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Everything posted by silvio

  1. Fish don’t matter when your with good company. Wtg boys on getting out and having fun even though the fish didn't want to.
  2. Lol that sucks!!!
  3. And the burn continues lol... good job bud.
  4. Trib is always packed. And that fish is no droppy its really fresh and its gut hasn't dropped yet.
  5. The best break during the school year for me has to be march break. This break for me means one thing and one thing only steelhead. Apparently Berge (BBNOTTY) is on march break too lol in less then a week he’s taken two days off work lol. So my day started with a mild heart attack when my alarm went off and I proceeded to turn it off role over and fall back into a deep sleep. Luckily I got a mother who didn’t want to hear my complain all day so she barged into my room a quarter after five to tell me to wake up lol. Scared Berge had already come and gone I rushed to call him… after scaring the crap out of me he says “naw man all be there in 10 minutes“. so I grab my gear load it up in the steelie mobile and take off for the tribs. Lately on the way to the tribs we’ve been tying roe in the cars (which my mom freaked out when she found out lol) so after 100 roe bags we were finally in heaven. We suited up greased the shoulders and elbows and proceeded to clam position lol. Not even minutes in Berge smashes a nice steelhead. I followed with a freshly hatched steelhead it was so small but a sign of good things to come. Lots of these guy/girls around (always a good sign) Then I managed to shook both Berge and myself with this spring brown that was as chrome as a steelhead. Then Berge decided to hook into this screamer literally this fish took off and wouldn’t stop. With a bit of time and patients the fish was subdued. Nice fish bud what a fight. Fishing died down and with time ticking away we went on the search for some steel. We arrived at a trib we did well at a week before to see about 5 guys fishing the first pool. We suit up and head down. I see a face I’ve seen before. With some hardcore staring I realized it was MJL. We talked a bit and I told him id show him some water I knew of on the creek. We went walking and got to a nice spot were Berge got a spunky fish. Shortly after MJL got this little bullet. All in all it was a great day to be out with great company. It was nice meeting you MJL I am sure well share a few drifts in the near future plus you owe me a fish.
  6. Hey everyone I am going to go up to my cottage in wasaga beach tomorrow afternoon and was hoping to get out fishing on the sydenham and pottawatomi Friday morning. This will be a new experience for me as I have never fished them before. I have gone over the regs and no the limits of the rivers. My biggest concern is the water I should concentrate on I’ve heard of fishing the harbour wall on the sydenham and apparently pottawatomi can be good. anyways any advice/ experiences would be much appreciated. thanks in advance.
  7. Enjoy bud sounds like a once in a lifetime opportunity.
  8. Shimano symetre, or a shimano stradic. If you got a low budget diawa regal or shimano sedona. I would go with size 1500, 2000, or 2500 tops depending on the size of the rivers you will be fishing mostly.
  9. Clear
  10. Thanks Bly I dont think all ever forget that fish. Stan my brother let me know what your doing this weekend. I am heading out tomo most likely for a bit before they blow out if you want to join me the offers there bud.
  11. I remember the first fish I caught on a pinkie... it hit so hard I almost soiled myself. the float didn't even drop i felt the hit through my line. Eh Dave the LAZYYYYYYYYYYYYYY pinkies.
  12. I was at bps and didn't see them.. where were they? I need about 10 packs.
  13. Wow Mike pure jealousy... Bill, Dave's right want to sell that diesel lol.
  14. Good job bud.
  15. Good job boys.
  16. Hey Dave we need to talk tonight so we can get out one day this week after your done work. I am going north for a few days of northern steel since I am on march break. This weekend should be fun hopefully we rail them lol.
  17. Old mill park on the humber river, should be soon. I get them on steelhead jig lol but roe bags work amazing. one day I got like 100 in a few hours and they were 2-5 pounds lol. They make for some funny steelhead trip with your buddies... fish on o man its a big one.. then you get a look at what it really is. remember that you cant fish the dam its a sanctuary just fish under the stone bridge at the park plenty to be had when they come up soon. enjoy
  18. Wtg cliff Its been a pleasure to watch you go from your first steelie to consistently being on fish. keep up the great work.
  19. Nice fish.
  20. Hey mike put it up against my rod and measured at home it came in at 37 inches. I was impressed with myself to say the least. It was nice to meet you as well Paul hopefully we can share a few drifts in the near future. Hey cliff I am happy my wrist healed well but it gives me a ton of problems while out on the tribs hopefully I can find something to help. We were on the same trib yesterday Dave told me he saw you were going to have to meet up soon and put faces to our names. Thanks everyone for the nice comments.
  21. LOL I know.
  22. Its been a few good days of steelheading. Friday I decided to start march break early and head out steelheading with Berge. We talked the night before and agreed to fish a river I’ve never fished and that he hasn’t in a very long time. I woke up at 4:30am packed my truck and was off to grab Berge. After the hour and half drive we were there but not pleased. The river was flowing thick slush, we decided to try anyways. It was hard to get your setup in slush pockets the size of basketballs but when we did we were rewarded. All fish that we got at this river handed us are . After a few hours the slush had backed up over the spot so we packet it in and left to explore. We went to 2 other rivers with no luck. It was getting late in the day and we had time for one last river. We talked it out and decided to hit up a river that left us with a sour taste in our mouth last time we were there. We got to the river headed down and it wasn't long before Berge got one. I had forgotten the net so I was forced to go waist deep in water trying to land his fish, after a few grabs of the tail she finally spit the hook. I got back onto the bank and started drifting. Within a few drifts I had one on and managed to land it. Berge was up next with this one I followed with this Me trying to land a fish. After these fish we lost 2 more it was getting late so we called it a day. With the good fishing we decided to head out again Saturday. We got to the same first river Saturday that we did Friday. The slush had cleared a lot which looked promising. I set up and it wasn’t long I found myself yelling FISH ON followed by coming down…way down … way way way down… followed by a few chosen words when she broke me off. Needless to say I had a great day hooking but not so much landing going 2 for 10. Although the landing ratio was pour I made up for it by landing this pig, hog, cow, whale, anything else you want to call it. We headed out today hoping for another good day but it wasn’t meant to be. I went 0 for 1 Dave got a few shakers along with Berge. I will never forget this fish, and Berge’s beautiful net job.
  23. Icefisherman if you don’t mind me asking how you access the ice from sibbalds point? is it from the provincial park? if so do you need to pay? thanks bud.
  24. Thanks again everyone. All call him soon and see what deal can be made.
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