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Everything posted by wask

  1. ONce upon a time I had one of these for the Kawarthas and the Ptbo area. Any idea where I can get one now? I lost mine somehow... thanks
  2. Doh - repost.
  3. My understanding is that you will. It really makes sense to get it from what I've read. If you have it before the 15th, you have it for life. After the 15th and you have to renew every so often. I am studying for mine now.
  4. Long read... apologize in advance. Ok, so I know there are some other things I need for this boat, which I wasn't really thinking when I bought it (not that it mattered). I'm just used to using someone else's boat and not being responsible for the little things since they are already there. I'm cheap, so the boat was cheap and I want the equipment to be cheap, I can't help it. Have a couple more questions for those of you experienced in the ways of small fishing boats.... Life Jackets I know I have to have one per passenger in the boat, the question is, does type of lifejacket really matter? I saw on Wal-Mart's website they have the generic 'keyhole' life jackets for like $9 or something. Seems like a good deal but this isn't an area where i want to be so cheap its not safe. The zipper jackets seem like overkill Do those of you using boats this small (12 ft. 3HP) really wear your life jackets on the water, or just have them for safety's sake? Oars I was going to get a set of Oars and oar locks just in case. I plan on doing some solo fishing in this boat and figured this makes sense. Is this overkill? I just think it would suck to get out in the middle of any lake and have the motor die and have one paddle to get me back to the truck. Is $30/ ea. the cheapest Oars around? (CDN Tire) What Else do I need? Trying to make this as painless as possible, nothing worse than not having something out on the water. I know I need a bailing device, whistle and whatever comes in that kit at Canadian Tire for 9.99... I need an anchor and some rope obviously. Anything else I need to have in the boat? What sort of waterproof box or containers do you keep on your boat for wallets and cell phones? I don't usually even take them, just curious... Bare bones operation for me, just want to get out on water and fish, but need to make sure I'm prepared.
  5. Cool, thanks for the suggestions guys. I guess I could always go diving in a lake looking for one too... haha. Thanks again.
  6. Those are probably from the 70s/ early 80s. Pre-Pradco for sure. Arbogast was bought by Heddon in the early 80s (I think). You can tell the different since all of the companies (Bomber, Heddon, Arbogast, ect.) were bought by Pradco in the late 80s or early 90s. Sorry my dates aren't really exact. I used to collect lures heavily (ask my wife, she'll tell you, haha). You can tell the age of the bug by the hardware I think, but both of those are very common patterns. The olds bugs seem to be more valuable as a fishing lure than a collector because of the quality they were made with. Ive broken two of the newer ones that just came off the shelf. They're crap. If anyone has any antique lure questions, I can answer them or am friends with folks who can.
  7. What size/ weight anchor do I need for a 12 foot aluminum boat just doing some pretty calm small lake fishing? I've just never paid attention to the ones I've used in other peoples boats. Thanks in advance.
  8. I flipped one last week with all of my gear in it. Shallow water thankfully but still a pain. I celebrated by buying an aluminum boat this week. I'm done with the canoe.
  9. So, I stopped by Canadian Tire on the way home and picked up the outboard oil that I needed to mix and a gas can. Got two gallons, mixed in my 1/3 of a pint twice... Pulled the cover off and cleaned the crud out and also pulled the plugs and took a look. Eveything looked even better than expected (this motor looks mint on the outside and its 46 years old). Put it in the trashcan full of water, fiddled with the choke a little then realized the gas valve wasn't open all the way. The second full pull after I got the settings right it roared to life and purred like the kitten (or mountain lion) it was meant to be. Everything looks great on it now, think it will be a great investment. Thanks for all of the help guys and giving me the guts to just start it up in the old trash can.
  10. Yeah, on the motor itself it gives the ratio, it says 1/2 pint for every gallon of gas, whatever that works out to.
  11. Can I get that sea foam stuff there as well?
  12. Is there a type of lower unit lube better than the other? I assume whatever I buy at CDN Tire is as good as any... is that a correct assumption? (Sorry to be such a noob about all of this) Thanks for the help.
  13. Should I also check the lubricant in the lower unit, or is that something that should be OK?
  14. So - can I just fill up a trash can with water, bolt it to the side and give it a rip?
  15. Warehouse 13 - http://www.syfy.com/warehouse13/
  16. Hey guys, I'm looking at buying a 63 Johnson 3 HP outboard. Put a deposit down on it so i could take it and have it checked out. Hasn't been run in a 'few years'. Owner said probably 2 or 3 max, last time it ran it ran well he said. So... I need somewhere in Peterborough to give it a once over. I've never owned one of these and instead of taking a chance on starting it and seizing it up, I'd rather just pay someone a half hours labour to do it. Is there anyone in Peterborough that is reputable and won't soak me on it. Paris Marine is just up Lakefield road... any thoughts? Thanks Wask
  17. I had a 94 Ranger that I towed an 1978 15 foot (or 18 ft. can't remember) with from Georgia to West Virginia through the mountains and used the same truck to dump it in several lakes (including Chemong) for a couple of years. I was 4.0L, 2WD and I only ever had problem on one ramp that was remote and rarely used. It was concrete but had a ton of algae and vegetation on it but I made it out after some spinning. I was running Bridgestone Duelers, which were dogs and I hated them. I think if you have a 2wd and some BFG AT K/Os which I had on at the end, you would have zero problem.
  18. Hey guys, going to a cottage on Rosseau Lake tomorrow in the Muskokas, anyone fished it or a simliar lake in the area lately? Any info is great... Thanks Matt
  19. Getting ready to buy a boat, and am going to need the license it looks like. it looks like it is $50 online, and I think I saw it for 44.95 as well... Couldn't find it on an Ontario govt site, so I wasnt sure... who is the keeper of the answers on this one? Thanks in advance!
  20. It's in Omemee, between Lindsay and Peterborough.
  21. Throwing smaller spinners and texas rigged softplastics have always done well for me there. Remember, the closer you get to the stumps, the better off you are. Even if you are clicking against the stumps on the retrieve. There have to be some huge bass in there, although I've never caught anything too big there myself... (True on the introduction as well)
  22. I have been eying Long Lake for quite a while as it borders on crown land and i was hoping to put together a camping trip for my youth group there. I didn't want to do canoeing back in there sight unseen, so I rented a boat and gave it a shot. Sorry, only a solo trip, so no pics on this one. It is a deep, clear lake that is stony. In fact, if the cottages were nicer, I would have sworn it was Stony. The difference that I can tell in my limited experience on Stony is that this lake appears to be much much deeper on average. The average depth is 20 feet with some spots over 100 feet according to the guy that maintins the ramp and cottages/ campground. The water was really clear as well. I started out around 9am and finished until around 530 (weird rental times). Great day. I caught probably 40 bass in all, the majority in the ten inch range, but I landed three 3+ largemouth and one really nice 4lb smallie that was like catching a mac truck. This is really a great lake, no HP restrictions and it appears little traffic on it as well. I only saw one other boat all day long. It isn't a huge lake, but there are lots of bass in it apparently. The guys told me there were trout in there too. I guess with the water depth what it is that is possible. I did see several canoers on the lake. You can portage to any number of other lakes from long lake if that is your game. If anyone is looking for directions or anything, let me know. It's worth the drive, it was a great day. Once again, sorry for the lack of pics on this one...
  23. Wow. Awesome. Monday can't come soon enough!
  24. wask


    I find the senkos and the slug-gos are actually very different baits. The principal is the same as far as being a stick bait, but they are very different.
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