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Everything posted by silvio

  1. Nice fish but what a shame o well nothing you could have done dam that a nice fish.
  2. Good job buddy!!! I got one last week on a purple with purple ice dubbing collar.
  3. Posting 10 pm at night and you want info for the morning? What if someone tells you that you cant fish ether lakes? or what if no one answers you going to go anyways not knowing? first lake if I am not mistaken is Orangeville reservoir, you can catch bass pike and pan fish in it if it is. Almost everything is closed season in the lake. other one I am not sure of but the name of the lake is on the map maybe do some research. I don’t understand how you can basically say your to lazy to look for info and rely on others to spoon feed it to you. I am lazy as hell right now but if I wanted to I can find all the info I need for those two lakes within minutes but I am not the one heading there in the morning so... Don’t ever rely on someone else your only going to be let down in life that way. Not trying to me an ass but your hours away from heading out and want someone to answer all your questions... I hope someone does. Have fun fishing.
  4. I probably could pee further I drink to many coffees on the way to the tribs. Bud if you like your im6 then I am happy for you but I personally think your St Croix has better action...maybe not power. Im6 does have some power but I find it to be sloppy. To each their own like you said.
  5. Your telling me lol when steelheading gets slow suckers are fair game lol.
  6. I never thought I’d see the day we were getting sucker reports lol . They can be fun at times when all else is slow.
  7. I never said he needs to blow 700-1000 for a rod did I? I was joking about the sage because he knows tom like I do. Like I said find someone who built on a rainshadow or a Loomis get it used and you'll pay the same or a bit more then a new raven. I've caught tons of fish on my im6 and to me its junk and a rod to use on opener that if I bang it off trees I laugh. just in the past 3 weeks I've hit uncountable numbers of bows including a few more tanks which I was prepared for. Landing big fish fast so that they swim away unharmed.
  8. Tom at angling specialties had sage custom make him his own line of float rods I believe. there extremely nice rods and really high up there in every aspect. call tom at (905) 660-9707 tell him Silvio referred you to him he will treat you well. If I was getting a sage custom built it would be from tom hands down. In regards to raven rods... I snapped my custom im6 like butter several times and there warranty sucks ( tom sent mine back the other day after sitting for a year) its setting me back 60 bones for a new tip keep in mind this is not the first time. there rods are not the lightest rod nor the best designed rods and very poor craftsmanship the im6 is junk and bends like a spaghetti that's been boiling for hours. Mike (MJL) had guides fall off from sliding the rod into the rod sock. Like I said rx7 or xst rainshadow blank plus getting it tied up will cost you less then $400 and your going to have a rod that will last you. you can keep buying $100- $250 float rods like I did before you realize you need something that will do the job right and last you and by the time you realized this you wasted a ton of money. You know what rod I fish and love it like a child I have 7 float rods sitting in my room now that I found a rod I like unfortunately the fear if breaking it has gotten to me and I am retiring it and replacing it with an xst. Ps you can find a used rainshadow for dirt cheap let me know and all keep my eyes open. Edit: Im8 raven are ok but still would consider something else.
  9. Spend the money and get a decent rod. you don’t need to go crazy but bite the bullet and get something that will serve you well. I would buy a rainshadow rx7 or xst blank and build on that for a cheap but good custom . another option is get a Loomis frontier used ( seen one for 150) or a gl2 or gl3 used which are a lot more. stay away low end rods that are poorly engineered and craftsmanship sucks. Every good tradesman has good tools same goes for fisherman.
  10. Don’t cheap out on the next one... tom can build you a sage.
  11. Ship your rod by tomo to raven and you'll get it back before opener. call angling specialties in concord for details. Nice fish
  12. Good job.
  13. 10's and 12's thats all I use. Pretty sure I am not haveing any problems
  14. Good job bro!! I agree on the main push going up already. I was out today after school with bbnotty for a couple of hours and we only got 3 not bad considering what time it was but it was clear fish were not everywere.
  15. Nice pics bud.
  16. I hope to make it some time this week. See you out there bud.
  17. Agree and priced good to.
  18. good job bill I got 15 between fri and sat and Berge got about 10. Sunday was an unplanned trip Berge called me at 6 am lol I hoped in my car went to grab him. by the time we got there it had been raining for awhile and the rivers were blowing out fast managed 2 then went home.
  19. Raven flouro Bill that’s no good send it to me you must have a bad spool bud I landed some nice fish on that stuff. I ran into a bad spool once. You should have been down here the past few days they were amazing especially yesterday.
  20. Good job bud on getting the young one out with you. I love reading your reports about you and Averie makes me smile reminds me of when I was a kid. keep it up bud
  21. I got 2 but left pretty early I was soaked.
  22. A few may have brain damage now.
  23. Good job bro.
  24. I learned on that river . notty requires a lot of skill and devotion spring is not always the best time to be on the notty she gets down right dirty. bigger roe bags hand tied under a float or bounced on bottom 4 inch pink worms are also good. look for something that looks like it would interfere with the migration of these fish and fish with that vicinity. the notty is a huge river and for the most part nothing to stop the fish from pushing through they blast through and you wouldn't even know. find rapids or fallen logs are your best bet. good luck.
  25. Last time I saw Josh he was developing a red stripe down his side, his checks were already red. Yea he spends a lot of time on the water he’s becoming a steelhead himself.
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