Hey man,
If your going to be around the West end of the lake here are some tips:
Stoney Lake - fish are relating to the rocks more, so crankbaits are you best bet (8-15 feet of water)
Clear Lake - fish are relating to weedbeds more, so jigs are better (6-12 feet of water).
When using crankbaits MAKE SURE you bump the bait off the rocks, andthen pause....
When flipping weedbeds in Clear, flip your jig out about 15 feet from the boat, let it sink to the bottom. SNAP the jig 2-3 feet off bottom, and let if fall back to the bottom. Pause, repeat. The fish seem to be quite aggressive and give the jig a good thump. (at least the past 2 weekend they have been) When in doubt, set the hook.
Hope this helps!