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Everything posted by BUSTER

  1. So fathers day is better? General canvass and throwing say 2-4 dates to narrow it down would have been nice, look at the amount of members that are not able to attend. It works for other gatherings in the fall and winter, but what do I know.
  2. Of course it is, we aren't asked for a vote , they tell us when it is.
  3. That's going to be awesome
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kx6FV2qR2TY&feature=related
  5. http://www.gps-practice-and-fun.com/gps-pet-tracking.html
  6. Oh I remember watching 3M videos on you tube.
  7. I bought it at the Auto body supply shop(Guelph), Maybe ask a local body shop who they order their products from in your area. get some 800,1000,1200 wet paper buy it at CTC or home hardware,I ran down to sears and picked up a craftsman buffer,then bought the buffer pads at body shop.
  8. This was a test spot when I first started, right is done once really quick then buffed and the left side of pic was sun beaten rough to the touch, felt like sandpaper.
  9. I'll add pics in a minute, mine was 10 times worse than your boat, mine was very rough to the touch now is smooth as a waxed buick. I used 3M Perfect It Rubbing Compound # 05973 and 3M Final Glaze # 06066 and then gel coat polish to seal it. After wet sanding.
  10. Quick wet sand with 800 then 1000, finish with buffer and polish. done, Blow your mind how easy it is.
  11. oh and use email dont give your house number out until your sure , you'll get a ton of phone calls from idiots asking questions , for instance I was selling a blue bike and had someone ask what color it was....second ask 20% higher price than you really want, expect low balls, I ALWAYS offer 20% less than asking price, you'd be surprised the people that say ok sure come get it.
  12. I just open 2 windows logging to kijiji on both and copy paste my old add to a new one once a wk and it'll go back to the top..but if someone is looking for a specific item say ice auger I choose the ontario button and then search ice auger and it'll bring all them up at once so in that case it don't matter is an item was on pg 100 or page 1..
  13. BUSTER

    I won!

    Did you buy your lotto tickets?
  14. Wow biggest ever and a tsunami....
  15. not going
  16. Places like this fine fishing board draw an awful lot of traffic, both registered as well as guests... and as more and more people view Nip as a less than desirable location, due to overwhelming fishing pressure, Nip will not their destination of choice......... So as word of mouth travels over the years that nip fishing isn't that good ,less people would be heading to Nip resulting in less pressure on the lake ,With a final result that the fishing would then increase? Maybe you guys should keep telling everyone the fishing sucks so less and less head out on Nip. In 20 yrs it'll be a gold mine.
  17. Nice rig.. Pray for gas price to remain low.
  18. I'll be adopting the American second amendment quickly if needed. I'm not stocked with 3k ammo but maybe I should start adding more to the safe.
  19. 5......4.......3........2........1.........
  20. ummmmmm, funny how mine gets deleted for saying pretty much the same thing,,I personally witnessed a cooler stuffed soo full of clear plastic wrap fillets that it barely closed traded for 180 bucks worth of something.......
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