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Everything posted by evster

  1. Great report Charles. Nothing like kids catching fish!
  2. Looks very peaceful, must have been a nice sight.
  3. Just want to give an update in case anyone comes across this in the future... I called around to a ton of places and most of them either told me trailer tires don't need to be balanced (and they don't do them) or they just simply won't balance them for my. I was pretty surprised and disappointed. Well don't let them ever tell you trailer tires don't need to be balanced!!! I finally found a shop that would do it for me, a bit of a drive but worth it. They were extremely out of balance, one tire took about 4 ounces and the other tire took about 3 ounces. Most weight I have ever seen on a tire. Anyway, after getting that done the vibration stopped and the trailer is pulling perfectly. Thanks for the input! Evan
  4. I will have to check it again tomorrow, but i'm pretty sure it wouldn't budge left or right or up and down, but it did give a little if I pushed it straight towards the trailer. Does this indicate that new bearings are needed? It was rolling fine two weeks ago before the one tire went flat, do I maybe not have it on tight enough?
  5. So I finally found some trailer tires and new rims for my boat trailer. Its just a light trailer with a 14 footer on it. I changed the tires out today and took it for a spin but I am getting lots of vibration when i'm at about 50 km/h. I didn't push it past that to see if the vibration stops. My question is, has anyone else experienced this? Do I need to have the new tires balanced? I only took it around the block and didn't want to go much further since it was vibrating. I jacked it up and both tires spin easily. I will probably change the bearings this week as well, could that cause it? Any help is much appreciated!
  6. evster


    My wife just got back from a trip over to Scotland, she went visiting friends. She has just finished her masters degree so it was her treat...I had to stay home . When I saw her pictures I have to say i'm pretty jealous. This place looks beautiful! I thought i'd share some of them with you.
  7. Thanks guys! I will try checking out those places and call around to some trailer shops in the area.
  8. I have a small little boat trailer which carries a barebones 14 foot aluminum boat and a 9.9 motor. So not much weight. The tires on the thing right now are 5.20 - 10. I want to replace them both, one is completely flat and the other one should probably be replaced as well. I'd also like to replace the rims. Problem is, I have checked both princess auto, canadian tire and another trailer part shop and none of them carry 10 inch rims and tires. Its either 8 or 12. First off, does anyone know of a place that might carry 10 inch 4 bolt rims and tires? Second, should I be able to get away with an 8 inch rim? The tire is only about an inch and a half from the fender so I don't think the 12 inch will be an option. Any input is much appreciated.
  9. Great shots Brandon. That would have been cool to see. I really like the 3rd one down.
  10. Good shots Dave, looks like you had fun!
  11. Yep, we were the V hull one. We went past when that jon boat was trying to get going, then turned around and went back past a few minutes later. Thats a pretty long boat ride and we were lucky we made it all the way back. We forgot to check the fuel level before going on the adventure and ran the tank dry. Must have been running on fumes when we put it on the trailer.
  12. If you were fishing where I think you were I might have cruised past you. Do you remember seeing a camo 14 foot tinny with a bowmount on it go cruising by? We were scouting out spots along the river coming from Wellandport down.
  13. Agreed, it was a great show. If anyone can make it to the remaining shows I would strongly suggest it, you'll have a good time.
  14. I'll be there tonight!
  15. Great shots, looks like alot of fun.
  16. The other night my wife and I went for a walk along the Grand. Still pretty dull out, not too much colour yet, but I have been loving the nicer weather. This one was pretty cool, it shows a good contrast between the evergreens on one shore and the bare deciduous trees on the other. There are lots of ducks and geese pairing up out there as well, pretty soon we'll have lots of little ones waddling around. It is always a bit sad to see that people don't have the same respect for nature as most of us, and just use it as a place to dump their trash...
  17. Great shots!
  18. I also use the Nautilus charger. I bought it when it was on sale. I tried a cheapo trickle charger that didn't seem to work but the Nautilus did the job for my last year. Also, you can take the battery in to Canadian Tire and they'll charge it and test it for you. I have the same battery and one time it seemed to not be charging up so i took it to CT and they charged it and tested it and it came back fine and since then has charged without a hitch.
  19. Great shots Brandon!
  20. I have a 30 lb thrust bowmount on my 14 footer and it goes good enough for me. Mind you I only use the electric as my main motor on small lakes. What I find more annoying is that the slowest speed isn't slow enough!!!! Constantly having to just turn it on and off real quick to crawl along rather than having it on constant and just crawling, it goes too fast. Try the 30lb out and if its not enough for you then maybe think about getting something else, but I think it'll be fine.
  21. I saw what I think was a bald eagle last year in Turkey Point on Lake Erie. It flew overhead just at the tops of the trees, probably 15 meters up, carrying a fish. What a big powerful bird.
  22. Personally I think that's a good choice. Then you can use your lenses, and I have heard the D90 is awesome.
  23. I'm not a pro...but I will still chime in on this . I think it would be a good idea to go with a Nikon to make use of your lenses for sure. The one caution I have for you though is that some of the older lenses will work no problem on the D40...just not the autofocus. What model are your lenses? Usually there are some letters on the lense as well. I'm guessing the 28-200 is a G lense which will only autofocus if the body has an focusing motor, which the D40/D60 do not. You'd have to go up to the D80/D90 or higher for that. The other option is to just go with whatever camera feels more comfortable to you and sell the lenses to help offset the cost....if you choose this route shoot me a PM . P.S. I just recently got a Nikon D80 and am loving it. I'm sure no matter what DSLR you get you will love it.
  24. You're so lucky to have parks that look like that near by!!! Good shots!
  25. Great sunset shots! The first one is awesome!
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