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Everything posted by BUSTER



    Thanks for the tip


    Oh yes, Lloyd. I've went out with him before, must have been 10yrs ago. lol Thanks Terry


    Are charters still running in Bay of Quinte for eyes? and if so until when. I did a quick topic search here didnt find much, Figured be easier to just ask Thanks Folks.
  4. KKK long shaft propeller Google or Youtube
  5. Savage model 24....look it up
  6. ScreenShbmpot291. Firearms Big game, including moose, may only be hunted with a firearm (this includes bows). When hunting moose, you may only use or carry a firearm of the type (rifle, shotgun, bow or muzzle-loading gun) permitted for hunting moose at that time in that Wildlife Management Unit (WMU). For example, when hunting moose during a bows-only season, you may use or carry only bow hunting equipment; you may not carry a rifle or shotgun for hunting other species. Specifications on the firearms, bows, bolts and arrows that are permitted when hunting moose are found on page 24.
  7. Nobody will buy weed at $15/gram from LCBO
  8. Off to Jamaica for X_mas Dec 22-29th..Ya Mon.

    1. irishfield


      Hey Brad have you been told lately... Have fun... keep you hands in your pockets and don't go out after dark! ;)


  9. WinterNet

    1. irishfield


      Knew you must have come back for something!! LOL


  10. I thought there would be a "LIKE" button by now on this forum.
  11. Right on Mike ...Super happy for ya.
  12. Tin Foil from a pk of smokes wrapped on a single hook with a sinker....Waiting at boat launch for a friend on a River the water was moving at a good pace, casted out left it in the current. BAM..reeled in a nice little hammer handle. First and last time I ever tried that.
  13. Specially nice guys like you Mikey!
  14. Anyone Follow Top50

  15. Eating a peanut butter jam samich...classic

  16. My condolences to the families...Sad
  17. Kickingfrog still kicking with fresh News!
  18. Good read.
  19. I buy MY milk from Creemore too,....mine is Amber in color tho
  20. Nice catch,,I've yet to bag One.
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