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Everything posted by joonmoon

  1. I haven't ice fished there in a few years but there are some small pike and supposed to be crappie but I never found any. The most part of the lake is shallow 3'ish. There are deeper areas and some current around the road, I found that out the hard way, fell thru and froze my leg off for hours til my ride came to pick me up...anyway try it out and see, tell us how you did.
  2. pm sent...
  3. Looks to me that the mail man and BPS is at fault here. I just got the flyer on the Thursday and we went to BPS Saturday. The flyer I got in the mail didn't say anything regarding when the sale started or nothing in there about while supplies last...So after talking to the rep and he didn't give me any inclination as to when the next shipment was to come in nor did he offer a rain check nor did he offer to give me the thermal(the photo in the flyer) at the price advertised. So I'm a little disappointed now it looks like they feel they don't need my $$$. If anyone else wants to deal with a company that doesn't really care about customer service (IMO) then be my guest, I know I don't. I'm not bashing BPS but rather their lack of quality service. Thats all I'm gonna say.
  4. Got the flyer in the mail just the other day and planned a visit on Sat morn because of a sale on the new Clam Fliphut Nanook. As usual my wife and I drive for an hour and BPS disappoints once again. We head to the ice fishing gear with high hopes of anticipation on getting a good deal on a nice new hut. I see the portables all set up and just like a kid in the candy store I'm in there checkin them out like a dirty shirt. But wait I can't find the one they advertised for $249. Where can it be. Then I read a sign they have on the insulated Clam Nanook that says something bout the price in the flyer and the picture they used don't match. Sorry for the inconvience. Sorry for the inconvience....geez glad we only drove for and hour to get there. I asked about the regular hut and the rep said they were sold out long time ago and that the manufacturer isn't giving them enough stock......Man was I peeved. After ranting to my better half and complaining to myself and looking at all the other over priced portable huts I decided the best way to get back at them is to take my $500 plus that I was going to spend and go elsewhere. So if anyone knows of somewhere I can buy a new two man flip style portable hut at a good price let me know. I think my days of spending mega bucks at BPS are over, I would drive farther to spend less now....GGGGGRRRRRRRRRR.
  5. I have a cheap Eastman version of the same pop up hut. The ease of setting it up is a plus but the lack of mobilitity sux. The anchors work really well and may I suggest you bring along a cordless drill with a 5/16 drill bit...you will be glad you did. In the heavier wind days do just what was said anchor the four corners first then use the tether straps to support the windward side and the opposite side. The drill comes in very handy to pilot an inch or so to get the anchors started, then they screw in no problem. good luck and sounds like ya got a really good price.
  6. Hope ya feel well soon. Had a bone fusion done, headaches are all but gone, and pain free for 99% of the time. C6 and C7 are now one, fused and a metal plate screwed into them both. About 8-10 weeks later I'm as good as new. That was in 2006, never looked back. Love what the amazing doctors at University Hospital were able to do for me. Hooray for modern medical science.
  7. I see them @ BPS...lol.
  8. Hey Cliff, you guys have it all set up. Gus and I are hoping since we didn't get the chance to get over to see you guys this year and with the new regs for ice fishing that we can make a couple of visits your way in the new year. Hope to see you soon.
  9. I have the Eskimo Quikflip II and the Ice Cube. Both are good in their own ways. The flip style portable hut is better designed and construction. The tent is cheap and gets you out of the wind. The tent fits into any car and the Eskimo requires a van or truck. Depends mostly on your budget and your vehicle. And shop it around til you're redy, you have time before the hard stuff is redy.
  10. Sorry to hear that kind of lousey news. Give Sue our best and tell Cliff to take er easy. Has someone been given the job to care for Andy? Hope recovery is speedy. We will be praying for yas. Jeff and Gus.
  11. Check out my avatar. I'm the UNKNOWN ANGLER...well sorta...lol. I guess you could say I'm the Wilson of fishing...lol.
  12. I know raz raz raz, I was just still so hot from the day before that I thought a little rain would feel good, thats what the weather channel was calling for...a light rain. And I had the rainsuit packed in our boat and just being lazy I decided at 11:30pm that it was time for bed not time to take off the boat cover and unlock the storage and yadda yadda yadda....I got wet instead.
