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Jay T

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Everything posted by Jay T

  1. I guess you have nothing better to do? Go and do some fishing instead of sitting behind a computer. Oh yeh, and take some pics with 2 fish that you are legally aloud to keep.
  2. CONGRATS. It is the greatest feeling watching your child come into this world.
  3. I am a Layout Designer for a mining company. I Design process plants and layout the equipment needed. I use Microstation/Solidedge/Inventor/PDS/Smartplant/AutoCAD. Fish and Hunt when ever possible.
  4. I am heading to Lake simcoe on Saturday going out from Innisfil. How is the ice, can it handle a ATV or sled over to the Islands? I know we have had lots of snow latley and probably is slushy, any info would be great. Thanks
  5. First off I am not an outfitter, just a regular joe that loves to hunt and fish. Well you can ingnore all the posts and go give him YOUR business then. Like you said "it is a very short season" that is why I started the post so it would warn people that they are wasting thier hard earned money, like my whole group did. Also, I mostly go out with my portable with buddy's or myself if it is close to home, this was a weekend trip away from home
  6. It is a big 6 pointer, that is a given. It is an older buck, but the genetics are not there. I don't think he would have gotten any better, he was probably at his prime. I got this buck last year and he is a 11 pointer and I green scored him at 152 1/8, he is at the taxidermist and he will be getting scored officially.
  7. WOW, didn't realize how many people he has done this too. He can only blame himself and his staff for what they have done. Thanks for all the feed back
  8. Thanks, I have heard good things about them too. Thanks, and I will also check them out for next year
  9. Lake Nippissing
  10. They were a little cheaper, only if you booked early. We booked this trip in early Dec, so we saved $15/person. After you add everything up it isn't cheap!
  11. Never again will I go to this place, the worst service I have ever encountered with an outfitter. There was 10 of us that rented a bungalow, we didn't arrive untill 3pm Friday due to some vehicle problems and they just got the 10 man out there, no holes drilled no heat the place was freezing and took a day to warm up in -30. Also they didn't even come back to see if everything was put in the bungalow, by the time we realized we had no water, no pail, no garbage bags. They also give you some minnows to start you off, WOW a whole dozen minnows between 10 guys. Not once during the day did they come by and check on us and see if everything is alright. We had to drag it out of them were to go to get a few fish, we only got 1 eye out of the bungalow. The thing that really got me was on Saturday morning we were up and getting ready to go out fishing and Ron the main guy says don't go anywhere until we have paid him, he could have waited until we got back in the afternoon and not hold us up by almost an hour to pay this jack . So if you are planning a trip DON'T go to Snowfari Adventures. Ok I am done now.
  12. When I had a leak, I had to fix everything myself with my own funds. Insurance didn't cover water damage coming in the house from the outside, but would cover it if the washer leaked and flooded the basement. I think your stuck with the bill to fix it, but I could be wrong.
  13. Exactly Mike. With the temps outside right now it is perfect to hang a deer for the two weeks in my garage, but if it warms up at all it will be taken to the butcher. I have always hung my deer for a minimum of 10 days, and it melts in your mouth. Thanks to all that have replied, it was a great hunt and will not be forgotten. Now time for me to get back to work to pay for the taxidermist.
  14. Thanks guys. Yes the are good eating, I hang mine for 2 weeks then it is time to go to the butcher.
  15. Well my dad, bro and I went out for the afternoon hunt, I got set up lit a smoke and not even 10 min later a doe pops out. I put the smoke out and just watch her to see if she lures out some bucks, another 10 min later a 8 pointer and big 10 pointer comes towards the doe. I range the buck at 80 yrds wait for him to stop and turn broadside, put the crosshairs on him and let hang, once the smoke clears I see my PB buck on the ground he didn't move one step. After telling the others on the radio that he is down, I sit tight and have a smoke and calm down. 10 min later my old man says there is a big on in the field working his way to me, so we all wait and it took 15 min or so to make his way over to my dad he was 110 yrds and dropped him in his tracks too. It was an awesome night with me and my dad getting our both PB within half an hour of each other. My bro got a 5 pointer yesturday too, so we are all done. Well here is a pic of mine, he was taken with a CVA Muzzleloader 100gr of powder and 300gr bullet. He weighed 220lbs on the hoof and has 11 points.
