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Everything posted by Stoty

  1. Hey all, My buddy and I do an annual trip every year and for the past few years we have gone to the same lake, but the fishing has declined quite a bit. Lots of fish, but NO size at all. Our biggest fish was a 2lb 1oz bass. That lake has Pike and Bass but all the Pike caught were literally under 2 lb's. So this year we want to change locations and try somewhere new for a weekend. What we want to do is find a new lake, that you can camp anywhere on the lake (crown land) that hold good sized Bass and Pike. Anyone have any ideas or locations? Thanks in advance! *Stoty
  2. No worries. Before you head to Stoney let me know, and I will hook you up with some maps/spots.
  3. Nice fish! I have done pretty well for eyes on Stoney so far. Hitting Stoney up again in the morning, to see if I can keep the streak alive! Snap jigging in the weeds seems to be the trick.
  4. I think he is talking about the Algonquin "Crotch Lake" when he said lakers.
  5. I wouldnt be as worried about killing the car, as I would be with killing myself! Dont want to drop that on your foot!
  6. Hahaha, I was thinking the same thing.
  7. Two words....... CHUG BUG!
  8. Its not a dive when you get a left hook to the chin while the guy comes up from behind you. Sykora leaned and an hit him with his shoulder. No need for that. Osgood might have embellished a bit, but there was no need for him to lean into Osgood at all. LOL, playoff hockey isnt running goalies, and blind-side punching people in the head. Its playing hard and tough, not cheap and stupid. Then again, the Pens are actually playing a decent team (and getting dominated) so they dont know how to handle it. I agree that Roberts plays with a lot of heart, but he isnt using his head. He was looking for crap all game long. I guess he is still ticked about being a healthy scratch. Pittsburgh's season is tomorrow night. If they win, they MIGHT make a series of it...if not...thanks for coming out. Either way, I cant see them winning 4 of the next 6 games. P.S - Is that Crosby kid even playing? How about his buddy Malkin?
  9. Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Another shutout!! Very classy third period from the Penguins........ Roberts with the blind-side punch to the head of Franzen....(who just returned from a concussion) Sykora running Osgood with a minute left. Roberts goes after Datsyuk. Hey Gary....be careful you dont break a hip, you old man!
  10. And that makes the scoreless Penguins what exactly? 2-0 heading into the third!! woooo
  11. Just because they dont make them in your size, doesnt mean you should insult others!
  12. And which team would that be...????
  13. That a boy! Keep adding those inches up for Team 9!!!
  14. Nice report dude! Congrats on breaking into the trout scene. Warning - it WILL get addictive! Algonquin this week...MUST BE NICE!! I just scheduled a trip for August, but I wish it was this week! haha. Looking forward to your report!
  15. Pretty funny, but it was posted on here last week...
  16. Pittsburgh better show up tonight, or else they might be in trouble. I didnt get to see the game Saturday, but from the highlights I saw, they were totally dominated. Det even had yet another goal called back for "apparent" goalie interference. What a bunch of crap the refs are this season. Lets hope they dont ruin the series like they have a few times this year. Gonna be a great game tonight I reckon.
  17. 4-0 woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  18. Thanks for all the reply's everyone. I will check them all out!
  19. Does anyone know where I can have custom Tournament shirts made up?
  20. AMEN BROTHER! At least your getting something out of your money, and not peeing it away or doing damage to your body!
  22. Well said Scott. There are "bad apples" in all walks of life, so to generalize isnt right/fair. (I am a native, and wouldnt appreciate being labeled as a spear fisherman who ruins the fisheries and blocks the highways!!)
  23. Since it was mentioned in the opening post....here she is again....
  24. This is what you should pick up...they are available at pretty much any tackle store (Wal-mart, Canadian Tire included)
  25. Jig head had the weight built right into it. Jigheads are pretty cheap, so I recommend getting a bunch of different sizes to suit the conditions. (If its windy, go with a heavier jighead, etc)
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