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Everything posted by Stoty

  1. Dang! There are some really nice fish there. Beautiful colours. I wish I lived closer to Niagara! I might have to head out this weekend to try some local tribs. I'm itchin to get fishin!
  2. Agreed!!!! My truck got broken into last year and over $2,500 worth of electronics and tools were taken.... I wish I had ANY piece of info at all, that would help me and my Louisville take care of business! Glad to hear that they found your car, and it wasn't smashed up! Hopefully things will get settled for you. After all, this is why we have insurance!
  3. I am in the same boat as you. Where do you go to sign up? How are the teams picked?
  4. You can change the picture by going into he System Preferences, then to the Desktop & Screensaver panel.
  5. HAHAHA, that so funny! I need that machine, because my teacup maltese will pretty much only play with her ball!
  6. Truck = heavy Ice = unpredictable With those two things put together, yes you're right I lack experience in taking my truck on the ice because I have NEVER done it, nor will I ever. It goes to show you that it doesn't matter if the ice is 8" thick or 22" thick. Its a risk no matter what. And to catch some whitefish, isn't worth the damage to myself or my truck. This is a forum, which is pretty much based on people's opinions. In my opinion, its not worth the risk of taking a vehicle onto the lake. You opinion might vary from mine, but that doesn't mean its wrong.
  7. Future Shop. I am aware it was a clearance sale. And like I have said a few times before, I did call ahead and check the online stock at multiple stores. Even though I called, and checked online, they didnt have any stock when I got to the store. And I was there the Friday night (after the prices are in effect, and before the sale starts) Why advertise that you have augers on sale, when you dont have any in stock???
  8. I don't recommend driving a truck on there.....
  9. I agree with the small boats on Lake Ontario. I just find it hard to believe when people take risks like these just to catch some fish. To me, its not worth the risk (physically or financially).
  10. Thats brutal Jerry. Unbelievable that a multi billion dollar corporation is being run like this. You think with the money, they would be able to: 1) Train staff properly 2) Actually HAVE the items they are advertising as being on sale.
  12. lets start the bidding at $100
  13. I think its more of the issue of it being so preventable.
  14. I am interested in the auger, but I am in Pickering. I wont be anywhere near Peterborough this weekend.
  15. Cliff, I am quite clear on the difference between them. No matter how you look at it.....(in my opinion) if your willing to take a vehicle out on the ice, you better be willing to lose it as well!
  16. Hey Cranks Bait, I am looking for the 6" folding hang auger. Regular $70ish, on for half price. If you could grab one, that would be fantastic! I am not sure how I would get it from you though.
  17. Thanks Barnie, but I wont waste my time with CRAPPY tire anymore. They need to hire staff that actually know what they are doing, or get a new computer system. The computer system showed them being "In Stock" at a bunch of places. NONE had them. I even had someone call the CT warehouse to check if they had any, and NOPE. What a joke.
  18. Glad everyone is OK, but I agree, I would never bring my truck out on the ice no matter how thick the ice was. In my opinion, if you take a truck on the ice, and it falls through, its no-ones fault but your own. Its hard to sympathize over that.
  19. I was talking about the hand auger. No one had it in, even though their computer systems said they did. They look for it for 45 mins. Its a joke that they advertise things for sale, but dont have them.
  20. What a joke Canadian Tire is. Went to the Brock road store after work tonight, to check out the sale items they had. Or, were SUPPOSED to have. After wait in the store for 45 mins while they searched, the manager came to me just to tell me that they had none. He checked all the surrounding stores all the way to Cobourg, and NO ONE had it. How can you have a sale on items you DONT have?? Thats 45 mins of my life I will never get back!
  21. ahh crap...i thought a $ $ woldnt get filtered! darn, that just took away the funny-ness! lol
  22. that machine "kick donkey"
  23. I called again today, hoping to get a different person, which I did, and he was more than helpful. He said the Brock Road store doesnt have any huts on sale, so if you were planning to go there Saturday morning to get one, dont waste your time.
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