  13. Its the UNKNOWN ANGLER.
  14. Full story to follow. Going to bed to rest up and giver again in the wee ones of Sunday. Ok, my better half and I hit our fav Kawartha pond Fri nite after battling brutal traffic from K-W all the way to Milton until we hit the 407, then things lightened up. Got to our destination later than planned but still had time to throw in for a few hours to watch an awesome sunset(tried to take a few pics but they didn't work) and work over a weedbed known to us to produce eyes and large perch in the past. Wouldn't ya know it as luck would have it, only one dink perch for me and she boated a little OOS smallie. Sat was looking to be hot and unbearable heat/humidity was going to shorten the day out on the water, since we don't prefer to bake out on the water when it's like that. Hit the water with timmies in hand and headed to our spot only to find 7 other boats there first. And after watching for a few minutes I noticed no one looked to be trying for the quarry we came for. The mighty SKI. It being opener for bass they were working the area hard and as they began to disapate my confidence increased even though the weedbeds had been worked up to a froth...lol. This was our first time out skiing this year, (had to work opener) so my anticipation and excitement were becoming painful the last few days. Sure was feeling good to get out there and chuck-a-buck again. Now after a lone angler in a tinny moved from the very spot I was slowly inching towards to work a bucktail we snuck right in there behind him and proceeded to cast and on the fourth chuck...BANG fish on. Breaking water acrobatically twice and multiple short runs from boat side my newly purchased power-pro line was too much and I was able to grab her on the second attempt by hand. WHOOOO that was good, been waiting long time for that. Not a giant by any means but she was worthy of a photo and the tape came out to show a chunky 34". Not to be out done and since it was opener for Bass my better half put on a clinic and boated 4 of these beautys. Thanks dear for a great few days on the water. Sunday my buddy Dizzidevil picked me up at home and right back to the land of shining waters we went, only this time was a visit to the Bog. Now I should know better but I opted to leave my rainsuit at home and guess what...nevermind I was cold wet and Ski-less after 8 long wet hours. Our plan was to get Dizzidevil his first Ski. I was impressed with his determination and stamina and next time out we will win. On the lighterside of things I did come home with a couple for the fry pan. This Bluey has joined our pet sunfish (Sunny) in the aquarium...at least for now anyway.
  15. Finally I get on to respond after repeatedly trying and being booted or the infamous Page Not Found crud. Anyway nice eye Bro how did ya like the spot? Gotta luv the weekdays with little to no boat traffic. Too bad bout the lack of slime but I'm sure you'll git em soon. Hope we get em this weekend while eveyone else is Bass fishin.
  16. As a true Jedi would say....those aren't the bass you're lookin for.
  17. Wrong model pedal?
  18. Hey fished there lots, some days are better than others. Try just out and to the right of the docks about 50 yrds. There are some good perch and panfish to be had there. If you venture all the way around the corner you'll find decent weedy areas that will have some buckets, use a surface lure thats weedless (mossboss) or something the like. Once you get to the back of the lake it will deepen to more than 20'. Try the flooded timbers and shoreline structure. There was an independant study done there a few yrs back and they found that the dissolved oxygen levels were less than desireable for the deepest hole once you get below 10', having said that you can mark fish and catch them off the drops. Good luck and remember to release your bass and you will be encouraged to keep your limit of pike, panfish limit I beleive is 10 or something like that. Have fun its a nice lake. No gas motors, except the park employees...they whip around sometimes checkin on boat rentals and their alotted times. Hope this helps.
  19. Pretty cool, thanks for that.
  20. Ah, you picked a gooder, congrats to you guys for a well deserved new toy. As far as a name goes..."SUETWO" has a nice ring to it.
  21. She's a very nice specimen of the Garden Spider variety, have some in our gardens too. They are harmless, but have a large web and dazzling color patterns. I find them really cool as far as the arachnids genus goes.
  22. Shame shame Bro, you know better than that. If you don't have rainsuit it rains if you don't have camera you get big fish, if you don't have...lol. Anyway nice perch. Still better than working or having to sleep before work.
  23. Ok, all those in favour of pooling our $ and buying the entire island say "I".
  24. She always catches the bigger fish, but thats what keeps her goin. Gotta luv the determination she has, very inspiring for me.
  25. I use Kijiji a lot and have sold lots of stuff rather quickly...if you set your price right it will move fast. Good luck Cliff, if Andy came with the boat I would seriously contemplate a deal...lol.
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