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Everything posted by fatherof3

  1. looks like a good time,congrats on the fish
  2. I was reading over the Record article noticed a couple of things.They mention certain parts of the river(Cambridge,Dunnville)not the entire river.Secondly,the data in the article was last collected in 2005,pretty much three years ago(it is at the bottom of the article).I am not saying the river is clean but I don't think it is as bad as people still think.I have lived in areas along the river for my entire 35 years and my father has for his almost 70 years and the river is greatly improved.It still has a way to go but they are working on it.I could be wrong but are trout not very sensitive to water conditions?I wonder because they can be found anywhere in the river.I just think people need to get rid of the old mentality that the Grand River is nothing more than a toilet.Have heard that one ever since I can remember.Gerritt,I did a quick search this morning but if you know of sites with more recent info I would be interested in reading them as this is my main fishing river.
  3. good way to spend a night,congrats
  4. that really sucks,hope it somehow works out for ya
  5. great shots,the stream ones and the lit up beach are awesome.
  6. looks like a good day,congrats on the mixed bag of fish
  7. welcome to the board and look forward to posts
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