  16. Nice deer, I guess back straps are on the menu for tonight. I will be out with my muzzleloader next week to fill my tag. Congrats
  17. I do hunt and I do know how you felt Misfish, but I will not hesitate if I see a coyote within shooting distance. I had that happen to me 4 weeks ago but I was up 4 feet in a tree, and right after I finished rattling 3 coyotes came charging in, unfortunatly I could not get a shot with the bow they were running around me to quick and I was in a thick part of the bush. You have you facts wrong with wolves, it is coyotes that kill for fun and there are a lot of them around were I hunt, 1 pack of 20 plus dogs and another of 12 or so and this isn't a huge chunk of land, the damage they do to the population of deer, rabbits, squirrels, cattle ect... Is huge. I have heard the coyotes take down 3 deer so far while I have been hunting, and yes I know because I can hear the deer bawling. After my deer hunting is done, I will be out to thin out the population of coyotes on my hunting grounds.
  18. Yes Rob is ok and will try to get you on fish. I went with him for 5 years and it got worse every year with the fishing. There are many different outfitters with heated crappers and better accommodations IMO. I will be going up to Nip Jan 16-18 with 9 other guys, going to try a different area of the lake. Give this a look at there are many to choose from. http://www.fishinontario.com/icefish.shtml#nipissing
  19. I haven't been out hunting yet, to busy at work and work is to far away from home to get the afternoon hunt in. This Sat and Sun I will be out chasing an 8 & 10 pointer that we see regulary on our bean field. Good luck and shoot em straight >>>------->
  20. I deal with Wolf's Den, they are a great bunch of people there to help you get properly set up with the right gear. Make sure to try different makes( Bowtec, Matthews, Hoyt, browning, PSE, Parker ) there are many different makes and models to choose from. I have A Browning Tornado at 65lbs for my back up bow, and a Diamond Victory at 72lbs, I am really happy with the bowtec, and they have GREAT costumer service to. The one thing is if you will be hunting with it make sure to practice a lot and get your form down, consistency is a must. Don't try to pull to much weight back at first start at about 50lbs depending on your size, but you don't normally use these muscle groops to much, so make sure to ease into it and build up from there. Also try and get a bow with 80% let off, it makes a big difference when having to hold the string back for a while. I do 95% of my hunting with a compound bow, no matter what game it may be Moose, Bear, Deer. It deffintely is more enjoyable to me doing it with a bow. Good luck and shoot em straight
  21. Thieving asses, this is absolutely disgusting that they can just do what ever the hell they like to the price, just out of speculation
  22. That is a great story. Good for you and everyone that was involved on making that such a special day for Jacob
  23. I am heading up in that area for a week doing some bear hunting and hopefully some fishing. Does anyone have any info on how the fishing is and what to expect. Thanks in advance Jay
  24. I have a 16' legend Pro Sport with the exact motor you have and I have no problem with keeping it at plane at 3/4 throttle or just under without the hydrofoil. I think lack of experience it the key, yeah a hydrofoil would help and make it a lot easier but getting to know your motor and boat is what you need to do. It is under powered IMO 1/2 the max, and so is mine I am at 5/8 of the max so not much under powered but I only had so much to spend. Just for your info you shouldn't be running that motor for more than 5min MAX full out when breaking it in. Keep at it and you will get it. Good luck
  25. I am going to be in the area for this weekend and next week. I am going to be doing quite a bit of fishing, I have never been to these lakes before. I will be going for Musky and walleyes any info would be great. I am not looking for your honey holes, just a little point in the right direction. Pm me if you wish not to post. Thanks Jay
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