went out their today and it was soft again. I guess someone else came along and found it and was smart enough to fix it. Sure hope it does not break again to soon... I will keep your test in mind if it happens again DouG I can always trust and rely on the advise of a socket rcienist. Art
  18. Wrong season to get a kitty it will be to big to use for bait by Muskie season....... Guess you are stuck with a cute kitten this time. Art
  19. I was driving to my first call this morning and stopped by a little pond I fish. I noticed that it looked really calm with no rippling on it and when I cast a crankbait out it floated on top. I guess someone must of dumped something in their because the top of the water was all hard. I Called Glen in Alabananas to see if he had any ideas but he is stumped too. Art
  20. Yep my cute little lab puppy used to fit right next to me in my easychair and we would fall asleep together...... Now she lays on the couch with her 10 lb head attached to a 90 lb body on my wifes lap and puts my wifes leg to sleep. I would not have it any other way though. Art
  21. Dang I was getting ready to laugh at TJQ because he called the "freebie" offer of $5.00 off on a small order (50.00) and free shipping on a large order(150.00). Then I clicked on the link and found the free shirt contest. I guess that qualifies as a contest o well maybe I can harrass Roy about being short......again till I can get a jab in on TJQ. Art
  22. Were were you 9 months ago..... With a shop and a mechanic with repair parts as support I would not hesitate to buy a unit that was an other brand. I guess thats what I get for not living in the Great White North.... My buddy is having a hard time finding a Suzuki dealer that is less than 100 miles away to do the maintainance to keep his warretee enforce on his outboards. Art
  23. While you are looking at them ask about parts availability and manuals some have neither easily available. I also do not recommend them to anyone who does not like to tinker or cant fabricate basic brackets and parts for it. I have an off brand cart and ordered and have waited 8 months for a reverse cable and it still is not here. If the seller does not stock the repair parts then it would be better to save up and buy a brand name or realize that the unit is disposable. Art
  24. dont forget to label the doors as to were they go to because the jams are not exact after you install them. Art
  25. What..... dont you all eat other things with teeth???Some of the best eatin in the world is in that bucket. When you got to fight for your dinner you tend to appreciate the meal even more. "9 fingers Art"
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