Nothing wrong his religious segments of the show. honestly if your going to get heated up about a little religious talk then don’t watch the show. one day there will come a time when your in despite need of help, and someone you need to turn to, to give you hope.
Now weather its Buddha, Jesus, Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu or any others it doesn't matter. I had to sit through a world religion class last semester and learn about every religion in the world and I was not offended at all, I found it interesting.
And if Christians are annoying at times then what are Jehovah witness that ring my door bell Sunday morning and give me a brochure in every language possible? in the end there just expressing what they believe in and that’s all.
If your going to get heated up over a little religious talk then you got to much time on your hands, its one thing not to agree or like it but to get mad over it is ridiculous.