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Everything posted by wask

  1. wask


    I have been fishing them for ten years now, I got my boat (that I don't have any more) from one of yamamatos pros in Georgia. he gave me a couple of packs of them when I picked up the boat. I haven't had as much success with anything else. They catch fish in any situation it seems. Crazy. The attraction is not only the wiggle as they fall, which is really cool, but it is also the fact that they fall horizontally instead of vertically. Some other baits do this, but the senko type baits all fall the best this way. I find the ones that aren't real senkos to be good though. I have been fishing tiki sticks with the same success as senkos for the last year. I buy them for 2.88/ per package at walmart in the US. I do keep a couple packs of the original around too though and fish with them too, just sparingly. The original Yamamatos are sort of fragile I find though, one or two fish and they are done. The other brands are a lot tougher and seem to catch more fish before you have to change the bait because it is destroyed. They are a great bait and very versitile. Once you try them, you'll always have them handy... Good luck!
  2. I'll start with a texas rigged shad colored senko... what about you?
  3. Wow, that is weird. That is an awesome pic though. thanks!
  4. I have an 04 F150 XCab 2wd with a 4.6. Great motor and have had no issues with it towing. Have towed a couple of heavy trailers moving stuff for people, as well as several 1 ton loads of gravel/ stone (yeah, I realize it is a half ton truck) and haven't had any issue. Sort of gutless off the line, but it will pull your boat with no issue at all Im sure. What year is the truck?
  5. Im actually from West Virginia... going there to visit ma and pa. (I go to Buffalo, across 90 to Celeveland, then down 77 to Ripley) Are you in Weston?
  6. I know someone did it recently without much hassle... I'll be back in WV around the 4th of July and was thinking of picking up a boat down that way and bringing it back. Anyone have any advice? Mainly concerned about what paperwork is needed as well as costs to bring it over... thanks!
  7. wask

    Stony Report

    Awesome report, I have only fished Stony once, but it was great. Keep up the good work! Are you sure it was a Cottonmouth, in Ontario?? That would be crazy!
  8. Ok, so I read the instructions and did some reasearch and figured it all out. Fueled up the lantern with COlemand Fuel and it works like a charm.. thanks for the info guys...
  9. So I bought this lantern at a yard sale along with a propane stove and some tackle boxes today and got a good deal. I pulled the lantern about of the box because I wanted to pick up some fuel for it. I read the directions and it says Coleman Fuel or Unleaded Gas??!?? Grant it, it is an old one, and obviously this is the first lantern I have ever purchased, and I thought it was a good deal. The ones I have used in the past were propane, you just screw on the propane cannister and do it that way. This one you have to add fuel to the base. So my question is... is this a safe lantern, or should I just ditch it for a propane one?/ Thanks for the input and answer to this obviously noob question...
  10. Man, you guys are going to get stomped in Morgantown this fall... Let's go Mountaineers! <br><br> Sorry, couldn't resist.<br><br> <img src="http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o171/wvwask/WVUseal.jpg?t=1181327848">
  11. Congrats! Where do you go to scool, U of L?
  12. Still feels way too late, but sonner is better so I guess we cannot complain!
  13. What is a tripper??
  14. Wow, we always packed our water in, although we weren't doing any serious hiking I guess. Those drops really work? Thats crazy, you learn something new every day.
  15. This is the part where I chime in with how retarded I am. I forgot I bought that backroads mapbook for that area! Thanks for the reminder...
  16. I have been looking for that, not sure how I missed it. They showed it to me at the MNR last year and I haven't been able to find it since.
  17. Yeah man, I agree. I haven't done any camping here, but did when I was in West Virginia and trash and crap left behind is by far the worst part of it all. Where do you pick up the books, the MNR??
  18. Wow. That is incredible. Congrats on the awesome trip.
  19. Only 21 days!????!???!? haha. I'll be lucky to get two days. Thanks for the info.
  20. I was thinking of doing some canoeing, fishing, camping up aorund Apsley on what I understand is a huge parcel of "Crown Land". I understand it is land anyone can use, right? Also, what are the camping, fishing and canoeing restrictions on it? I realize I might have to check with the MNR on this one, but any insight is useful... Thanks! Matt
  21. Wow! Congrats, fantastic weekend on the lakes!
  22. When I was single, I would fish 3-5 times per week. Come home from work, back up to the boat, change clothes and grab a sandwich and gone for the evening. Then I got married and moved to Canada, and didn't fish much the first three years (living in the kawarthas!), even sold me boat (like an idiot). Now I am doing a lot of fishing, once a week anyway. That is a lot compared to the first few years of marriage. I was really busy working two jobs when I first moved up here and lots was going on. Im not sure things have slowed down, but I have learned how to manage everything and still get out and at least make an attempt to catch some fish. Still haven't reaplaced the boat yet though!
  23. My understanding is that Rebel makes one that I woudl assume is still in production that is like a crankbait. Otherwise, there are soft plastics available for jigging I have seen online. Its not made anymore, but the company that Made Al's Goldfish made a metal spoon with red eyes in Helgrammite shape called Al's Helgy as I recall. I have one somewhere I am going to tie on this weekend...
  24. Hey guys, Im new here, and just wanted to chime in with how great this board is. Lots of great info and lots of people posting. Plus, the board format is really great too, a true community format. Thanks to the mods and whoever created it!
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